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Rack Your Brains and Help!/39

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Rack Your Brains and Help!/39
Message de here4u posté le 27-01-2019 à 12:34:40 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear All,

This time, I've really tried to make the exercises easier... My purpose isn't to make you fail or even to have you torture yourselves... It is to help you improve your level of English while having fun (if possible)... I keep repeating that you may (and MUST) leave aside what looks too difficult (once you've tried a little, of course... Everyone needs to make efforts but) I don't want to hurt you, frustrate you or make you unhappy because you'd think that "you have failed"... You HAVEN'T... As long as you've done your best... Therefore, I've decided to declare the most difficult sentences optional. No excuses required if you leave something out... You have TOTAL FREEDOM!

Quelques variantes dans cet exercice … De la variété dans le N°1 … et encore plus dans le N°2 … Les deux premières phrases sont plus faciles que les fois précédentes et courtes … La 3è innove puisqu'elle mélange les deux « tortures » … La partie essentielle consistera à remettre les mots dans l’ordre, mais il y a quand même une remise dans l’ordre des lettres à l’intérieur des 3 premiers mots …
Ces phrases sont données dans l’ordre croissant de difficultés. N’hésitez pas à vous arrêter lorsque vous pensez que vous y passez trop de temps à vous "amuser" en vous "énervant" …
Cet exercice est un et il sera corrigé online le dimanche 10 février 2019, tard.

J’aime bien le petit décalage temporel créé entre cet exercice et les autres sur ce Forum. Il me permet moins de stress pour travailler et nous permet, à tous, de mieux TRAVAILLER SUR LE « FOLLOW UP WORK » qui doit venir « boucler » tout travail constructif avant de passer à la suite. PLEASE... Je voudrais vraiment voir ce travail « post première correction » (Oups ! « deuxième correction », puisque vous avez déjà la vôtre …) s’amplifier et se généraliser … (J’ai été un peu déçue pour le « follow up work » du 147, puisqu’il y avait encore trop peu de volontaires et de plus, ce sont toujours les mêmes …) Un petit effort, please...
Comme toujours, you have THE FORCE!

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 2O fautes à corriger !

( ! Lors de votre correction, NE LAISSEZ PAS LES FAUTES ... en ajoutant la "bonne réponse" ... Merci de REMPLACER LES FAUTES ET DE LES METTRE EN MAJUSCULES; )

Every mornings, you and I and one hundred millions others… drink their favourite beverages before starting work.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, replied all over the world, are garbage bins brimed of disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, blowing down the street and rolling into the gutters.
Yet, it’s getting in the trend, « I like to be in the trend ». « We had independently got the same type of teacups or coffee cups and are now thinking of carrying your own. Sure, it’s just handy not to have, lying over your conscience, the fact that you’ve got all this stuff going into a landfill.»
With a keep cup, people say : "Oh, yes he’s saving the environement I guess…"
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :
Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups each years. Reusable mugs, some truly luxuous, are a growing trend. «I do think that these cups are a symbol of somebody’s income and a display of one’s wealth. It makes people feel a desire like: «Oh, I want that, and I’ll be doing something good for the environement too. So, it’s like a win-win.» Some US-produced mugs cost till $100, and include greentooth. Producers are already looking at the growing Australian market.
"When I’ve started drinking coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely any keep cups being used in coffees but now, it has definitely grown. There’s a lot of different marks out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids are all handmade and a lot of coffees are offering discounts as well, so that’s definitively an incentive for people bring their own cups in. It’s that all handmade feel that I think they’re after, rather than the next mass-produced mug. I think it’s also that the large majority like the no-plastic in the product, I think that one thing we decided very early was that, we just can’t design another product that had plastic in it. It’s something units that you can go and seek and find, like any other little trinsel you might put on display, this is another display that you’re going to carry with you potentially every day."

II) Find the «scrambled » words in the first two sentences.


2. A YIDLA EFOECF fix is a EPTLAS part of the day for SOLINILM of EPELOP around the world. (5)

III) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words in these three sentences so as to make meaningful sentences...




Do not hesitate to consider your pleasure first! Stop whenever you feel like it! Entering the game is what matters!

May you have the FORCE...

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de taiji43, postée le 31-01-2019 à 18:30:40 (S | E)
Hello Here,
For me this text is more difficult than the others … for example: It’s that all handmade feel that…Mugs (I have spent a lot of time to guess what he meant

Every morning, you and I and one hundred MILLION others… drink their favourite beverages before starting work.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, DUPLICATED all over the world, garbage –CANS (US) BRIMMING WITH disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, blowing down the street and rolling into the gutters.
Yet, it’s getting INTO the trend, « I like to be in the trend ». « We had independently got the same type of teacups or coffee cups and are now thinking of carrying your own.
Sure, it’s just PRATICAL not to have, lying ON your conscience, the fact that you’ve got all THESE STUFFS going into a landfill.»
With a keep cup, people say : "Oh, yes IT ’s saving the ENVIRONMENT I guess…The posh $100-coffee cup IS GOING TO RISE
Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups each years. reusable mugs, some truly LUXURIOUS HAVE a growing trend. «I do think that these cups are a symbol of somebody’s income and a display of one’s wealth.
It makes people feel a desire like: «Oh, I want that, and I will be doing something good for the ENVIRONMENT too.
So, it’s like a win-win.» Some US-produced mugs cost till $100, and include greentooth. Producers are already looking at the growing Australian market.
"When I STARTED drinking coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely any keep cups being used in COFFEE-BARS but now, THEY HAVE definitely grown.
There’ARE a lot of different marks out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids all OF THEM handmade and a lot of COFFEE-BARS are offering discounts as well, so that’s definitively an incentive for people TO BRING their own cups in.
It’s that all ARTISANS ??? feel WHAT I think they’re BETTER?????, rather than the next mass-produced MUGS. I think it’s also that the large majority like : no-plastic in the product,
I think that one thing we decided very early was that, we can’t SIMPLY design another product WHICH WOUL HAVE plastic in it.
It’s something UNIQUE that you can go and seek and find, like any other little TINSEL ?? WHICH you might put on display, this is another display that you WILL POTENTIOLLY carry with you every day

II) Find the «scrambled » words.
Experts say quirky cups are becoming a unique social…….??
Daily coffee fix is a staple part of the day for millions of people around the world. (5)

In australia, famed for its unique coffee, ever more elaborate and expensive, reusable coffee cups are becoming the norm
(je ne sais pas placer culture)


I am not sure of the accuracy of this sentence but it is plausible.

a growing awareness of the damage to the environment being done by single-use plastic takeaway cups
reusable cups are taking

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de nate, postée le 01-02-2019 à 21:53:11 (S | E)
Was the first exercise supposed to be easier too ? As I don’t see much difference with the previous ones. As a matter of fact, I found it a tad tougher… but I don’t mind it.


