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Message de vaiana posté le 19-12-2018 à 21:30:19 (S | E | F)
Good evening!
Could you help me to correct this translation of an excerpt please?
Thank you very much!

Musique de chambre
[- Peut-être n’était-ce pas vraiment la peine d’entreprendre cet énorme travail, qu’en dis-tu Sarah ?
- De toute manière, c’est beaucoup trop tard maintenant pour que nous y renoncions, répliqua vivement sa partenaire qui se tenait au piano de l’auditorium du Conservatoire. Nous avons promis à la maison de disques Calliope d’enregistrer l’intégrale des sonates pour violon et piano de Beethoven avant la fin de l’année prochaine. Tu ne veux quand même pas que j’aille leur expliquer que nous avons changé d’avis !
- Evidemment, ça ne serait pas de la très bonne publicité pour nos futurs concerts, mais quel travail ! Voilà maintenant trois semaines que nous n’arrêtons pas de jouer du matin au soir. Pourtant, j’ai comme le sentiment que nous ne serons jamais prêtes pour l’enregistrement du premier disque qui doit avoir lieu dans moins d’un mois. Et puis, plus ça va, plus je trouve la musique de chambre de Beethoven difficile. Nous aurions mieux fait de commencer par quelque chose de plus « facile », les sonates de Mozart par exemple, ou de la musique contemporaine à laquelle presque personne ne comprend rien. Il est probable que les critiques vont nous reprocher d’être trop ambitieuses.
- Alors là, aucune espèce d’importance, Karen. Toi et moi étions bien d’accord pour nous lancer dans cette aventure après notre concert de septembre dernier à Londres, n’est-ce pas ? Rappelle toi l’enthousiasme du public et les articles élogieux des journaux : « Deux jeunes françaises font revivre la musique romantique ». Et depuis, nous n’avons cessé de recevoir des encouragements en provenance des quatre coins de la planète, non ?]

Bedroom music
[- Perhaps it wasn't worth begin doing this huge work, what do you think about it Sarah?
- Anyway, it's too late now to shy away, swiftly replied her partner who stood at the piano of the auditorium of the Conservatory. We promised to the record company to record the entirety of sonata for the violon and the piano from Beethoven before the end of the next year. You don't want me to go to explain them we changed our mind, do you?
- For sure, it wouldn't be a very good ad for our future gigs, but what a work! It's been now 3 weeks since we didn't stop playing from the morning to the evening! Yet, I have the feeling that we will never be ready for the recording of our first disc which has to occur within less than a month. And then, as time goes by, more I find bedroom music from Beethoven difficult. We should have start with something more "straightforward", for instance Mozart's sonata, or contemporary music which almost nobody understands anything to. Critics may reproach us being too ambitious.
- Well, no importance, Karen. You and I were agree to embark upon this adventure after our gig in London last September, weren't we? Remember the public's enthusiasm and the elogious newspaper articles: "Two young French girls are making a rebirth of romantic music." And since that, we haven't stopped receiving encouragement from the four corners of the planet, have we?]

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-12-2018 22:14

Réponse : Correction/Thème de gerold, postée le 21-12-2018 à 12:09:37 (S | E)

Quelques remarques pour vous aider à corriger voztre texte :
Bedroom music si vous faites de la musique dans votre chambre, vous pouvez peut-être parler de "bedroom music", mais ici il s'agit d'un genre musical qui s'appelle "chamber music"
[- Perhaps it wasn't worth begin doing it is worth est suivi d'un gérondif this huge work, what do you think about it Sarah?
- Anyway, it's too late now to shy away, swiftly replied her partner who stood la forme progressive irait mieux (cependant, "se tenait au piano" n'est pas clair, elle est peut-être assise) at the piano of the auditorium of the Conservatory. We promised to the record company n'oubliez pas le nom propre to record the entirety of sonata pluriel for the violon vérifiez ce mot and the piano from cette préposition ne convient pas, vous pouvez utiliser un cas possessif Beethoven before the end of the next year. You don't want me to go to explain il faut une préposition them we changed our mind, do you?
- For sure, it wouldn't be a very good ad for our future gigs ce mot peut convenir pour un concert de jazz, mais pas pour le genre musical dont il s'agit ici, but what a work! It's been now 3 weeks since we didn't stop playing from the morning to the evening! Yet, I have the feeling that we will never be ready for the recording of our first disc which has to occur "avoir lieu" within less than a month. And then, as time goes by, more I find bedroom music from Beethoven "de plus en plus" difficult. We should have start erreur de conjugaison with something more "straightforward", for instance Mozart's sonata pluriel, or contemporary music which almost nobody understands anything to. Critics may reproach us being too ambitious.
- Well, no importance, Karen. You and I were agreeêtre d'accord = to agree to embark upon this adventure after our gig in London last September, weren't we? Remember the public's enthusiasm and the elogious newspaper articles: "Two young French girls are making a rebirth of romantic music." And since that, we haven't stopped receiving encouragement from the four corners of the planet, have we?]

