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Notion/Places and Forms of Power

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Notion/Places and Forms of Power
Message de xobsi posté le 05-01-2019 à 11:13:05 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous ceux qui liront ce post
Alors voilà je suis élève en Terminale et, pour le bac, je dois préparer quelques notions.
J'aimerais obtenir une correction sur la notion "Places and Forms of Power" que j'ai préparée ci-dessous
Je remercie d'avance les personnes qui prendront de leur temps pour m'aider à m'améliorer dans cette langue et j'ajoute que toutes les remarques seront bienvenues et utiles.

I am going to talk about the notion Places and forms of power. To begin, I would like to give a quick definition of this notion. Power is the ability to influence other people’s behavior. It can be exerted by a person, a group or even a nation. It helps creating social cohesion and revealing conflicts. But there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses. India is a nation that can be described as owner of power. So, how does Indian culture influence the English-speaking world? I will answer this question in two times by presenting three documents illustrating firstly the Indian soft power in several ways, and secondly the fact that this power isn’t as soft as it seems.

I – Indian soft power
To begin with, India is the largest democracy, so it seems normal that expatriates bring their traditions and culture to their new homes, and especially in English-speaking countries, where most of Indian people emigrate. That is to say that Indian way of living is worldwide spread and influence a lot of people. Take the example of the famous International Yoga Day, which happens every 21st of June, and especially in New York. Photos of this event are perfectly illustrating the contrast between such a noisy life and a hectic place and the quiet, resourceful too, of the yoga practice. It depicts the westernization of Indian culture.

In addition to this yoga day, a multitude of all kind practices confirm the spreading of India’s spirit. Whether it is about cooking, music or even religion, India is everywhere! In fact, this country has a radiating influence. The Diwali festival of lights, which is a major celebration for Indian people, takes place in London too, and the fact that even religion in exported is a sign of how much this culture is important for English-speaking countries. And then, who never heard or ate a curry? Well it is Indian too, and it’s delicious. So, not too bad, this influence, right?

Well, we’re going to see why this influence is a little controversial...

II – Not as soft as it seems
Two countries in one
Indeed, Indian culture is not as soft as it seems... Actually, there are Two Countries in One. This is the third document we are going to talk about. In this letter from the book called “The White Tiger” addressed to the Prime Minister of China, the author warns us against the attractive face of India. Why? Because there is something way darker behind this face. For instance, in this testimony, the author depicts river Ganga as a darkness river: it is the symbol of poverty, disease and death. The region around Ganga is filled with bad things, that the world doesn’t see, because it is dazzled by the good aspect the government wants to spread. Although, Indian Prime Minister wants to embellish the country’s image, to attract more and more supporters. To do so, he spreads lies about the condition of poverty. The narrator is angry and has the right to be! He wants everyone to know the truth by raising awareness with his own experience. Moreover, Indian air is on average 6 times more polluted than the rest of the world, without even speaking of water pollution. Thanks to singers, journalists, writers like the author of this document, the world is now able to understand this big issue.

Overall, we can see that India is a two-faced society. The light one is this beautiful and original culture which worldwide spread, and the dark one is a more tragic observation. It is interspersed with poverty and pollution. The thing is, the world shouldn’t have to hear about such testimonials. I mean, people do know in what kind of lives Indian live, but everything they want to hear about is how good their music, their cooking or their celebrations are. And I must say, I think this is a shame that the world doesn’t care more about the average Indian. As a conclusion, I would tend to say that India is now deeply rooted in English-speaking country’s societies. But instead of being concerned of the place Indian culture takes in these countries, why not being concerned of the place it takes in India itself?

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-01-2019 12:16

Réponse : Notion/Places and Forms of Power de laure95, postée le 05-01-2019 à 15:21:43 (S | E)
Bonjour et BONNE ANNEE!
- India is a nation that can be described as (article) owner of power.
- the Indian soft power in several ways, and secondly the fact that this power isn’t as soft as it seems: changer le mot soft.

I –That is to say that (article)Indian way of living is worldwide spread and influence (faute de conjugaison)a lot of people.
- Photos of this event are perfectly illustrating (mettre au présent simple)the contrast
- a multitude of all kind (préposition)practices confirm the spreading of India’s spirit.
- even religion in exported
- who never heard or ate a curry?: mettre au présent perfect.
- So, not too bad, this influence, right? : dans une conversation mais pas ici (trop familier): à reformuler.

II – (aticle)Indian culture is not as soft (changer ce mot) as it seems...
- from the book called (remplacer ce verbe par entitled par example)“The White Tiger”
- there is something way: mal dit.
- the condition (mettre au pluriel)of poverty.
- the world is now able to understand (il s'agit plutôt de prise de conscience que de compréhension) this big issue.

- this beautiful and original culture which worldwide spread : faute de conjugaison.
- what kind of lives Indian live: mal dit.