Every MORNING, you and I and one hundred MILLION others… drink OUR favourite beverages before starting work.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, WIDESPREAD all over the world, GARBAGE BINS ARE BRIMMING WITH disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, blowing down the street and rolling into the gutters.
Yet, it’s getting VERY FASHIONABLE (getting on-trend impossible ?), « I like to be ON-TREND ». « We INDEPENDENTLY HAD the same type of teacups or coffee cups and are now thinking of carrying OUR own. Sure, it’s just handy not to have, ON your conscience, the fact that you’ve got all this stuff going into a landfill.»
With a keep cup, people say : "Oh, yes he’s saving the (je sais que c’est ok mais pourquoi « the » devant ?) ENVIRONMENT I guess…"
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :
Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups EVERY YEAR (each possible aussi dans ce cas, non ?). Reusable mugs, some truly LUXURIOUS, are a growing trend. «I do think that these cups are a symbol of somebody’s income and a display of one’s wealth. It makes people feel a desire like: «Oh, I want that, and I’ll be doing something good for the ENVIRONMENT too. So, it’s like a win-win.» Some US-produced mugs cost till $100, and include GREEN TEA. Producers are already looking at the growing Australian market.
"When I (prétérite obligatoire) started drinking coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely any keep cups being used in COFFEE SHOPS but now, it has definitely grown. There’s (effectivement il faudrait « are » mais je me suis aperçu de cet oublie après avoir vu le travail du Taiji donc je ne le compte pas) a lot of different BRANDS out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids are all handmade and a lot of COFFEE SHOPS are offering discounts as well, so that’s definitively an incentive for people TO bring their own cups in. It’s that all handmade FEELING that I think they’re after, rather than the next mass-produced MUGS. I think it’s also that the large majority like the PLASTIC-FREE in the product, I think that one thing we decided very early was that, we just can’t design another product that had plastic in it. It’s something BASIC that you can GO AND FIND, like any other little TINSEL you might put on display, this is another display that you’re going to carry with you potentially every day."

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de taiji43, postée le 03-02-2019 à 16:25:07 (S | E)
désolée mais je sais il y a des lettres en moins à la dernière phrase du III... cela pourra peut-être quand même aider les autres ...
je dois passer au 149 maintenant.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de here4u, postée le 03-02-2019 à 19:50:08 (S | E)

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de magie8, postée le 03-02-2019 à 20:05:03 (S | E)

Every mornings, you and I and one hundred millions OF others… drink OUR favourite beverages before starting work.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, Were SPREADING(se répandaient) all over the world, garbage bins *** WERE BRIMFUL WITH(débordantes adj.)or FULL TO THE BRIM WITH (pleines à ras bord)or FULL OF disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, blowing down(s'éventrant,dégringolant) OR SWIRLING(tourbillonnant)ON the street and rolling into the gutters.

***cette 1ère parie de phrase me donne du fil à retordre je ne sais pas trop comment l' interpréter il y a plusieurs façons: cela pourrait être: at the end of well-oiled production lines WHAT WAS RESULTING all over the world IT WERE garbage bins....( pour en finir ce qui résultait des usines de production bien rodées partout dans le monde c'était des poubelles de détritus ...

Yet, it’s getting in the trend(devient dans la tendance?) OR GETTING the TREND (sans in) TRENDINESS ( c'est maintenant dans le vent, la vogue) it's SETTING A TREND (donne le ton) « I like to be TRENDY(à la dernière mode) ». « We had DEPENDENTLY, (de façon dépendante, asservie) got the same type of teacups or coffee cups and are now thinking of carrying OUR own. Sure, it’s just handy not to have, lying ON OUR'S conscience, the fact that WE’ve got all this stuff going into a landfill.»
With a keep cup, people say : "Oh, yes he’s saving the ENVIRONMENT I guess…"
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :
Australians USED around a billion disposable coffee cups EVERY years. Reusable mugs, some truly LUXURIOUS, are a growing trend. «I do think that these cups are a symbol of somebody’s income and a display of one’s wealth. It makes people feel a desire(donne aux gens un sentiment de désir) like: «Oh, I want that, and I’ll be doing something good for the ENVIRONMENT too. So, it’s like a win-win.» Some US-produced mugs cost till $100, and include GREEN TEA( avec le thé vert inclus)Producers are already looking at the growing Australian market.
"When I started( prétérit daté) drinking coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely any keep cups being used in COFFEE SHOPS but now, it has definitely grown. There ARE a lot of different BRANDS out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids are all handmade and a lot of COFFEE SHOPS are offering discounts as well, so that’s definitively an incentive for people bring their own cups in. It’s that all handmade feel that I think they’re after, rather than the next mass-produced mug. I think it’s also that the large majority like the no-plastic in the product, I think that one thing we decided very early was that, we just can’t design another product WHICH WOULD HAS plastic in it. It’s something units that you can go and seek and find, like any other little TINSEL(ornements) you might put on display, this is another display that you’re going to carry with you potentially every day."

le trinsel n existe pas, WR référence me donne approchants tringle,(triangle) tensely,(anxieux) trundler(chariot) tinsel( guirlande de noêl rien qui puisse correspondre j ai retenu TINSEL car j ai trouvé des autres sens possibles ornements,décor, fanfreluche cela peut convenir!
greentooth n'existe pas , trouvé greenpeace, green issues , green activists j'ai cherché autour de l'écologie.Et tout d'un coup en sortant mon sachet de thé du placard je lis thé vert euréka pourquoi pas green tea ou green eyes( les yeux verts de la vendeuse en prime) je n'en sais rien.En relisant et traduisant pour la énième fois après tout green tea ce n est pas si mal , le thé est compris dans le prix de la tasse. et les brim et les trend plusieurs possibilités...

II) Find the «scrambled » words in the first two sentences.

