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The missing vowels /283

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The missing vowels /283
Message de marit64 posté le 28-11-2018 à 22:41:07 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This time, the number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- A soldier or other person on guard to stop anyone who has no right to enter, pass etc. ..... (t s r n)

2- A belt or cord worn around the waist. ..... (d g l r) 2

3- To do something unpleasant to a person in return for something unpleasant he has done to one. ..... (t t l r) 5

4- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. ..... (g d n h) 2

5- The half-liquid substance that is found in all living cells. ..... (t s r p p m l) 3

6- To agree graciously (to do something). ..... (d d s n n c c) 3

7- The tip of an arrow, shaped to a point. ..... (h r d w r) 4

8- A hunting-dog. ..... (n h d) 2

9- Without reason; motiveless. ..... (n t w n) 2

10- (A container holding) a sum of money kept for a particular purpose, to which members of a groupe jointly contribute. ..... (t k t) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /283 de chocolatcitron, postée le 28-11-2018 à 23:34:04 (S | E)
The missing vowels /283
Message de marit64 posté le 28-11-2018 à 22:41:07 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks very much !
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- A soldier or other person on guard to stop anyone who has no right to enter, pass etc.(t s r n) sentry = sentinelle, factionnaire.
2- A belt or cord worn around the waist. (d g l r) 2 girdle = gaine, corset.
3- To do something unpleasant to a person in return for something unpleasant he has done to one.(t t l r) 5 retaliate = riposter, se venger, contre-attaquer.
4- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. (g d n h) 2 dinghy = canot pneumatique.
5- The half-liquid substance that is found in all living cells. (t s r p p m l) 3 protoplasm = protoplasme.
6- To agree graciously (to do something). (d d s n n c c) 3 condescend = daigner faire.
7- The tip of an arrow, shaped to a point. (h r d w r) 4 arrowhead = pointe de flèche.
8- A hunting-dog. (n h d) 2 hound = chien courant ou chien de chasse.
9- Without reason; motiveless. (n t w n) 2 wantom = acte gratuit.
10- (A container holding) a sum of money kept for a particular purpose, to which members of a groupe jointly contribute. (t k t) 2
kitty = cagnotte.

Have a very sweet week, each of You!
See you soon.

Modifié par chocolatcitron le 05-12-2018 22:17

Réponse : The missing vowels /283 de afarodj, postée le 29-11-2018 à 14:51:05 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit
Thank you mostly for being thoughtful and considerate to us, and this despite that strong snow storm that caused the power outage which might have prevented your work implement particularly your computer and yourself from delivering this good exercice to us. Thank you so much again dear Marit for having not given up.

Hi everybody

This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- A soldier or other person on guard to stop anyone who has no right to enter, pass etc. ..... (t s r n).-Sentry.-Sentinelle.
2- A belt or cord worn around the waist. ..... (d g l r) 2.-Girdle.-Gaine
3- To do something unpleasant to a person in return for something unpleasant he has done to one. ..... (t t l r) 5.-.-Retaliate.-Prendre sa revanche.
4- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. ..... (g d n h) 2.-Dinghy.-Canot-Chaloupe.
5- The half-liquid substance that is found in all living cells. ..... (t s r p p m l) 3.-Protoplasm.-Protoplasma
6- To agree graciously (to do something). ..... (d d s n n c c) 3.-Condescend.- Consentir.
7- The tip of an arrow, shaped to a point. ..... (h r d w r) 4.-Arrowhead.-Pointe de flèche-Sagittaire(Signe zodiaque)
8- A hunting-dog. ..... (n h d) 2.-Hound.-Chien de chasse.
9- Without reason; motiveless. ..... (n t w n) 2.-Wanton.-Injustifié.
10- (A container holding) a sum of money kept for a particular purpose, to which members of a groupe jointly contribute. ..... (t k t) 2.-Kitty.-Cagnotte.

Réponse : The missing vowels /283 de daisy50, postée le 29-11-2018 à 16:46:58 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
Here is my try :

1- A soldier or other person on guard to stop anyone who has no right to enter, pass etc. ... sentry

2- A belt or cord worn around the waist. ..... girdle

3- To do something unpleasant to a person in return for something unpleasant he has done to one. ... retaliate

4- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. .... dinghy

5- The half-liquid substance that is found in all living cells. .... protoplasm

6- To agree graciously (to do something). ..... condescend

7- The tip of an arrow, shaped to a point. ..... arrowhead

8- A hunting-dog. ..... hound

9- Without reason; motiveless. ..... wanton

10- (A container holding) a sum of money kept for a particular purpose, to which members of a groupe jointly contribute. .... Kitty

Thanks a lot Marit for this exercise.
Have a quiet week and see you later!

Réponse : The missing vowels /283 de swan85, postée le 29-11-2018 à 21:45:38 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Hello to Everybody

1- A soldier or other person on guard to stop anyone who has no right to enter, pass etc. SENTRY (t s r n)
2- A belt or cord worn around the waist. GIRDLE (d g l r) 2
3- To do something unpleasant to a person in return for something unpleasant he has done to one. RETALIATE (t t l r) 5
4- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. DINGHY (g d n h) 2
5- The half-liquid substance that is found in all living cells. PROTOPLASM (t s r p p m l) 3
6- To agree graciously (to do something). CONDESCEND (d d s n n c c) 3
7- The tip of an arrow, shaped to a point. ARROWHEAD (h r d w r) 4
8- A hunting-dog. HOUND (n h d) 2
9- Without reason; motiveless. WANTON (n t w n) 2
10- (A container holding) a sum of money kept for a particular purpose, to which members of a groupe jointly contribute. KITTY (t k t) 2

Thank you Marit for this interesting exercise.

Bonne semaine ainsi qu'à vous tous.

Réponse : The missing vowels /283 de flowermusic, postée le 04-12-2018 à 14:04:10 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

1- A soldier or other person on guard to stop anyone who has no right to enter, pass etc. ..... (t s r n) sentry

2- A belt or cord worn around the waist. ..... (d g l r) 2 girdle

3- To do something unpleasant to a person in return for something unpleasant he has done to one. ..... (t t l r) 5 retaliate

4- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. ..... (g d n h) 2 dinghy

5- The half-liquid substance that is found in all living cells. ..... (t s r p p m l) 3 protoplasm

6- To agree graciously (to do something). ..... (d d s n n c c) 3 condescend

7- The tip of an arrow, shaped to a point. ..... (h r d w r) 4 arrowhead

8- A hunting-dog. ..... (n h d) 2 hound

9- Without reason; motiveless. ..... (n t w n) 2 wanton

10- (A container holding) a sum of money kept for a particular purpose, to which members of a groupe jointly contribute. ..... (t k t) 2 kitty

See your soon very soon

Salut amical aux fidèles


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