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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral /aide
Message de mathisg posté le 12-12-2018 à 20:05:29 (S | E | F)
j'ai un oral en anglais et je ne suis pas sûr.Pouvez-vous m'aider à le corriger s'il vous plait?
En vous remerciant d'avance.

Hi how are you doing?
All right, thank you and you?
Good...I hesitated for a long time and I think I'm going to get an electric scooter
Why don't you take a thermal scooter instead? It's much better.
I prefer an electric scooter because I don't pollute the planet
The production of batteries is polluting however
But when I drive I pollute less than a thermal scooter
I guess you're right.
And then the driving is more comfortable because you can't hear the engine
Yes, but it's more dangerous for peoples who can't hear you coming.
But I have a longer autonomy than a thermal scooter.
Yes, but for someone like you it's a little useless and then the recharge is long enough…3h it seems to me
Actually, it's a long time.But there is little maintenance compared to a thermal scooter
For once I agree with you.But electric scooters are more expensive
It costs 2000 for an entry-level product but there are ecological bonuses
But some thermal scooters go faster
Like you told me, (what good is it to you)je voudrais dire à quoi ça te sert
It's more expensive but you convinced me I'm taking an electric scooter
You make the right choice especially since the insurance costs less. And even if the price is higher afterwards, it will be cheaper for you later.And above all, you will make a gesture for the planet
Well, I have to leave goodbye and have a good day
Goodbye and have a good day

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-12-2018 14:47

Réponse : Oral /aide de lucile83, postée le 14-12-2018 à 22:51:46 (S | E)

Réponse : Oral /aide de here4u, postée le 15-12-2018 à 14:49:09 (S | E)
Hello !

Hi how are you doing?
All right, thank you and you?(s'entend, mais n'est pas grammatical ...)
Good...I hesitated for a long time and I think I'm going to get an electric scooter
Why don't you take a thermal scooter instead? It's much better.
I prefer an electric scooter because I don't (a future would be better!)pollute the planet
The production of batteries is polluting however
But when I drive I pollute less than a thermal scooter (ponctuation?)
I guess you're right.
And then the driving is more comfortable because you can't hear the engine (Ponct?)
Yes, but it's more dangerous for XXX peoples who can't hear you coming.
But I have a longer autonomy than a thermal scooter.
Yes, but for someone like you it's a little useless and then the recharge is long enough…3h it seems to me
Actually, it's a long time.But there is little maintenance compared to a thermal scooter (Ponct?)
For once I agree with you.But electric scooters are more expensive
It costs 2, 000(Unit?) for an entry-level product but there are ecological bonuses (??)
But some thermal scooters go faster
Like you told me, (what good is it to you)je voudrais dire à quoi ça te sert yes, OK!
It's more expensive but you convinced me I'm taking an electric scooter (ponctuation?)
You make (aspect?) the right choice especially since the insurance costs less. And even if the price is higher afterwards, it will be cheaper for you later.And above all, you will make a gesture for the planet
Well, I have to leave goodbye and have a good day ponctuation?
Goodbye and have a good day

Deux remarques : sans ponctuation, un texte ne se comprend pas ...
- il existe d'autres moyens de relier les phrases que l'accumulation de "and" et "but", surtout en début de propositions ... Cela donne une très mauvaise image de votre système de pensée et doit vraiment être évité ...


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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