Les experts disent que les tasses originales deviennent un signifiant social unique

2. A YIDLA EFOEC EFOECF fix is a EPTLAS part of the day for SOLINILM of EPELOP around the world. (5)
A DAILY COFFEE fix is a STAPLE part of the day for MILLIONS of PEOPLE around the world

III) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words in these three sentences so as to make meaningful sentences... passe ...,,,


the more elaborate famed coffee and its unique expensive reusable coffee cups are becomming culture norm for ever in Australia
En Australie, le café renommé le plus élaboré et ses tasses à café uniques,onéreuses,réutilisables sont devenues la norme culturelle pour toujours.


La prise de conscience du grand dommage dans l'environnement occasionné par la vente à emporter avec des tasses à usage unique,un chemin tendant à prendre des tasses
réutisables est en pleine expansion.

En cherchant longtemps c' est ce que j'ai trouvé de moins bancal qui utilise toutes les lettres. Ce n'est peut être pas parfait mais au moins j'ai essayé.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de here4u, postée le 07-02-2019 à 17:51:40 (S | E)
Hello !

Plus que 3 jours pour cet exercice ... alors que le plein est presque parfait pour l'exercice qui est attendu bien plus tard ... Vous me faites peur ! Allez, ne réfléchissez pas trop ... On s'amuse ...
Je commence à poster les corrections demain matin.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de joe39, postée le 07-02-2019 à 19:15:55 (S | E)
Hello, dear here4u,
hereunder my try,
at disposal for the correction.
I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 2O fautes à corriger !

Every MORNING, you and I and one hundred MILLION others… drink OUR favourite beverages before starting work.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, REPLICATED all over the world, THERE are garbage bins BRIMMING OVER WITH disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, BLOWN down the street and rolling into the gutters.
Yet, it’s getting in the trend, « I like to be in the trend ». « We had independently got the same type of teacups or coffee cups and are now thinking of carrying OUR own. Sure, it’s just handy not to have, lying over your conscience, the fact that you’ve got all this stuff going into a landfill.»
With a KEEPCUP (KeepCup), people say : "Oh, yes he’s saving the ENVIRONMENT I
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :
Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups EVERY YEAR. Reusable mugs, some truly LUXURIOUS, are a growing trend. «I do think that these cups are a symbol of somebody’s income and a display of one’s wealth. It makes
people feel a desire like: «Oh, I want that, and I’ll be doing something good for the ENVIRONMENT too. So, it’s like a win-win.» Some US-produced mugs cost till $100, and include greentooth. Producers are already looking at the
growing Australian market.
"When I STARTED drinking coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely any KEEPCUP being used in CAFÉS but now, ITS USE has definitely grown.
There ARE a lot of different BRANDS out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids, all OF THEM handmade and a lot of CAFÉS are offering discounts as well, so that’s definitively an incentive for people TO bring their own cups in. It’s all THIS
FEELING FOR THE handmade that I think they’re after, rather than the next mass-produced MUGS.
I think it’s also that the large majority like the PLASTIC-FREE product,
I think that one thing we decided very early was that, we just can’t
design another product that had plastic in it. It’s something UNIQUE that you can go seek and find IT, SINCE any other little DECORATION you might put on display, WOULD BE another display that you COULD carry with you, potentially every day."

II) Find the « scrambled » words in the first two sentences.

1. /EXPERTS say QUIRKY cups are BECOMING a UNIQUE social
Les experts disent que les tasses à café originaux deviennent un symbole sociale
2. A DAILY COFFEE fix is a STAPLE part of the day for MILLIONS of
PEOPLE around the world. (5)
Un café quotidien est un élément journalier essentiel pour des millions de personnes
dans le mond entier
III) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words in these three sentences so as to
make meaningful sentences...
I’m sorry but I prefer give it up.
Thanking you very much, I hope you have a pleasant evening.
So long

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de maxwell, postée le 08-02-2019 à 20:56:48 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Thanks a lot! The difficulty proves the usefulness of this exercise

I) Help my student:
Every MORNING, you and I and one hundred MILLION others... drink their favourite beverages before starting work.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, SPREAD all over the world, are garbage bins BRIMMING WITH disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, BLOWN down the street and rolling into the gutters.
Yet, it's getting TRENDY, « I like BEING TRENDY». « We had independently got the same type of teacups or coffee cups and are now thinking of carrying OUR own. Sure, it's just handy not to have, lying ON your conscience, the fact that you've got all this stuff going into a landfill. »
With a keep cup, people say : « Oh, yes he's saving the ENVIRONMENT I guess"
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :
Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups each YEAR. Reusable mugs, some truly LUXURIOUS, are a growing trend. « I do think that these cups are a symbol of somebody's income and a display of one's wealth. It makes people feel a desire like : « Oh, I want that, and I'll be doing something good for the ENVIRONMENT too. So, it's like a win-win. » Some AMERICAN-MADE mugs cost UP TO $100, and include greentooth(*). Producers are already looking at the growing Australian market.
When I[] started drinking coffee about 5 years ago, there were HARDLY any keep cups being used in CAFES but SINCE THEN, it has definitely grown. There ARE a lot of different marks out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids are all handmade and a lot of CAFES are offering discounts as well, so that's DEFINITELY an incentive for people TO bring their own cups in. It's THIS all handmade APPROACH that I think they're after, rather than the next mass-produced mug. I think it's also that the large majority like the no-plastic in the product CONCEPT, I think that one thing we'VE decided very early was that, we just can't design another product that HAS plastic in it.

It's something UNIQUE (**)that you can go[,](***) seek and find, like any other little TINSEL you might put on display, this is another display that you're going to carry with you potentially every day.
(*) je ne vois pas ce que c'est ni par quoi le remplacer
(**) wild guess...
(**) "Go, seek and find" est beaucoup plus fréquent mais je crois que "go and seek and find" n'est pas faux

II) Scrambled words:
1. EXPERTS say QUIRKY cups are BECOMING a UNIQUE social RISINGFEI. (4/5)
2. A DAILY COFFEE fix is a STAPLE part of the day for MILLIONS of PEOPLE around the world. (5/5)

III) Reorder: way too discouraging

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de chocolatcitron, postée le 08-02-2019 à 23:51:55 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains and Help!/39
Message de here4u posté le 27-01-2019 à 12:34:40 (S | E | F) 10 février 2019 BEFORE BEING TOO LATE : FINISHED !
Hello and thank you for working my dear Here4u !
Hi Everybody!

Comme toujours, you have THE FORCE!

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 2O fautes à corriger !

