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Oral/Idea of Progress

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Oral/Idea of Progress
Message de lenap posté le 03-01-2019 à 19:41:31 (S | E | F)
je m'appelle Léna et je dois rendre une présentation orale sur l'idée de progrès en anglais mais je ne sais pas si ce que j'ai fait est correct ou non car à ma dernière présentation orale (en espagnol cette fois) j'ai eu une mauvaise note. De plus je n'ai pas d'idée pour ma conclusion. J'aimerais avoir vos avis et vos conseils sur mon travail si c'est possible, merci beaucoup !

I will introduce the notion of the idea of progress. In my opinon, the idea of progress is about evolution generaly in a positive way like an improvement. The family in general has evolved a lot over the last years and it's a kind of progress particulary for women and children.
We are going to ask ourselves in what way the rights of women evolved to nowday ?
To answer this problem, I will rely on 4-5 documents that we studied in class which will allow me to illustrate my argument.

First we will talk about women in the traditional families. Over the last century, Men dominated society and it was them who ran at home. Women were seen as inferior to men. At home, they were expected to clean the house, to cook for all the family and they were supposed to stay at home. In a picture that we studied in class, two women seems happy to do their duty : the dishes. It shows like the kitchen is « the world » of these women like their only rôle as a woman was to make happy their family by cleaning or cooking.
In this period, there was a lot of gender issues, many inequalities between men and women. It was like a culture to consider women inferior as men. But also in a political aspect, women were discriminated, in fact they didn't have the right to work, the right of divorce. In fact we can say that they didn't really have the right of expression in particulary because of the male domination. Moreover, in a text called «  American family life » by Kathy Henry that we studied in class, this discrimination is describe. It says that women were treated like second-class citizens and some of them were living unhappily married because their financial and educational options were limited.

Then, we will talk about the industrial revolution and the emancipation of women. Indeed, the industrial revolution during the 1960's change a lot of things for families particulary the composition of this one but also the relationships between them. As explain Glenn Stanto in an interview that we studied, Most families have left the country side to go to the cities for find another job. At this moment, women were more « free » than before. For him it was the beginning of the infidelity because they were meeting new people particulary at workplace. I'm not agree with at all because he seems like he wants to women that they still stay at home but for me, it's a big step for women because it is the beginning of their emancipation. Since the 1970's, the rights of women are constantly evolving. today they have the right to work, to vote, to be married with the person they want. Women became emancipated and got better social and professional positions now and the house work is now generally spread between the man and the woman wheras it was just the woman who did that before. Mentality changes now, it is more openminded about women's conditions. But as it explains in a report about the evolution of the rights of women, it still exists a « glass celling » for women. The glass celling is a that has often been used to describe invisible barriers ("glass") through which women can see elite positions but cannot reach them. So even if mentalies change, women are still discriminate

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-01-2019 22:42

Réponse : Oral/Idea of Progress de vaiana, postée le 03-01-2019 à 20:59:50 (S | E)
Hello, here's my try! Feel free to wait for another correction from a teacher of the site

I am going to introduce the notion of the "idea of progress". In my opinon, the idea of progress affects evolution generaly in a positive way like an improvement. Families in general have evolved a lot over the last years and it's a kind of progress, particulary for women and children.
We are going to ask ourselves (use the verb "to wonder" here) in what way the rights of women (verb) evolved from... to nowday (spelling) . it isn't a question
To answer this issue, I will rely upon 4-5 documents that we studied in class, which will allow me to illustrate my argument.

First we are going to talk about women in the traditional families. Over the last century, men dominated society and it was them who ran at home. Women were seen as inferior to men. At home, they were expected to clean the house, to cook for all the family and they were supposed to stay at home. In a picture that we studied in class, two women seems happy to do their duty : the dishes. It shows how the kitchen is « the world » of these women like (= comme, à la manière de...) their only rôle (!!) as a woman was to make happy (place) their family by cleaning or cooking.
In this period, there was a lot of gender issues, many inequalities between men and women. It was like a culture to consider women inferior as men. But also in a political aspect, women were discriminated, in fact they didn't have the right to work, the right of divorce. In fact (répétition) we can say that they didn't really have the right of expression in particulary because of the male domination. Moreover, in a text called « American family life » by Kathy Henry that we studied in class, this discrimination is describe. It says that women were treated like second-class citizens and some of them were living unhappily married because their financial and educational options were limited.

