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Ecrit /restaurant

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Ecrit /restaurant
Message de spooky10 posté le 03-01-2019 à 23:41:24 (S | E | F)
En prévision de mon écrit d anglais j'ai préparé quelques textes; j'aimerais de l'aide pour les corriger si possible. Merci d'avance.

Preference en matière culinaire :
since few years I eat food very healthy .I love eat rice with fish and vegetables , soup or sushi. I love my fish well-done with a sauce .I like a lot of them .and for my rice I like when he is spicy. Moreover, I like a lot of foreign dishes especially chinesse food, it is so good between their boiled rice and their steamed vegetables it is just delicious . Younger, I loved the opposite , I was eating food very unhealthy.I usually went in fast food or I ordered a takeaway . unfortunaltly I didn t have a lot of money, so fast food it s the cheapest option I had .I learned to love this food .

poinst positifs et points negatifs + repercussions sur la sante :

The main positif point in fast- food is in his name she is very speed, probably the most speddest way to eat in the world. indeed it takes on average only 20 minute to be served and beginning to eat . a another big advantage in the fast- food is there are everywhere , it s very easy to find a fast- food near of you . But he have also many big disadvantages ,the first one ,Each product is made of plastic. Eating in a fast food restaurant is a way to significantly increase waste production. Futhermore The food is always the same: chips, hamburgers, style drinks like Coca-Cola . Finally , the food in this restaurant is really bad for healthy she too hight in colories so if you eat often in fast_food you will become in overweight .

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2019 08:34

Réponse : Ecrit /restaurant de laure95, postée le 04-01-2019 à 18:18:27 (S | E)
- since (pas le bon mot)few years I eat (mettre au présent perfect avec since)food very healthy (l'adjectif n'est pas à la bonne place).I love eat (love + verbe + ing)rice
- for my rice I like when he (pas le bon pronom: le riz n'est pas une personne) is spicy.
- chinesse: majuscule + orthographe.
- between their boiled rice: ?,
- I was eating (mettre au prétérit simple)food very unhealthy (pas à la bonne place)
- I usually went in (pas la bonne préposition) fast food (il manque le mot restaurant)
- unfortunaltly: orthographe.
- I didn t: il manque "'".
- so fast food it s the cheapest option I had .

- The main positif (mot français)point
- in fast- food is in his (pas le bon possessif) name she is very speed,
- the most speddest (revoir construction du superlatif + orthographe) way
- 20 minute: pluriel.
- to be served and beginning (infinitif)to eat .
- a (enlever a)another big advantage
- it s
- But he (pas le bon pronom) have (faute de conjugaison)
- style drinks
- for healthy (?,) she (pas le bon pronom) (verbe?) too hight in colories (orthographe)
- you eat often (pas à la bonne place) .

Réponse : Ecrit /restaurant de spooky10, postée le 05-01-2019 à 00:44:08 (S | E)
Voila c est corrigé .Merci de l aide


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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