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Notion/ myths and heroes

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Notion/ myths and heroes
Message de jensen posté le 02-01-2019 à 12:14:39 (S | E | F)
Je viens de réaliser la notion myths and heroes pour le bac d'anglais, mais j'ai peur d'avoir fait beaucoup de fautes, serait-il possible que vous m'indiquiez si vous en voyez, je vous remercie d'avance.

I’m going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of this notion. A myth can be a story about supernatural beings, like gods, heroes or about imaginary actions. But it also can represent the perfect human being or be a popular belief or a tradition or a fake notion.
Secondly, a hero is someone who stands out for his actions. Moreover, a hero can be defined by his courage, or he can be the main character of a story.
In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be about the concept of the American Dream.
We may answer the question is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?
First of all, I will concentrate on the definition of the American Dream, then I will analyze the difficulty to achieve it, before finally focusing on the people who embody it.

First of all, I will say that the American Dream is characterized by the belief that everyone in the United States of America has the chance to be successful and happy if the people work hard. So, It lets think that anyone can achieve the American Dream, no matter where they were born or what class they were born into. That’s why, foreigners came to the United States of America, to begin a new and a better life, to scratch from nothing, to climb the social ladder.
The song I chose, American Land interpreted by Bruce Springsteen is about the waves of immigration and how the immigrants imagine America, their expectations, and how America really is. The artist wants to draw our attention on the vision that the majority of immigrants had of the country. It is an interesting document insofar as America is described as a nation of immigrants, and a land of opportunity. Moreover, the singer pays tribute to the immigrants and to the working class who built the country.

Secondly, we’re going to see the difficulty to achieve the American Dream. Indeed, a lot of people came to the USA, because they left their country where they couldn’t live properly, they lived in dire straits. Indeed, the document I took, is about the reasons for emigrating in the 19th century. It is an apt document insofar as it make us realize all what can happen in a country. Actually, there are people who left their country because the USA offered higher pay, or because they couldn’t eat their fill, or there was no work nor money. This people left everything behind to have a chance to achieve the American Dream.
Unfortunately, they didn’t achieve the American Dream, for instance, the immigrants who came through Ellis Island, besides the poor conditions on board the ships, the inspections they had to have once they were arrived to Ellis Island, and the risk to be deported, couldn’t realize it. The idea of a population who were on an equal footing, where you could have succes is a myth for the majority of the people. Indeed, the immigrants worked until they died, they dedicated their lives to build the country. Finally, they did everything to give a better income to their children, but their American Dream stayed a dream.

Eventually, fortunately some people could achieve the American Dream. They could show that the American Dream could be a reality for a few people. Indeed, we studied a few documents who are about some people who embody the American Dream. It allows to draw our attention on the fact that a dream can be realized. In addition, they are interesting documents insofar as it gives us the desire to continue to dream what it’s very important to be facing to the life.
So, for instance, we studied Albert Einstein who was born in Germany in 1879 and who emigrated in 1933 to escape the Nazis, because he was Jewish. He achieved the American Dream while creating the Atomic Bomb. However, he had already achieved many important things before coming an American citizen.
Furthermore, we saw that Andrew Carnegie also realized the American Dream. He was born in Scotland in 1835, he emigrated in 1848, for a better life, and because he couldn’t make ends meet, his father’s firm crashed. He finally achieved the American Dream, because he founded the Carnegie Steel company and became the richest man in the world.
This two people illustrate very well the American Dream, they give us hope, they allow to make us see it as a reality.

To conclude, I would like to say that to me, the American Dream is the idea that everyone on earth can have success, can climb up the social ladder and can start a new life. So, we saw that it could be a myth or a reality. Today, the USA remain an attractive country, many people dream of visiting the country to discover the culture, the food, or achieve the American Dream. But, even if it seems impossible to realize it, we have to keep dreaming.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-01-2019 14:21

Réponse : Notion/ myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 03-01-2019 à 13:48:53 (S | E)
Bonjour et bonne année!
- But it also can represent: also n'est pas à la bonne place.
- the perfect human being or be a popular belief or a tradition or a fake notion.: ne mettre qu'un seul "or".