EveryMORNING, you and ME and one hundred MILLION others… drink their favourite beverages before starting WORKING.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, WENT all over the world, are garbage bins BRIMMING WITH disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at BUS STOP, BLOWN AWAY the street and rolling into the gutters.
Yet, it’s getting ON-trend, « I like to be ON-trend ». « We had independently got the same type of teacups or coffee cups and are now thinking of carrying your own. Sure, it’s just handy not to have, LEAN over your conscience, the fact that you’ve got all this stuff going into a landfill.»
With a keep cup, people say : "Oh, yes he’s saving theENVIRONMENT I guess…"
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :
Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups each YEAR. Reusable mugs, some truly LUSCIOUS, are a growing trend. «I do think that these cups are a symbol of somebody’s income and a display of one’s wealth. It makes people feel a desire like: «Oh, I want that, and I’ll be doing something good for the ENVIRONMENT too. So, it’s like a win-win.» Some AMERICAN'S mugs PRODUCTIONS cost till $100, and include GREENWOOD (???) . Producers are already looking at the growing Australian market.
"When I’ve started drinking coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely any keep cups being used in COFFEE but now, it has definitely grown. There’s a lot of different marks out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids are all handmade and a lot of COFFEE are offering discounts as well, so that’s definitively an incentive for people bring their own cups in. It’s that all handmade feel that I think they’re after, rather than the next mass-produced mug. I think it’s also that the large majority like the no-plastic in the product, I think that one thing we decided very early was that, we just can’t design another product that had plastic in it. It’s something units that you can HIDE-AND-GO -SEEK, like any other little TINSEL you might put on display, this is another display that you’re going to carry with you potentially every day."

Every + singular.
You and me = vous et moi.
Coffee = uncountable !
Million = invariable après un adjectif numéral.
A hundred millions of others ou one hundred million others... ??? je ne sais plus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
parmi tant d'autres

among so many others
Before + ing. Before starting working = j'ai compris « avant de commencer l'activité de travailler »... (tôt le matin, en début, pour se mettre en route... )
Bus stop = j'ai hésité avec ton pluriel, peut-être à tort, ou alors j'ai raison... il me semble que le texte parle des arrêts de bus, comme du lieu (multiple) où les bus s'arrêtent, et donc d'après l'article wikipedia, c'est au singulier... suivi éventuellement de shelters. (abris)
Lien internet

blown away = emportés par le vent...
To be on-trend = être tendance, à la mode... ou alors to be in. (sans « trend »)
Lean over = se pencher sur sa conscience, faire un examen de conscience, du moins c'est le sens que je vois ! For a soul-searching... , non ????
Greenwood = l'arbre vert = label écologique ??????
Luscious = succulent.
American = dollars, pas de livres sterling, donc les américains,
Hide-and-go-seek = jeu de cache-cache enfantin.
Tinsel = guirlande de Noël. ???

II) Find the «scrambled » words in the first two sentences.


2. A DAILY COFFEE fix is a STAPLE part of the day for MILLIONS of PEOPLE around the world. (5)

III) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words in these three sentences so as to make meaningful sentences...


Do not hesitate to consider your pleasure first! Stop whenever you feel like it! Entering the game is what matters!

May you have the FORCE...

Easier ? Really ? Yes, just when you know all the solutions to solve it... and have had much time to search all the words into dictionaries... I did my very best, of course, this is my present, but my packaging might be more beautiful than my present itself... But when the Internet has not been with you for days, and you see the previous date's coming... so, I became crazy and you might have a cold bath this time, once again!!!! Be lucky !
See you soon. Have a sweet week, mine was very hard, and finished well... Sometimes... The force comes back to you, you need it to be not choked with our and my mistakes ! Be lucky !

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de tereda, postée le 09-02-2019 à 14:24:49 (S | E)
Hello everyone,

my try to this exercise, ready for correction.

I)Please, help my student!

Every MORNING, YOU, Me and ONE hundred millions others drink OUR favourite beverages before STARTING WORK.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, REPEATED all over the world, are garbage bins brimmed of disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, blowing down the street and rolling into the gutters.

Yet, it’s getting in the trend, « I like BEING in the trend ». « We had independently got the same type of TEA OR COFFEE CUPS and NOW are thinking of CREATING your own.

Sure, it’s just handy not to have, TROUBLING your conscience, the fact that you’ve got all this stuff going into a landfill.»

With a keep cup, people say : "Oh, yes I'M saving the ENVIRONMENT I guess…"
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :
Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups each YEAR. Reusable mugs, some truly LUXURIOUS, are a growing trend.
«I do think that these cups are a symbol of somebody’s income and a display of one’s wealth. It makes people feel a desire like: «Oh, I want that, and I’ll be doing something good for the ENVIRONMENT too. So, it’s like a win-win.» Some US-produced mugs cost till $100, and include GREEN TOUCH** - Producers are already looking at the growing Australian market.
** maybe, I WONDER what green tooth comes to do here !!

"When I STARTED DRINKING coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely any keep cups being used in coffees but now, it has definitely grown. There’s a lot of different marks out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids are all handmade and a lot of coffees are offering discounts as well, so that’s definitively an incentive for people BRINGING their own cups in. It’s that all handmade feel that I think they’re after, rather than the next mass-produced mug. I think it’s also BECAUSE the large majority like the no-plastic in the product, I think that one thing we decided very early was that, we just can’t design another product that had plastic in it. It’s something UNIQUE that you can go SEEKING and find, like any other little TRINKET you might put on display, this is another display that you’re going to carry with you potentially every day."

THANKS TO HERE4U for the correction.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de alpiem, postée le 09-02-2019 à 16:29:42 (S | E)
Répondre au sujet (105958) Rack Your Brains and Help!/39...NOW READY
Hello everybody, here is my help to the student!(rack your brain)

Every MORNING, you and I and one hundred MILLION others drink OUR favourite beverages before starting
At the end of well-oiled production lines REPETED all over the world are garbage bins FRAUGHT WITH disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, blowing down the street and rolling into
the gutters.

Yet, it's NO LONGER getting in the trend,"I like BEING in the trend".We have independantly got the same type of
teacups or coffee cups and are now thinking of carrying OUR own ONES. Sure, it's just handy not to have,

lying over your conscience the fact that you've got all THAT stuff going into a landfill.
With a keep cup, people say:"oh, yes he's saving the environment I guess...."

