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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de scop28 posté le 15-01-2019 à 23:28:11 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger ce texte s'il vous plait?

J'aimerais savoir si ces phrases sont correctes.
Merci pour vos réponses.

Office in a small city, Edward Hopper(1953) Interpretation of the painting.
The man is working alone but as we can see he is looking the buildings and give the feeling that he is dreaming and thinking. Maybe he thinks about his professional situation or his own city or his own future. Moreover, he looks on the right which demonstrates the word "future". The buildings in the middle are darker and smaller than the other white buildings, they might incarnate an old-time(factories in the 1850's) and as we can see they may represent old factories. This man may be an architect who wants to transform and expand his city, this can be seen through the fact that this "colder" (white) buildings are higher than the others and neutral which deals with modernity for the painter. It might be the rise of the service sector and the fall of the industrial sector.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-01-2019 07:21

Réponse : Expression/aide de gerondif, postée le 16-01-2019 à 00:02:35 (S | E)
quelques erreurs de base.
The man is working alone but as we can see he is looking at the buildings and give(le s du présent simple 3ème personne svp) the feeling that he is dreaming and thinking. Maybe he thinks (présent en ing préférable) about his professional situation or his own city or his own future. Moreover, he looks on the right which demonstrates the word "future" (ah bon , je ne vois pas cela sur la toile). The buildings in the middle are darker and smaller than the other white buildings, they might incarnate an old-time (pas de tiret, et pluriel préférable)(factories in the 1850's) and as we can see they may represent old factories. This man may be an architect who wants to transform and expand his city, this can be seen through the fact that this(pluriel) "colder" (white) buildings are higher than the others and neutral which deals with(ne me semble pas convenir, j'aurais utilisé to mean, signifier) modernity for the painter. It might be the rise of the service sector and the fall of the industrial sector.

Réponse : Expression/aide de scop28, postée le 16-01-2019 à 20:54:45 (S | E)
The man is working alone but as we can see he is looking at the buildings and gives the feeling that he is dreaming and thinking. Maybe he is thinking about his professional situation or his own city or his own future. Moreover, he looks on the right which demonstrates the word "future". The buildings in the middle are darker and smaller than the other white buildings, they might incarnate old times and as we can see they may represent old factories(factories in the 1850's). This man may be an architect who wants to transform and expand his city, this can be seen through the fact that these "colder" (white) buildings are higher than the others and neutral which mean modernity for the painter. Maybe these white buildings are white because they express the brainstorming of the architect who doesn't know how these buildings have to be. It might be the rise of the service sector and the fall of the industrial sector. There are more people in office blocks than in factories now.

Réponse : Expression/aide de gerondif, postée le 16-01-2019 à 20:57:50 (S | E)
(virgule, pour que which signifie, ce qui) which means modernity for the painter.

Réponse : Expression/aide de scop28, postée le 17-01-2019 à 16:57:24 (S | E)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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