Réponse : Correction/Thème de vaiana, postée le 21-12-2018 à 19:40:46 (S | E)
Thanks a lot Gerold! Here is my new attempt:

Chamber music
[- Perhaps it wasn't worth beginning doing this huge work, what do you think about it Sarah?
- Anyway, it's too late now to shy away, swiftly replied her partner who was standing at/was grasping the piano of the auditorium of the Conservatory. We promised to the record company Calliope to record the entirety of Beethoven's sonatas for the violin and the piano before the end of the next year. You don't want me to go to explain to them we changed our mind, do you?
- For sure, it wouldn't be a very good ad for our future concerts, but what a work! It's been now 3 weeks since we didn't stop playing from the morning to the evening! Yet, I have the feeling that we will never be ready for the recording of our first disc which has to take place within less than a month. And then, as time goes by, I find bedroom music from Beethoven increasingly difficult. We should have started with something more "straightforward", for instance Mozart's sonatas, or contemporary music which almost nobody understands anything to. Critics may reproach us to be too ambitious.
- Well, no importance, Karen. You and I agreed to embark upon this adventure after our concert in London last September, didn't we? Remember the public's enthusiasm and the elogious newspaper articles: "Two young French girls are making a rebirth of romantic music." And since that, we haven't stopped receiving encouragement from the four corners of the planet, have we?]

Réponse : Correction/Thème de gerold, postée le 23-12-2018 à 07:43:26 (S | E)

Chamber music
Perhaps it wasn't worth beginning doing/to do (begin peut être suivi d'un infinitif, celas permet d'éviter deux -ing) this huge work, what do you think about it Sarah?
- Anyway, it's too late now to shy away, swiftly replied her partner who was standing at/was grasping the piano of the auditorium of the Conservatory. We promised to the record company Calliope placez le nom propre ailleurs to record the entirety of Beethoven's complete (c'est le terme consacré correspondant à "l'intégrale" en français) sonatas for the violin and the piano before the end of the next year. You don't want me to go to explain to them we changed our mind, do you?
- For sure, it wouldn't be a very good ad for our future concerts, but what a work! It's been now 3 weeks since we didn't stop autre structure et autre temps (action commencée dans le passé et qui continue dans le présent) playing from the morning to the evening! Yet, I have the feeling that we will never be ready for the recording of our first disc which has to take place within less than a month. And then, as time goes by, I find bedroom music from Beethoven voir le paragraphe précédent increasingly difficult. We should have started with something more "straightforward", for instance Mozart's sonatas, or contemporary music which almost nobody understands anything to. Critics may reproach us to be to reproach somebody for (doing) something too ambitious.
- Well, no importance, Karen. You and I agreed to embark upon this adventure after our concert in London last September, didn't we? Remember the public's enthusiasm and the elogious ce mot n'existe pas, cherchez "élogieux" dans un dictionnaire bilingue newspaper articles: "Two young French girls are making a rebirth of romantic music." And since that, we haven't stopped receiving encouragement from the four corners of the planet, have we?]

Réponse : Correction/Thème de vaiana, postée le 23-12-2018 à 12:08:08 (S | E)
Hello and thanks much!

Chamber music
[- Perhaps it wasn't worth beginning to do this huge work, what do you think about it Sarah?
- Anyway, it's too late now to shy away, swiftly replied her partner who was standing at/was grasping the piano of the auditorium of the Conservatory. We promised to Calliope, the record company, to record Beethoven's complete sonatas for the violin and the piano before the end of the next year. You don't want me to go to explain to them we changed our mind, do you?
- For sure, it wouldn't be a very good ad for our future concerts, but what a work! It's been now 3 weeks since we didn't stop*** playing from the morning to the evening! Yet, I have the feeling that we will never be ready for the recording of our first disc which has to take place within less than a month. And then, as time goes by, I find Beethoven's chamber music increasingly difficult. We should have started with something more "straightforward", for instance Mozart's sonatas, or contemporary music which almost nobody understands anything to. Critics may reproach us for being too ambitious.
- Well, no importance, Karen. You and I agreed to embark upon this adventure after our concert in London last September, didn't we? Remember the public's enthusiasm and the eulogistic newspaper articles: "Two young French girls are making a rebirth of romantic music." And since that, we haven't stopped receiving encouragement from the four corners of the planet, have we?]

*** Je ne sais jamais quoi utiliser apres la structure "it has been x days\years\decades since..."
Je sais que le prétérit et le present perfect sont tous deux admis... mais lequel choisir ??

Réponse : Correction/Thème de gerold, postée le 23-12-2018 à 15:52:05 (S | E)
Chamber music
[- Perhaps it wasn't worth beginning to do this huge work, what do you think about it Sarah?
- Anyway, it's too late now to shy away, swiftly replied her partner who was standing/was sitting (je pense, sans certitude, que "se tenait au piano" signifie ici qu'elle est assise au piano, prête à en jouer) at the piano of the auditorium of the Conservatory. We promised to Calliope, the record company, to record Beethoven's complete sonatas for the violin and the piano before the end of the next year. You don't want me (to go) (cet emploi d'aller dans "que j'aille leur expliquer" fait très français, je pense que votre texte coulera mieux sans "to go") to explain to them we changed our mind, do you?
- For sure, it wouldn't be a very good ad for our future concerts, but what a work! It's been now 3 weeks since we didn't stop*** simplifiez, laissez tomber it's been et traduisez "depuis 3 semaines nous n'arrêtons pas ... " playing from the morning to the evening! Yet, I have the feeling that we will never be ready for the recording of our first disc which has to take place within less than a month. And then, as time goes by, I find Beethoven's chamber music increasingly difficult. We should have started with something more "straightforward", for instance Mozart's sonatas, or contemporary music which almost nobody understands anything to. Critics may reproach us for being too ambitious.
- Well, no importance, Karen. You and I agreed to embark upon this adventure after our concert in London last September, didn't we? Remember the public's enthusiasm and the eulogistic mot bien compliqué, je pensais plutôt à laudatory newspaper articles: "Two young French girls are making a rebirth of romantic music." And since that, we haven't stopped receiving encouragement from the four corners of the planet, have we?]


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