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Correction/expression 2

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/expression 2
Message de scop28 posté le 29-01-2019 à 23:01:24 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous me donner votre avis sur le sujet et me dire si des fautes s'y trouvent.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I have done a photo montage composed of a page of the Scrooge McDuck comics which represents the landscape. We can see Scrooge McDuck in the middle who plays with these coins. And our three scoundrels Huey, Dewey, and Louie load diamonds, jewels, ruby, pearls, and Bank-notes in this big swimming pool. Dewey has the sign of the dollar on his face and Donald Duck (he is on the right of the page) drives a bulldozer and pushes Childish Gambino who is dancing. The Black Lives Matter movement is also banned in this place.

I have incorporated many logos of big corporations(Coca-cola, Ford, Apple, Nike).
I have also added the sign of the dollar in the eyes of Scrooge McDuck which represents his love for money and his blindness for the earth problems as well as there is the USA flag on his stomach which writes at the same time the word "USA". In front of him, a ball which represents the earth seems like to ask some help at Scrooge McDuck even though he is distracted by his money.
Finally, there is a human hand who wants to get an apple( logo) even if this person sinks in the coins and lead him to death.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-01-2019 14:19

Réponse : Correction/expression 2 de laure95, postée le 30-01-2019 à 18:30:32 (S | E)
- We can see Scrooge McDuck in the middle who plays (présent en be +ing car c'est une description) with these (les pièces sont les siennes ou pas?)coins.
- And our three scoundrels Huey, Dewey, and Louie load diamonds, jewels, ruby, pearls, and Bank-notes in this big swimming pool: je ne comprends pas.
- Donald Duck (he is on the right of the page) drives (présent be +ing)a bulldozer and pushes (même remarque) Childish

- there is the USA flag on his stomach which writes at the same time the word "USA".

Réponse : Correction/expression 2 de scop28, postée le 30-01-2019 à 19:46:02 (S | E)
I have done a photo montage composed of a page of the Scrooge McDuck comics which represents the landscape. We can see Scrooge McDuck in the middle who is playing with its coins. And our three scoundrels Huey, Dewey, and Louie are loading diamonds, jewels, ruby, pearls, and Bank-notes in the ScroogeMcDuck's swimming pool. Dewey has the sign of the dollar on his face and Donald Duck (he is on the right of the page) is driving a bulldozer and is pushing Childish Gambino who is dancing. The Black Lives Matter movement is also banned in this place.

I have incorporated many logos of big corporations(Coca-cola, Ford, Apple, Nike).
I have also added the sign of the dollar in the eyes of Scrooge McDuck which represents his love for money and his blindness for the earth problems as well as there is the word "USA" with the Americans colours and stars on his stomach. In front of him, a ball which represents the earth seems like to ask some help at Scrooge McDuck even though he is distracted by his money.
Finally, there is a human hand who wants to get an apple( logo) even if this person sinks in the coins and lead him to death.

Pour "And our three scoundrels Huey, Dewey, and Louie load diamonds, jewels, ruby, pearls, and Bank-notes in this big swimming pool"
je voulais dire que nos trois canailles Huey, Dewey, and Louie chargent de diamants de bijoux de perles et de billets la piscine d'or de Picsou.

Peut être devrais-je dire "And our three scoundrels Huey, Dewey, and Louie are loading diamonds, jewels, ruby, pearls, and Bank-notes in the ScroogeMcDuck's swimming pool."

J'espère que ça ira.

Réponse : Correction/expression 2 de here4u, postée le 31-01-2019 à 10:06:32 (S | E)

Le temps de la description est le présent en -ing !

I have done a photo montage composed of a page of the Scrooge McDuck comics which represents the landscape(what do you mean?). We can see Scrooge McDuck in the middle(placer en début de phrase) who is playing with its coins. And our three scoundrels Huey, Dewey, and Louie are loading diamonds, jewels, ruby, pearls, and Bank-notes in the ScroogeMcDuck's swimming pool. Dewey has the sign of the dollar on his face and Donald Duck (he is on the right of the page) is driving a bulldozer and is pushing Childish Gambino who is dancing. The Black Lives Matter movement is also banned in this place.

I have incorporated many logos of big corporations(Coca-cola, Ford, Apple, Nike).
I have also added the sign of the dollar in the eyes of Scrooge McDuck which represents his love for money and his blindness for the earth problems as well as there is the word "USA" with the Americans colours and stars on his stomach. In front of him, a ball which represents the earth seems like to ask some help at Scrooge McDuck even though he is distracted by his money.
Finally, there is a human hand who wants to get an apple( logo) even if this person sinks in the coins and lead him to death.(not clear ...)

Pour "And our three scoundrels Huey, Dewey, and Louie load diamonds, jewels, ruby, pearls, and Bank-notes in this big swimming pool"
je voulais dire que nos trois canailles Huey, Dewey, and Louie chargent de diamants de bijoux de perles et de billets la piscine d'or de Picsou.

Peut être devrais-je dire "And our three scoundrels Huey, Dewey, and Louie are loading diamonds, jewels, ruby, pearls, and Bank-notes in the ScroogeMcDuck's swimming pool." oui!

Réponse : Correction/expression 2 de scop28, postée le 31-01-2019 à 17:08:15 (S | E)
I have done a photo montage composed of a page of the Scrooge McDuck comics which represents the background. We can see Scrooge McDuck in the middle who is playing with his own coins. And our three scoundrels Huey, Dewey, and Louie are loading diamonds, jewels, ruby, pearls, and Bank-notes in ScroogeMcDuck's swimming pool. Dewey has the sign of the dollar on his face and Donald Duck (he is on the right of the page) is driving a bulldozer and is pushing Childish Gambino who is dancing. The Black Lives Matter movement is also banned in this place.

I have incorporated many logos of big corporations(Coca-cola, Ford, Apple, Nike).
I have also added the sign of the dollar in Scrooge McDuck's eyes which represents his love for money and his blindness for environmental problems as well as there is the American flag on his stomach (which represents more the American capitalism than the USA).

In front of him, a ball which represents ill earth wants the help of Scrooge McDuck even though he is distracted by his money.
Finally, there is a human-beeing who wants to get an apple (logo) which is on the surface of coins. But this person is sinking in these coins and is leading him to death. Actually, we only can see his hand.

Réponse : Correction/expression 2 de scop28, postée le 31-01-2019 à 17:09:45 (S | E)
euh je vais mettre "in the middle" au début.

Réponse : Correction/expression 2 de lucile83, postée le 31-01-2019 à 22:33:42 (S | E)
Hello scop28,
Et surtout un petit "Hello" avant toute chose !! Je vous ai déjà averti....

Réponse : Correction/expression 2 de scop28, postée le 31-01-2019 à 22:55:16 (S | E)
ok j'avais oublié pas la peine de s'énerver.

Réponse : Correction/expression 2 de lucile83, postée le 01-02-2019 à 08:46:37 (S | E)
Si parce que je vous l'ai dit par message privé 6 fois


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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