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My last holidays/Aide

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My last holidays/Aide
Message de perfect posté le 20-01-2019 à 19:38:53 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,
Je suis actuellement en 3e et j'ai un oral à passer en anglais devant 4 jurys :
Voici le thème : Raconte tes dernières vacances ! (PENSE à employer le prétérit puisque tu vas nous raconter des faits passés.)
J'aimerais que vous puissiez me corriger les fautes, dire ce qui ne va pas et ce que je pourrais améliorer afin de parfaire ma réponse.
Merci à tous ceux qui auront la gentillesse de me répondre,

I spent my last Holidays in Algeria in the city of Béjaia for two weeks. It was in August 2018. We rented a bungalow at the seaside in the beach of Tichy.
The weather was great, it was very sunny and hot every day so we could swim in the sea and lie on the beach. I was waking-up to a deep blue sky and a blazing sun.
In the afternoons, we often went to the city center to have pizza or delicious ice-creams in one of the cafe.
There are days when we don’t bathe at the sea, so we went to mountains. We picked there some fruits like grapes or plums. We had walks through the mountains or we contemplated nature and breathed fresh air. Landscapes were wonderful. The mountains are in Boukhelifa, the famous village of Zidane’s parents.
I ate some local food for example Tagine, Bread cake and cakes named cornes de gazelle or baklawa.
We visited waterfall’s Bourjmera and some places like Cap Carbon, the Casbah or Brise de mer which is an alley where we walk and where are many souvenirs shops and restaurants.
After two weeks we had to pack our suitcases and leave Béjaia. I came home with many nice memories and with beautiful suntan.
I like these holidays because I had a lot of fun and relax. I had a very good time at the seaside and I hope I will spend there my next holidays as well.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-01-2019 19:59

Réponse : My last holidays/Aide de maldit, postée le 21-01-2019 à 06:08:34 (S | E)
In the afternoons, we often went to the city center to have pizza or delicious ice-creams in one of the cafe (au pluriel).
There are (faute de temps) days when we don’t (au passé) bathe at the sea, so we went to the mountains. We picked there (mal placé) some fruits like grapes or plums. We had walks through the mountains or we contemplated nature and breathed fresh air. (Il faut un article)Landscapes were wonderful. The mountains are in Boukhelifa, the famous village of Zidane’s parents.
I ate some local food for example Tagine, Bread cake and cakes named cornes de gazelle or baklawa.
We visited waterfall’s Bourjmera (mal dit) and some places like Cap Carbon, the Casbah or Brise de mer which is an alley where we walk (temps) and where there are many souvenirs shops and restaurants.
After two weeks we had to pack our suitcases and leave Béjaia. I came home with many nice memories and with (article manquant) beautiful suntan.
I like (temps) these holidays (le pluriel ne va pas en anglais) because I had a lot of fun and relax (relax est un verbe). I had a very good time at the seaside and I hope I will spend there (mal placé) my next holidays as well.

En anglais, le mot holiday est souvent au singulier. Par exemple, to go on holiday.

Modifié par maldit le 22-01-2019 03:33


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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