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Introducing myself/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Introducing myself/aide
Message de perfect posté le 19-01-2019 à 17:02:35 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je suis actuellement en 3e et j'ai un oral à passer en anglais devant 4 jurys :
Voici le thème : Fais une présentation de toi-même !
J'aimerais que vous puissiez me corriger les fautes, dire ce qui ne va pas et ce que je pourrais améliorer afin de parfaire ma présentation.

Hello ! My name is Nelson Oli. I'm in Year eleven and I study at the middle school La Courtille in Paris. I was born of the 14th of November 2004, so I'm 14 years old. I live in Courtille and I'm from Italia. I'm honest, caring, outgoing, really hard-working, diligent, helpful and quite patient. I've got loads of dreams. I enjoy finding out about everything and anything in the world. We are 3 in my family. I have no brothers and no sisters, so I'm an only child. I have got no pet but I love animals ! I'm 1m60 tall and I've got brown hair. I speak two foreign languages. I speak French very wel, it's my native tongue and I speak a little deutsch too. I like so much fishes, I love almost all vegetables and fruits. Homever I dislike spinach and broccoli. I like going to the cinema and watch action moovies. As regards my hobbies, I love reading some books or surfing the net (because I'm curious). In my spare time, I watch TV or playing video games. At school, my favourite subjects are English, Deutsch, Physical and Mathematics because I love living languages and science. Lately, I visited some countries like Spain, Portugal and Tunisia. Later, I'd like to become an engineer.
Thank you for listening to me and for your attention.

Merci à tous ceux qui auront la gentillesse de me répondre

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-01-2019 17:40

Réponse : Introducing myself/aide de ladyenglish, postée le 19-01-2019 à 17:31:46 (S | E)

Hello ! My name is Nelson Oli. I'm in Year eleven and I study at the middle school La Courtille in Paris. I was born of the 14th of November 2004, so I'm 14 years old. I live in Courtille and I'm from Italia. I'm honest, caring, outgoing, really hard-working, diligent, helpful and quite patient. I've got loads of dreams. I enjoy finding out about everything and anything in the world. We are 3 in my family. I have no brothers and no sisters, so I'm an only child. I have got no pet but I love animals ! I'm 1m60 tall and I've got brown hair. I speak two foreign languages. I speak French very wel , it's my native tongue and I speak a little deutsch too. I like so much fishes, I love almost all vegetables and fruits. Homever I dislike spinach and broccoli. I like going to the cinema and watch action moovies. As regards my hobbies, I love reading some books or surfing the net (because I'm curious). In my spare, I watch TV or playing video games. At school, my favourite subjects are English, Deutsch, Physical and Mathematics because I love living languages and science. Lately, I visited some countries like Spain, Portugal and Tunisia. Later, I'd like to become an engineer.

Bon courage pour l'oral

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-01-2019 17:42

Réponse : Introducing myself/aide de perfect, postée le 19-01-2019 à 17:56:57 (S | E)
Very well, c'était une faute de frappe et pour spare j'ai oublié le mot time après
Sinon, il n'y aucune faute ? Rien à améliorer ?

Réponse : Introducing myself/aide de bluestar, postée le 19-01-2019 à 18:20:11 (S | E)

Hello ! My name is Nelson Oli. I'm in Year eleven and I study at the middle school La Courtille in Paris. I was born of the 14th of November 2004, so I'm 14 years old. I live in Courtille and I'm from Italia. I'm honest, caring, outgoing, really hard-working, diligent, helpful and quite patient. I've got loads of dreams. I enjoy finding out about everything and anything in the world. We are 3 in my family. I have no brothers and no sisters, so I'm an only child. I have got no pet but I love animals ! I'm 1m60 tall and I've got brown hair. I speak two foreign languages. I speak French very wel , it's my native tongue and I speak a little deutsch too. I like so much fishes (ordre des mots), I love almost all vegetables and fruits. Homever I dislike spinach and broccoli. I like going to the cinema and watching action moovies. As regards my hobbies, I love reading some books or surfing the net (because I'm curious). In my spare time, I watch TV or playing video games. At school, my favourite subjects are English, Deutsch, Physical Physics and Mathematics because I love living languages and science. Lately, I visited some countries like Spain, Portugal and Tunisia. Later, I'd like to become an engineer.

Réponse : Introducing myself/aide de perfect, postée le 19-01-2019 à 19:04:47 (S | E)

Hello ! My name is Nelson Oli. I'm in Year eleven and I study at the middle school La Courtille in Paris. I was born on the 14th of November 2004, so I'm 14 years old. I live in Courtille and I'm from Italy. I'm honest, caring, outgoing, really hard-working, diligent, helpful and quite patient. I've got loads of dreams. I enjoy finding out about everything and anything in the world. We are 3 in my family. I have no brothers and no sisters, so I'm an only child. I have got no pet but I love animals ! I'm 1m60 tall and I've got brown hair. I speak two foreign languages. I speak French very well , it's my native tongue and I speak a little German too. I like so much fishes (ordre des mots), I love almost all vegetables and fruits. However I dislike spinach and broccoli. I like going to the cinema and watching action movies. As regards my hobbies, I love reading some books or surfing the net (because I'm curious). In my spare time, I watch TV or playing video games. At school, my favourite subjects are English, German, Physics and Mathematics because I love living languages and science. Lately, I visited some countries like Spain, Portugal and Tunisia. Later, I'd like to become an engineer.

Est-ce correct ?


Réponse : Introducing myself/aide de bluestar, postée le 19-01-2019 à 20:41:31 (S | E)
In my spare time I watch tv or play (pas playing) videos
"I like so much fishes" dirais "I like fish very much"

Réponse : Introducing myself/aide de perfect, postée le 19-01-2019 à 21:44:39 (S | E)

D'accord, merci pour tout


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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