Réponse : Notion/Places and Forms of Power de xobsi, postée le 05-01-2019 à 15:56:53 (S | E)
Bonjour et bonne année, bien sûr ! Merci pour vos commentaires !
Je vais peut-être abuser de votre gentillesse, mais ces corrections sont elles bonnes?

- India is a nation that can be described as an owner of power.
- the Indian soft power in several ways, and secondly the fact that this power isn’t as soft as it seems: changer le mot soft : je suis un peu embêtée car je ne trouve pas d'autre expression, peut-être utiliser le mot "Gentle"?

I –That is to say that the Indian way of living is worldwide spread and influence is influencing (faute de conjugaison)a lot of people.
- Photos of this event are perfectly illustrating perfectly illustrate the contrast
- a multitude of all kind of practices confirm the spreading of India’s spirit.
- even religion is exported
- who has never heard about or eaten a curry?: mettre au présent perfect.
- So, not too bad, this influence, right? this influence isn't that bad, after all : dans une conversation mais pas ici (trop familier): à reformuler.

II – The Indian culture is not as gentle? (changer ce mot) as it seems...
- from the book entitled (auriez-vous d'autres synonymes de ce verbe? J'ai trouvé titled et éventuellement headed mais cela ne me semble pas très correct) (remplacer ce verbe par entitled par example)“The White Tiger”
- there is something way Because a sick effect hides behind this face : mal dit.
- the conditions (mettre au pluriel)of poverty.
- the world is now able to understand wake up on (il s'agit plutôt de prise de conscience que de compréhension) this big issue.

- this beautiful and original culture which is worldwide spread : faute de conjugaison.
- what kind of lives Indian live circumstances Indian people have to live in : mal dit.

Encore un grand merci à vous !

Réponse : Notion/Places and Forms of Power de laure95, postée le 05-01-2019 à 19:08:27 (S | E)
- India is a nation that can be described as an owner of power: formulez plutôt ainsi: India is a nation that has some power.
- the Indian soft power in several ways, and secondly the fact that this power isn’t as soft as it seems: changer le mot soft : je suis un peu embêtée car je ne trouve pas d'autre expression, peut-être utiliser le mot "Gentle"?: moi, ce qui m'embête, c'est que je ne comprends pas ce que vous entendez par "soft" or "gentle" pour qualifier un pouvoir.

I –That is to say that the Indian way of living is worldwide spread and influence is influencing (faute de conjugaison)a lot of people :garder le présent simple, votre verbe influence a pour sujet the Indian way of living, donc, à la 3è personne du singulier, il faut mettre...

- Photos of this event are perfectly illustrating perfectly illustrate the contrast OK
- a multitude of all kind of practices confirm the spreading of India’s spirit. OK
- even religion is exported OK
- who has never heard about or eaten a curry?: mettre au présent perfect. OK
- this influence isn't that bad, after all : dans une conversation mais pas ici (trop familier): this influence is not so bad, isn't it?

- from the book entitled (auriez-vous d'autres synonymes de ce verbe? J'ai trouvé titled et éventuellement headed mais cela ne me semble pas très correct) (remplacer ce verbe par entitled par example)“The White Tiger”: ENTITLED est très bien
- Because a sick effect hides behind this face : ok.
- the conditions (mettre au pluriel)of poverty. OK
- the world is now able to wake up on (il s'agit plutôt de prise de conscience que de compréhension) this big issue. Ok ou is conscious of

- this beautiful and original culture which is worldwide spread : faute de conjugaison. ok
- what kind of lives Indian live circumstances Indian people have to live in : mal dit. What kind of ways of life the Indian have.

Devant "Indian prime minister", il manque un article.

Réponse : Notion/Places and Forms of Power de gerold, postée le 05-01-2019 à 21:33:31 (S | E)
Bonsoir xobsi et laure95
Le "soft power" (la manière douce") est la capacité à convaincre les autres et à influencer leur comportement sans recourir à la force ou à des pressions économiques (le "hard power").
Lien internet

Réponse : Notion/Places and Forms of Power de xobsi, postée le 13-01-2019 à 09:46:56 (S | E)
Merci pour vos réponses, et désolé du retard j'ai été plutôt occupée dernièrement avec les révisions
Oui, en effet, par "soft power", je voulais exprimer ce que gerold a pu définir

Pour les dernières corrections voici ce que j'ai fait :
I –That is to say that the Indian way of living is worldwide spread and influences is influencing (faute de conjugaison)a lot of people :garder le présent simple, votre verbe influence a pour sujet the Indian way of living, donc, à la 3è personne du singulier, il faut mettre...
Devant "Indian prime minister", il manque un article. -> the Indian Prime Minister

Je ne le dirai pas assez mais merci mille fois pour vos corrections qui m'ont été d'une grande aide !


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