Then, we are going to talk about the industrial revolution and the emancipation of women. Indeed, the industrial revolution during the 1960's change a lot of things for families, particulary the composition of this one but also the relationships between them. As explain Glenn Stanto in an interview that we studied, most families have left the countryside to go to the cities in order to find another job. At this moment, women were more « free » than before. For him it was the beginning of the infidelity because they were meeting new people particulary at their workplace. I'm not agree with .... at all because it gives the impression that he would like to women to stay at home but for me, it's a big step for women because it is the beginning of their emancipation. Since the 1970's, the rights of women are constantly evolving. today they have the right to work, to vote, to be married with the person they want. Women became emancipated and got both better social and professional positions now and the house work is now generally spread between the man and the woman wheras it was just the woman who did it before. Mentalities change now, it is more openminded about women's conditions. But as it explains in a report about the evolution of the rights of women, it still exists a « glass celling » for women. The glass celling is a .... that has often been used to describe invisible barriers ("glass") through which women can see elite positions but cannot reach them. So even if mentalies change, women are still discriminate.

Réponse : Oral/Idea of Progress de kazwell, postée le 03-01-2019 à 21:23:50 (S | E)
Hi there,
vaiana, some 'mistakes' that you pointed out are actually correct? or am I missing something here?

I will introduce the notion of the idea of progress. In my opinon, the idea of progress is about evolution,generaly in a positive way like an improvement. The concept of a family in general has evolved a lot over the last years, and it's a kind of progress particulary for women and children.
We are going to ask ourselves,in what way the rights of women evolved to nowday ?
To answer this problem(->question), I will rely on 4-5 documents that we studied in class which will allow me to illustrate my argument.

First we will talk about women in the traditional families. Over the last century, Men dominated society and it was them who ran at home. Women were seen as inferior to men. At home, they were expected to clean the house, to cook for all the family and they were supposed to stay at home. In a picture that we studied in class, two women seems happy to do their duty : the dishes. It shows like the kitchen is « the world » of these women like their only rôle as a woman was to make happy their family(correct : their family happy) by cleaning or cooking.
In this period, there was(->were, but not sure need a confirmation on this) a lot of gender issues, many inequalities between men and women. It was like a culture to consider women inferior as men. But also in a political aspect, women were discriminated against, in fact they didn't have the right to work, the right of(->to) divorce. In fact we can say that they didn't really have the right of expression in particulary because of the male domination. Moreover, in a text called « American family life » by Kathy Henry that we studied in class(seems repetitive), this discrimination is describe. It says that women were treated like second-class citizens and some of them were living unhappily married because their financial and educational options were limited.

Then(->next), we will talk about the industrial revolution and the emancipation of women. Indeed, the industrial revolution during the 1960's change a lot of things for families particulary the composition of this one but also the relationships between them. As explain Glenn Stanto in an interview that we studied, Most families have left the country side to go to the cities for find another job. At this moment, women were more « free » than before. For him it was the beginning of the infidelity because they were meeting new people particulary at workplace. I'm not agree with at all because he seems like he wants to women that they still stay at home but for me, it's a big step for women because it is the beginning of their emancipation. Since the 1970's, the rights of womenLien internet
are constantly evolving. today they have the right to work, to vote, to be married with the person they want. Women became emancipated and got better social and professional positions now and the house work is now generally spread between the man and the woman wheras it was just the woman who did that before. Mentality changes now, it is more openminded about women's conditions. But as it explains in a report about the evolution of the rights of women(same remark), it still exists(There is still) a « glass celling » for women. The glass celling is a that(what) has often been used to describe invisible barriers ("glass") through which women can see elite positions but cannot reach them. So even if mentalies change, women are still discriminate(use the same one as before)
Bleu : erreur
vert : suggestion

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-01-2019 22:43

Réponse : Oral/Idea of Progress de vaiana, postée le 03-01-2019 à 21:28:38 (S | E)
probably kazwell, it's just a first draft... as I mentioned earlier: "feel free to wait for another correction"

Réponse : Oral/Idea of Progress de lenap, postée le 04-01-2019 à 13:08:35 (S | E)
Thank you so much for your help ! It's really nice to of you; I appreciate.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2019 13:19


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