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Texte/ uniformes

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Texte/ uniformes
Message de marie21 posté le 06-12-2018 à 22:05:39 (S | E | F)
J'ai un oral d'anglais pour demain, et j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des fautes dans mon texte. Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ?
Merci d'avance.

"At the last class, we studied a document about uniforms in England schools, in which schools they are mandatory, if there is just some items or a complete outfit and the punishment for pupils who don’t respect the uniform rules. We discussed about pros and cons to wearing a uniform, which I’m going to call back :
With uniforms, all pupils are equal, nobody can be judged on his clothes and social inequalities are reduced. As you’re not judged on your physical appearance, your personality is more important, and other people can talk to you without prejudices about your guise. Wearing a uniform gives an impression of discipline and authority that pupils need, they will be more focused on their work than on their clothes. Uniforms are a symbol of the pride to belong to a specific school. It also prepares you to dress for your future life in the world of work.
The students are obliged to wear the same clothes everyday, they are not allowed to change their outfit, which restricts their freedom. And that’s boring, because there’s no originality, everything is similar between the pupils. You can’t express your imagination and your personality through your clothes as well. Likewise, wearing a uniform means wearing a tie, which is not really comfortable, and it also means wearing an outfit that you may dislike everyday, which would not be very nice either. And finally it creates differences and complexes between schools.
So, what can we conclude about uniforms ? Is it better to have to wear a uniform, or not ?
Well, it depends on everyone’s preference. We can like uniforms for all their advantages as we can hate them for all their drawbacks. In France, uniforms are not mandatory, and a part of the reason is because pupils, parents, teachers and government don’t see the interest, I think. I’m not against uniforms. I think it would reduce a lot of problems, at school, but at home too : no discrimination, no need to return to the house in disaster to change ourselves because the clothes we wear are not decent, and so on. But I also think the majority of my classmates don’t think like me, don’t they ?

Thank you for your listening and your attention."

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-12-2018 22:34

Réponse : Texte/ uniformes de vaiana, postée le 06-12-2018 à 23:23:43 (S | E)
Hello! La veille pour le lendemain, pas très judicieux....

Correction provisoire :

"During the last course, we studied a document about uniforms in England's schools, in which schools they are mandatory, if there is just some items or a complete outfit and the punishment for pupils who don’t respect the uniform rules. We discussed about pros and cons of wearing a uniform, which I’m going to call back :
With uniforms, all pupils are equal, nobody can be judged on (wrong preposition) his clothes and social inequalities are reduced. As you’re not judged on your physical appearance, your personality is more important, and other people can talk to you without prejudices about your guise. Wearing a uniform gives an impression of discipline and authority that pupils need, they will be more focused on their work than on their clothes. Uniforms are a symbol of the pride to belong to a specific school. It also prepares you to dress for your future life in the world of work.
The students are obliged have to wear the same clothes everyday, they are not allowed to change their outfit, which restricts their freedom. And that’s boring, because there’s no originality, everything is similar between the pupils. You can’t express your imagination and your personality through your clothes as well. Likewise, wearing a uniform means wearing a tie, which is not really comfortable, and it also means wearing an outfit that you may dislike everyday, which would not be very nice either. And finally it creates differences and complexes between schools.
So, what can we conclude about uniforms ? Is it better to have to wear a uniform, or not ?
Well, it depends on everyone’s preference (I think plural is better here). We can like uniforms for all their advantages as we can hate them for all their drawbacks. In France, uniforms are not mandatory, and a part of the reason is that pupils, parents, teachers and government don’t see the interest, I think. I’m not against uniforms. I think it would reduce a lot of problems at school but at home too : no discrimination, no need to return to the house in disaster to change ourselves because the clothes we wear are not decent, and so on. But I also think the majority of my classmates don’t think like me, don’t they ?

Thank you for your listening and your attention."

Réponse : Texte/ uniformes de marie21, postée le 09-12-2018 à 12:29:53 (S | E)

Merci pour cette correction, vaiana.

"During the last course, we studied a document about uniforms in England's schools, in which schools they are mandatory, if there is just some items or a complete outfit and the punishment for pupils who don’t respect the uniform rules. We discussed about pros and cons of wearing a uniform, which I’m going to call back(si call back ne vas pas, que devrais-je mettre selon vous ?) :
With uniforms, all pupils are equal, nobody can be judged on (je ne vois pas quelle autre préposition mettre. Est-ce que "by" peut convenir ?) his clothes and social inequalities are reduced. As you’re not judged on your physical appearance, your personality is more important, and other people can talk to you without prejudices about your guise. Wearing a uniform gives an impression of discipline and authority that pupils need, they will be more focused on their work than on their clothes. Uniforms are a symbol of the pride to belong to a specific school. It also prepares you to dress for your future life in the world of work.
The students have to wear the same clothes everyday, they are not allowed to change their outfit, which restricts their freedom. And that’s boring, because there’s no originality, everything is similar between the pupils. You can’t express your imagination and your personality through your clothes as well. Likewise, wearing a uniform means wearing a tie, which is not really comfortable, and it also means wearing an outfit that you may dislike everyday, which would not be very nice either. And finally it creates differences and complexes between schools.
So, what can we conclude about uniforms ? Is it better to have to wear a uniform, or not ?
Well, it depends on everyone’s preferences. We can like uniforms for all their advantages as we can hate them for all their drawbacks. In France, uniforms are not mandatory, and a part of the reason is that pupils, parents, teachers and government don’t see the interest, I think. I’m not against uniforms. I think it would reduce a lot of problems, at school, but at home too : no discrimination, no need to return to the house in disaster to change ourselves because the clothes we wear are not decent, and so on. But I also think the majority of my classmates don’t think like me, don’t they ?

Thank you for your listening and your attention."

Petite précision : Ce devoir qu'il fallait faire pour vendredi (je n'ai finalement pas été interrogée, donc j'ai travaillé pour rien, mais je tiens quand même à corriger mes fautes, c'est la moindre des choses lorsqu'on est aidé) nous a été donné mercredi. Or, ce même jour, on nous a également donné un oral d'espagnol à faire pour jeudi. J'ai donc préparé l'espagnol avant l'anglais, ce qui explique pourquoi j'ai tant tardé à faire cet oral d'anglais.
Au final, je n'ai été interrogée ni pour l'oral d'espagnol, ni pour l'oral d'anglais. J'ai un peu l'impression d'avoir travaillé pour rien... Mais merci quand même pour votre aide. Est-ce que mon texte est plus juste à présent ?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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