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Analyse /aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Analyse /aide
Message de haek posté le 23-01-2019 à 19:40:33 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à vous,
j'avais réalisé une analyse d'image que j'avais posté sur le forum et dont on m'avait apporté une correction.
Depuis, j'ai réalisé ces modifications et j'aimerais avoir vos avis, voir si il y a encore des fautes d'orthographe ou de phrases s'il vous plait.
Merci à vous et bonne soirée.

The first document is a sculpture of a woman named “Supermarket Shopper”. It was made by Duane Hanson in 1970. This sculpture was made in Fiberglass and polyester and seems real.

This sculpture represents a quite large woman while she is doing her shopping. She is wearing blue slippers, a blue skirt and a pink tee shirt, her tights seem tapered. We can identify different accessories like a cigarette, a collar of flowers and a golden collar around her neck, she holds a black purse. On her head, there is a (bag ?) used to protect her pink curlers. Her eyebrows are really wax and she has an empty and tired gaze. On her body, many bruises and buttons are visible.
In addition, with her, we can observe a shopping cart filled of many products of the current consummation like toilet paper, bread, dog croquettes, household products, Coca-Cola, fruit juices, coffee, egg, chicken, turkey, ham etc… All these products are packaged; none of them seem natural and they must represent the abundance of the consumer society, the cigarette amplifies this idea of consummator(buyer) because it was a product of mass consummation during the 20th century.
We can suppose by the context, that the woman used her car to go in this supermarket and came because of the publicity propaganda lay by the television.
Her attitude is both relaxed and clumsy. Her appearance, dress and accessories give an unsightly image of the woman due to her tapered hose. She may be 40 years old and belong to a modest social class.

Through this realist sculpture, Duane Hanson wants to show the American woman during the 20th century, a housewife victim of the consumer society. He wants to discredit the “American way of life”, more generally the American society of the 20th century. The consummator(buyer) looks like a zombie, who buys without thinking like someone who seems to have lost his liberty.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-01-2019 22:14
Vous auriez pu poster à la suite de votre sujet initial : Lien internet

Réponse : Analyse /aide de gerondif, postée le 23-01-2019 à 20:06:23 (S | E)
The first document is a sculpture of a woman named “Supermarket Shopper”. It was made by Duane Hanson in 1970. This sculpture was made in Fiberglass and polyester and seems (looks) real.

This sculpture represents a quite large j'aurais dit rather plump, plutôt enrobée) woman (while she is) doing her shopping. She is wearing blue slippers, a blue skirt and a pink tee shirt, her tights seem tapered (je crois que vous confondez effilé avec ses bas ont filé). We can identify different accessories like a cigarette, a collar of flowers and a golden collar around her neck, she holds (présent en ing) a black purse. On her head, there is a (bag ?)( a scarf, un foulard) used to protect her pink curlers. Her eyebrows are really wax (sens? ou alors au participe passé, au sens de épilé mais je crois qu'alors on utilise le verbe pluck)) and she has an empty and tired gaze. On her body, many bruises and buttons (ne signifie pas un bouton au sens de pustule)are visible.
In addition, with(maladroit) her, we can observe a shopping cart filled of many products of the current consummation like toilet paper, bread, dog croquettes (dog food fait moins français), household products, Coca-Cola, fruit juices, coffee, egg(pluriel), chicken, turkey, ham etc… All these products are packaged; none of them seem natural and they must represent the abundance of the consumer society, the cigarette amplifies this idea of consummator(on parle de consumer society, ça devrait vous aider)(buyer) because it was a product of mass consummation during the 20th century.
We can suppose by the context, that the woman used her car to go in this supermarket and came because of the publicity propaganda lay by the television.
Her attitude is both relaxed and clumsy. Her appearance, dress and accessories give an unsightly image of the woman due to her tapered hose. She may be 40 years old and belong to a modest social class.

Through this realist sculpture, Duane Hanson wants to show the American woman during(in) the 20th century, a housewife victim of the consumer society. He wants to discredit the “American way of life”, more generally the American society of the 20th century. The consummator(buyer) looks like a zombie, who buys without thinking like someone who seems to have lost his or her liberty.

Réponse : Analyse /aide de haek, postée le 24-01-2019 à 21:30:05 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de votre réponse je vais corriger tout ça.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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