- if the people work hard: enlever the.

- it make: faute de conjugaison.
- Actually, there are (passé)people who left their country
- This people: this + singulier.
- they were arrived: mal conjugué.
- The idea of a population who were (faute de conjugaison) on an equal footing,

- a few documents who (pas le bon relatif, who a pour antécédent un humain)are about some people
- to be facing to the life: mal dit.
- This two people: voir plus haut.

Réponse : Notion/ myths and heroes de jensen, postée le 03-01-2019 à 19:06:46 (S | E)

merci beaucoup pour votre réponse, bonne année à vous aussi : )

I’m going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of this notion. A myth can be a story about supernatural beings, like gods, heroes or about imaginary actions. But it can also represent the perfect human being, be a popular belief, a tradition or a fake notion.
Secondly, a hero is someone who stands out for his actions. Moreover, a hero can be defined by his courage, or he can be the main character of a story.
In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be about the concept of the American Dream.
We may answer the question is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?
First of all, I will concentrate on the definition of the American Dream, then I will analyze the difficulty to achieve it, before finally focusing on the people who embody it.

First of all, I will say that the American Dream is characterized by the belief that everyone in the United States of America has the chance to be successful and happy if people work hard. So, It lets think that anyone can achieve the American Dream, no matter where they were born or what class they were born into. That’s why, foreigners came to the United States of America, to begin a new and a better life, to scratch from nothing, to climb the social ladder.
The song I chose, American Land interpreted by Bruce Springsteen is about the waves of immigration and how the immigrants imagine America, their expectations, and how America really is. The artist wants to draw our attention on the vision that the majority of immigrants had of the country. It is an interesting document insofar as America is described as a nation of immigrants, and a land of opportunity. Moreover, the singer pays tribute to the immigrants and to the working class who built the country.

Secondly, we’re going to see the difficulty to achieve the American Dream. Indeed, a lot of people came to the USA, because they left their country where they couldn’t live properly, they lived in dire straits. Indeed, the document I took, is about the reasons for emigrating in the 19th century. It is an apt document insofar as it makes us realize all what can happen in a country. Actually, there were people who left their country because the USA offered higher pay, or because they couldn’t eat their fill, or there was no work nor money. These people left everything behind to have a chance to achieve the American Dream.
Unfortunately, they didn’t achieve the American Dream, for instance, the immigrants who came through Ellis Island, besides the poor conditions on board the ships, the inspections they had to have once they had arrived to Ellis Island, and the risk to be deported, couldn’t realize it. The idea of a population who was on an equal footing, where you could have succes is a myth for the majority of the people. Indeed, the immigrants worked until they died, they dedicated their lives to build the country. Finally, they did everything to give a better income to their children, but their American Dream stayed a dream.

Eventually, fortunately some people could achieve the American Dream. They could show that the American Dream could be a reality for a few people. Indeed, we studied a few documents which are about some people who embody the American Dream. It allows to draw our attention on the fact that a dream can be realized. In addition, they are interesting documents insofar as it gives us the desire to continue to dream what it’s very important to face life.
So, for instance, we studied Albert Einstein who was born in Germany in 1879 and who emigrated in 1933 to escape the Nazis, because he was Jewish. He achieved the American Dream while creating the Atomic Bomb. However, he had already achieved many important things before coming an American citizen.
Furthermore, we saw that Andrew Carnegie also realized the American Dream. He was born in Scotland in 1835, he emigrated in 1848, for a better life, and because he couldn’t make ends meet, his father’s firm crashed. He finally achieved the American Dream, because he founded the Carnegie Steel company and became the richest man in the world.
These two people illustrate very well the American Dream, they give us hope, they allow to make us see it as a reality.

To conclude, I would like to say that to me, the American Dream is the idea that everyone on earth can have success, can climb up the social ladder and can start a new life. So, we saw that it could be a myth or a reality. Today, the USA remain an attractive country, many people dream of visiting the country to discover the culture, the food, or achieve the American Dream. But, even if it seems impossible to realize it, we have to keep dreaming.


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