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Message de vaiana posté le 31-12-2018 à 18:54:05 (S | E | F)
Can you help me to find and correct all my mistakes, please?
Thank you!!!!!

1 S’il avait écouté les conseils que Sylvie lui avait donnés, il aurait pu ne pas se perdre.
If he listened to the advice Sylvie had given to him, he could have not being lost.

2 Tant que tu ne m’auras pas expliqué pourquoi tu as emporté si peu de bagages, je refuse de te laisser rentrer.
Until you don't explain to me why you took so few luggage, I decline to let you enter.

3 Heureusement que tu m’as raccompagné en voiture, sinon j’aurais dû rentrer à pied.
Thanks Godness you've taken me here by car, otherwise I would have to come back in by foot.

4 Il se pourrait qu’il ne se souvienne pas d'avoir rencontré le roi.
There might he doesn't remember meeting the king.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-12-2018 21:40

Réponse : Aide/exercices de kazwell, postée le 31-12-2018 à 19:58:02 (S | E)
Hi vaiana,
I hope I can help you with this,

1 S’il avait écouté les conseils que Sylvie lui avait donnés, il aurait pu ne pas se perdre.
If he listened to the advice Sylvie had given to him, he could have not being lost.
Le "to" n'est pas nécessaire; Et c'est plutôt "he might" : Lien internet
"If he", could be replaced by "had he".
"Being" mauvais temps.

2 Tant que tu ne m’auras pas expliqué pourquoi tu as emporté si peu de bagages, je refuse de te laisser rentrer.
Until you don't explain to me why you took so few luggages, I decline to let you enter.
En bleu signifie grammaticalement correct, mais peux faire mieux comme choix de mot.
En vert signifie mauvaise traduction

3 Heureusement que tu m’as raccompagné en voiture, sinon j’aurais dû rentrer à pied.
Thanks Godness you've taken me here by car, otherwise I would have il manque la traduction du "dû" to come back in by foot.
Essaye une autre traduction pour la phrase en vert

4 Il se pourrait qu’il ne se souvienne pas d'avoir rencontré le roi.
There might he doesn't remember meeting the king.
Partie en bleu fausse.

Try to suggest other translations, and while google traduction is frowned upon, you can try to use other sites (such as online dictionaries : for the translations) as reference.

Réponse : Aide/exercices de vaiana, postée le 01-01-2019 à 03:29:52 (S | E)
1 S’il avait écouté les conseils que Sylvie lui avait donnés, il aurait pu ne pas se perdre.
If he had/Had he listened to the advice Sylvie had given him, he might have not been lost.
-> The "to" is not necessary...but is it wrong?

2 Tant que tu ne m’auras pas expliqué pourquoi tu as emporté si peu de bagages, je refuse de te laisser rentrer.
Until you explain me why you carried so few luggage, I refuse to let you come back.

3 Heureusement que tu m’as raccompagné en voiture, sinon j’aurais dû rentrer à pied.
I'm happy you have taken me by car, otherwise I would have had to come back in by foot.

4 Il se pourrait qu’il ne se souvienne pas d'avoir rencontré le roi.
He might not remember meeting the king.

I didn't do it with Google Translation, stop seeing it everywhere..... We will end up thinking it's haunting your life!!

I tried the other sentences:

5 Si ta mère ne m’avait pas emprunté mon rouge à lèvres, nous aurions pu sortir ce soir.
Had your mother not have borrowed my lipstick, we could have hung out tonight.
If your mother hadn't borrowed...

6 Malgré le bruit, il a pu répondre à plus de la moitié des questions qu'on lui posait.
Despite the noise, he could answer to more than half of the questions he has been asked to.

7 Il a eu de la chance : il aurait pu ne pas gagner un aussi gros nounours à la tombola.
He was lucky: he might not have won such a big teddy bear to the tombola.

8 Cela fait déjà trois mois qu’elle ne peut plus bouger le bras gauche.
It's been already three months since she hasn't been able to move the left arm.

9 On m’a dit qu’ils déménageraient dès qu’ils auraient revendu leurs vieux meubles.
I was told they would move out as soon as they have reselled their old furniture.

10 Le repas doit être payé d'avance.
The meal has to be paid in advance.

Happy New Year!

Réponse : Aide/exercices de laure95, postée le 01-01-2019 à 11:25:54 (S | E)
Happy New year too!

3 Heureusement que tu m’as raccompagné en voiture, sinon j’aurais dû rentrer à pied.
I'm happy (ou fortunately)you have taken (to take = emmener quelqu'un, ce qui ne traduit pas l'idée de raccompagner)me by car, otherwise I would have had to come back in by foot.

6 Malgré le bruit, il a pu répondre à plus de la moitié des questions qu'on lui posait.
Despite the noise, he could (pas possible dans ce contexte, chercher: réussir à) answer to pas de to)more than half of the questions he has (pas le bon temps)been asked to.

7 tombola: à traduire.

8 Cela fait déjà trois mois qu’elle ne peut plus bouger le bras gauche.
It's been already three months since she hasn't been able to move the (mettre un possessif à la place de the)left arm.

Réponse : Aide/exercices de here4u, postée le 01-01-2019 à 11:57:33 (S | E)

- I'm happy you have taken me by car, otherwise I would have had to come back in by foot.

- 5 Si ta mère ne m’avait pas emprunté mon rouge à lèvres, nous aurions pu sortir ce soir.
Had your mother not have borrowed my lipstick, we could have hung out tonight.
If your mother hadn't borrowed...

- 6 Malgré le bruit, il a pu répondre à plus de la moitié des questions qu'on lui posait.
Despite the noise, he could answer to more than half of the questions he has been asked to.

- He was lucky: he might not have won such a big teddy bear to the tombola.