The posh $100-coffee cup is rising:Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups each YEAR.
Reusable mugs, some truly luxurious, are a growing trend. "I do think that these cups are a symbol of
somebody's income and a display of one's wealth. It makes people feel a desire like: "Oh, I want that,
and I'll be doing something good for the environement too. So, it's like a win-win".Some US-produced mugs
cost UP TO $100, and include green-tooth.Producers are already looking at the growing Australian
market. when I STARTED drinking coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely any keep cups being used
in coffees but now, it has definitely grown. There's a lot of different marks out there, ceramic cups with
silicon lids are all hand-made and a lot of coffees are offering discounts as well, so that's definitively
an incentive for people TO bring their own cups in. It's something UNIQUE that you can go and seek and
find, like any other little trinsel you might put on display, this is another display that you're going
to carry with you potentially every day.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de boubouille, postée le 10-02-2019 à 18:42:44 (S | E)
Hello everyone
Hello Here
I hope to satisfy our master to all

Here is my correction READY TO BE CORRECTED

Every MORNING, you and I and one hundred MILLION others… drink their favourite beverages before starting work.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, replied all over the world, are garbage bins DRIMMED of disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, BLOW down the street and rolling into the gutters.
Yet, it’s getting in the trend, « I like to be in the trend ». # « We had independently got the same type of TEA CUPS or coffee cups and are now thinking of carrying your own.
Sure, it’s just handy not to have, lying over your conscience, the fact that you’ve got all this stuff going into a landfill.»
With a keep cup, people say : "Oh, yes he’s saving the ENVIRONMENT I guess…"
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :
Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups each YEAR. Reusable mugs, some truly LUXURIOUS, are a growing trend. «I DO think that these cups are a symbol of somebody’s income and a display of one’s wealth. It makes people feel a desire like: «Oh, I want that, and I’ll be doing something good for the ENVIRONMENT  too. So, it’s like
a win-win.» Some US-produced mugs cost till $100, and include GREENTEETH. Producers are already looking at the growing Australian market.
"When I’VE started drinking coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely ALMOST keep cups being used in coffees but now,
it has definitely grown. There’s a lot of different marks out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids are all handmade and a lot of COFFEE IS offering discounts as well, so that’s DEFINITELY an incentive for people TO bring their own cups in.
 It’s that all handmade feel that I think they’re after, rather than the next mass-produced mug. I think it’s also that the large majority like the no-plastic in the product, I think that one thing we decided very early was that, we just can’t design another product that had plastic in it. It’s something UNIQUE that you can go and seek and find, like any other little TINSEL you might put on display, this is another display that you’re going to carry with you potentially EVERYDAY ."

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de here4u, postée le 10-02-2019 à 23:19:42 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends!

Voici votre correction. Vous m’avez déçue en ne trouvant pas ce devoir plus facile, (ou au moins "moins difficile" ) que les précédents ! Je fais pourtant beaucoup d’efforts … Vous aussi, d'ailleurs, puisque vos résultats sont TRES BONS, vous méritez toutes mes FELICITATIONS !
Une énorme satisfaction, aussi ... Plusieurs d’entre vous se sont organisés pour assurer le « follow-up work » de ces exercices, après cette correction. Je les en remercie et espère que cette organisation exceptionnelle pourra se mettre en place parmi tous à chaque fois. Il est clair, en tout cas, que vous pouvez tous réagir, après ma correction collective, pour participer à ce travail de groupe et suivre, ou vous ajouter à cette impulsion nouvelle. et

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 2O fautes à corriger !

Every morning(1), you and I, and millions of others(2)… drink their favourite beverages before starting work.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, replicated(3) all over the world, are garbage bins brimming(4 ) with disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, blowing down the street and rolling in the gutters.
Yet, it’s getting in the trend, « I like to be in the trend ». « We had independently got the same type of teacups or coffee cups* and are now thinking of carrying our (5) own. Sure, it’s just handy not to have, laying over (6) your conscience, the fact that you’ve got all this stuff going into a landfill.»
With a keep cup, people say : "Oh, yes he’s saving the environment (7) I guess…"
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :
Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups each year.(8) Reusable mugs, some truly luxurious (9), are a growing trend. «I do think that these cups are a symbol of somebody’s income and a display of one’s wealth. It makes people feel a desire like: « Oh, I want that, and I’ll be doing something good for the environment too. So, it’s like a win-win.» Some US-produced mugs cost up to (10)$100, and include bluetooth (11). Producers are already looking at the growing Australian market.
When I started drinking (12) coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely any keep cups being used in cafés (13) but now, it has definitely grown. There’s a lot of different brands (14) out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids are all handmade and a lot of cafés are offering discounts as well, so that’s definitely(15) an incentive for people to bring their own cups in.(16) It’s that whole (17) handmade feel that I think they’re after, rather than the next mass-produced mug. I think it’s also that the large majority like the no-plastic in the product, I think that one thing we decided very early was that, we just can’t design another product that had plastic in it. It’s something unique (18) that you can go and seek and find, like any other little trinket (19) you might put on display, this is another display that you’re going to carry with you potentially every day.

(1) Every + singulier (pas de –s à "morning")
(2) «one hundred million others» (= 100 000 000) ou «millions of others» : les numéraux dozen, hundred, thousand, million ne prennent pas de –s lorsqu’ils sont précédés par un numéral (car ils sont adjectifs). Au contraire, lorsqu’ils font partie d’un complément de nom (sont reliés à un autre nom par « of »), ils prennent le pluriel : 3 million cups// millions of cups.
(3) Non pas replied (répondre), mais replicated ;
(4) Brimming with ; a brim = un bord ;
(5) * teacups and coffee cups : décrivent ici le contenant = tasses à thé et tasses à café= tasses pour boire du thé ou du café.
(6) «We had independently…….=> our own …»/// "laying over your conscience"= weighing on your conscience.
(7) the environment = attention à l’orthographe.
(8) «each», comme « every » est suivi d’un singulier … Pour distinguer les deux, revoir leçon N° 111 772.
(9) «luxuous» n’existe pas ; "luscious"= succulent ; luxueux = "luxurious"
(10) Coûtent jusqu’à … cost up to $100 ;(attention, "till" s'utilisé pour exprimer le temps (ou une distance) ; les signes $, comme le signe £, comme € dans un texte en anglais se placent DEVANT la somme.
(11) «include bluetooth» … Bluetooth /ˈbluːˌtuːθ/ = a short-range radio technology that allows wireless communication between a computer and a keyboard, between mobile phones, etc
Là, vous m’avez vraiment surprise … et un peu déçue … PERSONNE N’A TROUVE … et pourtant tout le monde connaît ...
Vous avez choisi la logique … et êtes restés dans le « green » écologique … mais mon élève est tout sauf logique !
(12) When I started drinking … about 5 years ago,= moment passé précisé => prétérite nécessaire.
(13) ATTENTION ! Un « café », l’endroit où les consommateurs se retrouvent = « cafés » ou « coffee-shops ».
(14) "mark"= une note. A "brand" = une marque
(15) definitely = sans aucun doute, assurément.
(16) … « pour qu’il aille » = for him to go=> for people to bring ; people = pluriel => their cups. «To bring in their cups»=> rejet de la particule adverbiale en fin de phrase.
(17) «a whole feel» = a whole feeling
(18) a UNIT => units but here, we want an adjective « unique » (mon élève a toujours tendance à écrire approximativement « ce qu’il entend » …
(19) «any other little trinsel you might put on display…» … à deux lettres près (ce qui est, dans le meilleur des cas, plus ou moins l’approximation des élèves lorsqu’ils apprennent du vocabulaire, vous trouvez « trinKeT » … Pas toujours facile d’être correcteur !

II) Find the «scrambled» words in the first two sentences, and reorder the words if necessary...

= Experts say quirkly cups are becoming a unique social signifier.

2. A YIDLA EFOECF fix is a EPTLAS part of the day for SOLINILM of people around the world.
= A daily coffee fix is a staple part of the day for millions of people around the world.

3. For some AUSTRALIANS, spending lots of money on a REUSABLE mug shows you love coffee and the environment in equal AMOUNTS.

4. In Australia, famed for its unique coffee culture, ever more elaborate and expensive resuable coffee cups are becoming the norm.

5. With a growing awareness of the damage being done to the environment by single-use plastic takeaway cups, reusable cups are taking off in a big way.

Bravo encore à tous !

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de magie8, postée le 11-02-2019 à 06:12:29 (S | E)
bonjour ,
voici la traduction de la 1ère partie du texte

Every morning(1), you and I, and millions of others(2)… drink their favourite beverages before starting work.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, replicated(3) all over the world, are garbage bins brimming(4 ) with disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches, at bus stops, blowing down the street and rolling in the gutters.
Yet, it’s getting in the trend, « I like to be in the trend ». « We had independently got the same type of teacups or coffee cups* and are now thinking of carrying our (5) own. Sure, it’s just handy not to have, laying over (6) your conscience, the fact that you’ve got all this stuff going into a landfill.»
With a keep cup, people say : "Oh, yes he’s saving the environment (7) I guess…"
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :

Chaque matin,vous et moi,et des millions d'autres boivent leur boisson favorite avant de commencer à travailler.
A la fin des lignes de productions bien rodées reproduites partout dans le monde se trouvent des poubelles remplies à ras bord de gobelets et couvercles jetables, des gobelets laissés sur les bancs aux arrêts de bus,tourbillonnant et roulant dans les caniveaux.
Maintenant cela devient la tendance, "j'aime être dans la tendance."Nous possédons de manière indépendante le même type de tasses à thé ou à café" et nous pensons à l'apporter.Certainement,c'est bien pratique de ne pas avoir, pesant sur la conscience, le fait de tous ces trucs mis à la décharge."
Avec les tasses que l'on garde, les gens disent:" oh,oui,ils sauvent l'environnement, j'imagine..."
La tasse à café élégante à 100 dollars est en expansion:

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de tereda, postée le 11-02-2019 à 11:02:16 (S | E)

my proposal for the second part of the text

[...] Les Australiens utilisent environ un milliard de tasses à café jetables chaque année. Les tasses réutilisables, certaines vraiment LUXUEUSES, sont une tendance croissante.
"Je pense que ces tasses symbolisent le niveau de vie des gens et l'étalage de leur richesse. Les gens ressentent un désir comme : "Oh, je le veux, et je ferai quelque chose de bien pour l'ENVIRONNEMENT aussi. Donc, c'est comme si c'était gagnant-gagnant." Certaines tasses produites aux États-Unis coûtent jusqu'à 100 $ et comprennent le Bluetooth**. Les producteurs se penchent déjà sur le marché australien en pleine croissance.
"Quand j'ai commencé à boire du café il y a environ 5 ans, il n'y avait presque pas de gobelets dans les cafés, mais maintenant, il y en a de plus en plus.
Il existe beaucoup de marques différentes, les tasses en céramique avec des couvercles en silicone sont toutes faites à la main et beaucoup de cafés offrent aussi des remises, c'est donc définitivement une incitation pour les gens à apporter leurs propres tasses.
C'est le sentiment de l'objet fait à la main qu'ils recherchent, je pense, plutôt que la prochaine tasse produite en série. Je pense aussi que la grande majorité d'entre eux apprécient l'absence de plastique dans le produit, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé très tôt que nous ne pouvions tout simplement pas concevoir un autre produit contenant du plastique.

** étonnant cette idée de Bluetooth dans une tasse. !!

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de alpiem, postée le 11-02-2019 à 14:22:20 (S | E)
HELLO HERE4U,HERE is the translation I have been entrusted to send you: it's hard to make french stick
to english mood.

Tous les matins, toi et moi et une centaine de millions d'autres buvons notre boisson favorite avant le travail

Au bout des chaines de production bien entretenues,on trouve des poubelles pleines de déchets, des tasses
jetables,fet des couvercles: tasses abandonnées sur des bancs , aux arrêts de bus, dévalant les ruelles et tombant dans les égouts.
Oui, ça commence à être la mode,"J'aime suivre la mode": "On a individuellement fait le meme type de tasse de thé ou de café et chacun peux maintenant faire connaitre la sienne.
Bien sûr, c'est commode de ne pas avoir sur sa conscience le fait d'avoir jeté tout ce rebut à la poubelle.
Avec une tasse normale les gens disent:"Oh,c'est bien ,je vois qu'il sauve l'environnement .
La tasse tendance à 100$ grimpe: Les Australiens jettent un milliards de tasses jetables chaque année. Les mugs réutilisables ,certains vraiment luxueux ,deviennent une tendance montante." Je crois que vraiment ces mugs sont un symbole des revenus de ces personnes et un étalage de leurs fortune. Il incite les intéressés à ressentir des désirs comme :"oh, je veux acheter cela et je ferai en même temps du bien à l'environnement.Cela fait d'une pierre deux coups.
Certaines de ces chopes coûtent jusqu'à 100$ avec (greentooth)
Les producteurs s'intéressent déjà au marché Australien en hausse.
Quand j'ai commencé à boire du café, il y a environ cinq ans,il n'y avait presque aucune chope non jetable utilisée pour le café, mais maintenant elle s'est incontestablement imposée.
Il existe plein de marques différentes pour cela, des jugs en céramique avec un couvercle en silicone qui sont fait-main et différents cafés font des promotions aussi de manière que les personnes soient assurément amenées à garder avec soi leur tasse personnelle.
C'est que tout ce qui est fait-main, ils en sont férus,plutôt que de la chope de production en masse.
Et aussi que la grande majorité préfère le sans-plastique, c'est une chose que nous avons décidé dès le début, que nous ne déciderons jamais plus de produit ayant du plastic.C'est une chose unique, dont vous pouvez vous assurer de porter sur vous, comme tout autre clincant que vous portez,c'en est un autre que vous porter avec vous tous les jours.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de here4u, postée le 11-02-2019 à 16:39:55 (S | E)