- 8 Cela fait déjà trois mois qu’elle ne peut plus bouger le bras gauche.
It's been already three months since she hasn't been able to move the left arm.

- 9 On m’a dit qu’ils déménageraient dès qu’ils auraient revendu leurs vieux meubles.
I was told they would move out as soon as they have reselled their old furniture.

Réponse : Aide/exercices de vaiana, postée le 01-01-2019 à 15:11:13 (S | E)
Hello and thank you all!!

1 S’il avait écouté les conseils que Sylvie lui avait donnés, il aurait pu ne pas se perdre.
Had he listened to the advice Sylvie had given him, he might have not been lost.

2 Tant que tu ne m’auras pas expliqué pourquoi tu as emporté si peu de bagages, je refuse de te laisser rentrer.
As long as you don't explain me why you brang so few luggage, I refuse to let you come in.

3 Heureusement que tu m’as raccompagné en voiture, sinon j’aurais dû rentrer à pied.
Fortunately, you drove me home, otherwise I would have had to go back there by foot.

4 Il se pourrait qu’il ne se souvienne pas d'avoir rencontré le roi.
He might not remember meeting the king.

5 Si ta mère ne m’avait pas emprunté mon rouge à lèvres, nous aurions pu sortir ce soir.
Had your mother not borrowed my lipstick, we could have hung out tonight.

6 Malgré le bruit, il a pu répondre à plus de la moitié des questions qu'on lui posait.
Despite the noise, he managed to answer to more than half of the questions he was asked to.

7 Il a eu de la chance : il aurait pu ne pas gagner un aussi gros nounours à la tombola.
He was lucky: he might not have won such a big teddy bear at the raffle.

8 Cela fait déjà trois mois qu’elle ne peut plus bouger le bras gauche.
It has been already three months since she has not been able to move her left arm.

9 On m’a dit qu’ils déménageraient dès qu’ils auraient revendu leurs vieux meubles.
I was told they would move out as soon as they have sold their old furniture again.
Or resold.

10 Le repas doit être payé d'avance.
The meal has to be paid in advance.

GRRRRR will I be able to do an entire exercise without mistaking one day?????

Réponse : Aide/exercices de lucile83, postée le 01-01-2019 à 21:44:11 (S | E)

1 S’il avait écouté les conseils que Sylvie lui avait donnés, il aurait pu ne pas se perdre.
Had he listened to the advice Sylvie had given him, he might have not been lost. ... ok

2 Tant que tu ne m’auras pas expliqué pourquoi tu as emporté si peu de bagages, je refuse de te laisser rentrer.
As long as you don't explain me why you brang so few luggage, I refuse to let you come in.

3 Heureusement que tu m’as raccompagné en voiture, sinon j’aurais dû rentrer à pied.
Fortunately, you drove me home, otherwise I would have had to go back there by foot.

4 Il se pourrait qu’il ne se souvienne pas d'avoir rencontré le roi.
He might not remember meeting the king. ... ok

5 Si ta mère ne m’avait pas emprunté mon rouge à lèvres, nous aurions pu sortir ce soir.
Had your mother not borrowed my lipstick, we could have hung out tonight.

6 Malgré le bruit, il a pu répondre à plus de la moitié des questions qu'on lui posait.
Despite the noise, he managed to answer to more than half of the questions he was asked to.... choisir un autre verbe que manage to...

7 Il a eu de la chance : il aurait pu ne pas gagner un aussi gros nounours à la tombola.
He was lucky: he might not have won such a big teddy bear at the raffle. ... ok

8 Cela fait déjà trois mois qu’elle ne peut plus bouger le bras gauche.
It has been already three months since she has not been able to move her left arm....trop lourd !!

9 On m’a dit qu’ils déménageraient dès qu’ils auraient revendu leurs vieux meubles.
I was told they would move out as soon as they have sold their old furniture again. resell
Or resold. ...c'est à vous de choisir, pas au correcteur.

10 Le repas doit être payé d'avance.
The meal has to be paid in advance....ok

Réponse : Aide/exercices de vaiana, postée le 01-01-2019 à 23:56:43 (S | E)

As long as you don't explain me why you took with you so little luggage, I refuse to let you come in.

Fortunately, you drove me home, otherwise I would have had to go back there by/on foot.

Had your mother not borrowed my lipstick, we could have hung out tonight.
I can't see the mistake!

Despite the noise, he was able to to answer more than half of the questions he was asked.

She can't move her left arm for already three months!

I was told they would move out as soon as they have resold their old furniture.
Je ne laissais pas choisir le correcteur... je pensais que les deux étaient acceptés car une américaine m'a expliqué qu'il fallait rajouter "again" après le verbe pour faire le "-re" français !

Réponse : Aide/exercices de lucile83, postée le 02-01-2019 à 07:59:51 (S | E)

As long as you don't explain me why you took with you so little luggage, I refuse to let you come in. .....took so little luggage with you...

Fortunately, you drove me home, otherwise I would have had to go back there by/on foot. ...on foot is more common

Had your mother not borrowed my lipstick, we could have hung out tonight....gone out.Sans contexte on ne peut pas choisir hang out qui signifie trainer dehors/ glander (argot en français et en anglais)
I can't see the mistake!

Despite the noise, he was able to to answer more than half of the questions he was asked.

She can't move her left arm for already three months!...It has already been three months since she has been unable to move her left arm.

I was told they would move out as soon as they have resold their old furniture. ok

Je ne laissais pas choisir le correcteur... je pensais que les deux étaient acceptés car une américaine m'a expliqué qu'il fallait rajouter "again" après le verbe pour faire le "-re" français ! again était trop lourd ici; je vous ai alerté sur la question du choix car c'est juste impossible dans un examen.En outre sell again fait penser que c'est la 2e fois qu'ils revendent leurs meubles.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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