Merci d'avoir été si rapide ... Voyons, voyons ...

Every morning(1), you and I, and millions of others(2)… drink their favourite beverages before starting work.
At the end of well-oiled production lines, replicated(3) all over the world, are garbage bins brimming(4 ) with disposable cups and lids, cups left on benches at bus stops, blowing down the street and rolling in the gutters.
Yet, it’s getting in the trend, « I like to be in the trend ». « We had independently got the same type of teacups or coffee cups* and are now thinking of carrying our (5) own. Sure, it’s just handy not to have, laying over (6) your conscience, the fact that you’ve got all this stuff going into a landfill.»
With a keep cup, people say : "Oh, yes he’s saving the environment (7) I guess…"
The posh $100-coffee cup is rising :

Chaque matin, vous et moi et des millions d'autres boivent leur * buvons notre boisson favorite avant de commencer à travailler (le travail).
A la fin des lignes chaînes de productions bien rodées, reproduites partout dans le monde se trouvent des poubelles remplies à ras bord de gobelets et couvercles jetables, des gobelets laissés sur les bancs aux arrêts de bus, tourbillonnant (soufflés par le vent) et roulant dans les caniveaux. TTB
Maintenant cela devient la tendance, "j'aime être dans la tendance."Nous possédons de manière indépendante le même type de tasses à thé ou à café" et nous pensons à l'apporter Non ! Nous envisageons maintenant d'apporter la nôtre. **. Certainement, c'est bien pratique de ne pas avoir, pesant sur la conscience, le fait de tous ces trucs mis à la décharge."
Avec les tasses que l'on garde, les gens disent :" oh, oui, ils sauvent l'environnement, j'imagine ..."
La tasse à café élégante à 100 dollars est en expansion :

* en français : vous, eux et moi, nous buvons ...
En anglais : la reprise se fait en "their".
** Cette tasse sera originale et personnelle, non pas "standardisée" comme celles en plastique ou en carton !

Bravo pour ce très bon travail, Magie ! et un grand merci!

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de here4u, postée le 11-02-2019 à 16:51:40 (S | E)

Merci aussi à toi, Tereda, pour ton travail et ta promptitude ! !

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de tereda, postée le 11-02-2019 à 11:02:16 (S | E)

my proposal for the second part of the text:

Australians use around a billion disposable coffee cups each year.(8) Reusable mugs, some truly luxurious (9), are a growing trend. «I do think that these cups are a symbol of somebody’s income and a display of one’s wealth. It makes people feel a desire like: « Oh, I want that, and I’ll be doing something good for the environment too. So, it’s like a win-win.» Some US-produced mugs cost up to (10)$100, and include bluetooth (11). Producers are already looking at the growing Australian market.
When I started drinking (12) coffee about 5 years ago, there were barely any keep cups being used in cafés (13) but now, it has definitely grown. There’s a lot of different brands (14) out there, ceramic cups with silicone lids are all handmade and a lot of cafés are offering discounts as well, so that’s definitely(15) an incentive for people to bring their own cups in.(16) It’s that whole (17) handmade feel that I think they’re after, rather than the next mass-produced mug. I think it’s also that the large majority like the no-plastic in the product, I think that one thing we decided very early was that, we just can’t design another product that had plastic in it. It’s something unique (18) that you can go and seek and find, like any other little trinket (19) you might put on display, this is another display that you’re going to carry with you potentially every day.

[...] Les Australiens utilisent environ un milliard de tasses à café jetables chaque année. Les tasses réutilisables, certaines vraiment LUXUEUSES, sont une tendance croissante.
"Je pense que ces tasses symbolisent le niveau de vie des gens et l'étalage de leur richesse. Les gens ressentent un désir comme : "Oh, je le (LA) veux, et je ferai quelque chose de bien pour l'ENVIRONNEMENT aussi. Donc, c'est comme si c'était gagnant-gagnant." Certaines tasses produites aux États-Unis coûtent jusqu'à 100 $ et comprennent le Bluetooth**. Les producteurs se penchent déjà sur le marché australien en pleine croissance.
"Quand j'ai commencé à boire du café il y a environ 5 ans, il n'y avait presque pas de gobelets tasse personnelle dans les cafés, mais maintenant, il y en a de plus en plus.
Il existe beaucoup de marques différentes, les tasses en céramique avec des couvercles en silicone sont toutes faites à la main et beaucoup de cafés offrent aussi des remises, c'est donc définitivement une incitation pour les gens à apporter leurs propres tasses. TTB
C'est le sentiment de l'objet fait à la main qu'ils recherchent, je pense, plutôt que la prochaine tasse produite en série. Je pense aussi que la grande majorité d'entre eux apprécient l'absence de plastique dans le produit, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé très tôt que nous ne pouvions tout simplement pas concevoir un autre produit contenant du plastique.

** étonnant cette idée de Bluetooth dans une tasse. !! Il existe maintenant aussi des sacs à dos avec le bluetooth ... On n'arrête pas le progrès ! Bravo et encore merci pour ce très bon travail !

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de here4u, postée le 11-02-2019 à 18:07:04 (S | E)
Hello, Alpiem!

Thanks for accepting to do this "follow up work..."

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de alpiem, postée le 11-02-2019 à 14:22:20 (S | E)
HELLO HERE4U,HERE is the translation I have been entrusted to send you: it's hard to make french (French) stick to english (English majuscules nécessaires pour les langues et nationalités. ) mood.

Tous les matins, toi et moi et une centaine de millions d'autres buvons notre boisson favorite avant le travail. TTB
Au bout des chaines de production bien entretenues, REPRODUITES DANS LE MONDE ENTIER, on trouve des poubelles pleines de (déchets, des) tasses jetables, et des couvercles: tasses abandonnées sur des bancs aux arrêts de bus, dévalant les ruelles et tombant dans les égouts(égouts = sewers; les caniveaux sont avant les égouts ! ).
Oui, ça commence à être la mode,"J'aime suivre la mode": "On a individuellement faitutilisé le même type de tasse de à thé ou de à café et chacun peux maintenant faire connaitreenvisager d'apporter la sienne.
Bien sûr, c'est commode de ne pas avoir sur sa conscience le fait d'avoir jeté tout ce rebut à la poubelle.
Avec une tasse normale (personnelle) les gens disent :"Oh,c'est bien, je vois qu'il sauve l'environnement .
La tasse tendance à 100$ grimpe: Les Australiens jettent un millia rds de tasses jetables chaque année. Les mugs réutilisables, certains vraiment luxueux, deviennent une tendance montante." Je crois que vraiment ces mugs sont un symbole des revenus de ces personnes et un étalage de leur fortune. Il incite les intéressés à ressentir des désirs comme :"oh, je veux acheter cela et je ferai en même temps du bien à l'environnement. Cela fait d'une pierre deux coups.
Certaines de ces chopes coûtent jusqu'à 100$ avec (greentooth) le bluetooth...
Les producteurs s'intéressent déjà au marché Australien en hausse.
Quand j'ai commencé à boire du café, il y a environ cinq ans, il n'y avait presque aucune chope non jetable utilisée pour le café, mais maintenant elle s'est incontestablement imposée.
Il existe plein de marques différentes pour cela, des jugs en céramique avec un couvercle en silicone qui sont faits-main et différents (de nombreux) cafés font des promotions aussi de manière que les personnes soient assurément amenées à garder avec soiapportent leur tasse personnelle.
C'est qu'ils recherchent tout ce qui est fait-main, ils en sont férus, plutôt que de la chopeles gobelets de production en masse.
Et aussi que la grande majorité préfère le sans-plastique, c'est une chose que nous avons décidé dès le début, que nous ne déciderons dessinerons jamais plus de produit ayant du plastic(que).C'est une chose unique, dontque vous pouvez vous assurer de porter sur vous, comme tout autre clincant babiole que vous portez, c'en est un autre que vous porter portez avec vous potentiellement tous les jours.

How brave of you to have translated the WHOLE text... It's much more than what had been planned with your co-workers, isn't it? I'm sorry you've had so much work... Anyway, you did it very well! Congratulations and thanks a lot!

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de icare29, postée le 11-02-2019 à 18:27:33 (S | E)
Hello dear friends ,
I struggled to find a correct translation of these 5 sentences.
But Here4u will put me back on the right path......

exercise 2
Here is my personal proposal concerning the translation in French of these 5 sentences
1- Experts say quirkly cups are becoming a unique social signifier.
Les experts prétendent que les tasses excentriques ou fantaisistes deviennent un unique marqueur social significatif ....

= A daily coffee fix is a staple part of the day for millions of people around the world.
Une dose journalière de café apporte un instant essentiel dans la vie quotidienne de millions de personnes dans le monde.....
I prefer this one
Une dose journalière de café procure un moment de détente privilégié dans la vie quotidienne trépidante de millions de personnes dans le monde

3. For some AUSTRALIANS, spending lots of money on a REUSABLE mug shows you love coffee and the environment in equal AMOUNTS..
Suivant l'avis de certains australiens ,le fait de dépenser beaucoup d'argent dans l'achat d'une tasse réutilisable montre que l'amour du café et le respect de l'environnement sont situés à un même niveau d'égalité

4. In Australia, famed for its unique coffee culture, ever more elaborate and expensive resuable coffee cups are becoming the norm.
En australie , pays réputé pour sa culture unique du café, les tasses à café réutilisables sont de plus en plus élaborées et onéreuses et deviennent la norme

5. With a growing awareness of the damage being done to the environment by single-use plastic takeaway cups, reusable cups are taking off in a big way..
Avec la prise de conscience croissante des dommages causés à l'environnement par les gobelets jetables en plastique et à usage unique, l'utilisation des gobelets réutilisables est en pleine expansion .

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/39 de here4u, postée le 11-02-2019 à 21:51:01 (S | E)

Yes, Icare, you're right... It was very difficult.

Exercise 2:
Here is my personal proposal concerning the translation in French of these 5 sentences

1- Experts say quirkly cups are becoming a unique social signifier.
Les experts prétendent que les tasses excentriques (originales) (ou fantaisistes) deviennent un (unique) marqueur social significatif unique ... TTB

2. A daily coffee fix is a staple part of the day for millions of people around the world.
Une dose journalière de café apporte un instant essentiel dans la vie (quotidienne) de millions de personnes dans le monde... Littéral. Le sens est exact. TB
I prefer this one:
Une dose journalière (quotidienne) de café procure un moment (de détente) privilégié dans la vie (quotidienne trépidante) de millions de personnes dans le monde. TTB, mais attention de ne pas rajouter d'éléments que le texte ne donne pas.

3. For some AUSTRALIANS, spending lots of money on a REUSABLE mug shows you love coffee and the environment in equal AMOUNTS..

Suivant l'avis de certains aAustraliens, le fait de dépenser beaucoup d'argent dans l'achat d'une tasse réutilisable montre que l'amour du café et le respect de l'environnement sont situés à un même niveau (d'égalité). TTB (Un peu loin du texte en fin de phrase.)

4. In Australia, famed for its unique coffee culture, ever more elaborate and expensive resuable coffee cups are becoming the norm.
En aAustralie, pays réputé pour sa culture unique du café, les(des)tasses à café réutilisables (sont) de plus en plus élaborées et onéreuses (et) deviennent la norme. TTB

5. With a growing awareness of the damage being done to the environment by single-use plastic takeaway cups, reusable cups are taking off in a big way..
Avec la prise de conscience croissante des dommages causés à l'environnement par les gobelets jetables en plastique et à usage unique, l'utilisation des gobeletstasses réutilisables est en pleine expansion. TTB
(Bien différencier les "tasses" qui se gardent, et les "gobelets" qui se jetent !)

Bravo, Icare. Tu t'es très bien tiré de "cette galère" ...


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