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Bac/mythes et héros

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Bac/mythes et héros
Message de fanny74 posté le 06-02-2019 à 15:32:26 (S | E | F)
est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait corrigr mes fautes et me donner son avis sur mon exposé ? C'est pour l'oral du bac avec la notion Mythes et Héros . Merci d'avance.

I’m going to talk about the notion “Myths and heroes”. To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of myths and heroes. A myth or a hero is a person who is admired for his or her achievement, can be a superhero or an icon. This year, in class, we illustrate this notion thanks to the segregation in The United States. So, I propose we look at a question : « What event is segregation it a significant period in American History? In the first place, we're going to see the African American fight against the inequality between black and white people, then we'll study the result of this fight.

So, I'm going to talk about
An African American fight against the inequality between black and white people
First this fight is a civil movement
Indeed the civil Right Movement show the american movement who fight for equality between black and white. This movement was created during the nineteen-sixties, with for leader Martin Luther King, famous for his quotation “I have a dream”

However this fight movement include lot of violence
Like describe the song Strange fruit by Billie Holiday release in 1939. It’s a protest song who report the racism act carry on the united states. This song writes after the abolition of slavery but the racism was always present.This protest song describe a dead body, tied to a tree with a rope. It represent the black people hanging and lynching by some white people and by the Ku Klux Klan. The composer use numerous antithesis and metaphor to underline the violence of this scene. Also, use different contrast like smells contrast, color contrast and view contrast.

Then, this fight provocs lot ot of result and place of memory
Like illustrate the painting “The problem we all live with” by Norman Rockwell create en 1964. The painting shows the situation just after the desegregation. In his painting, Norman Rockwell represent the black girl. Her name is Ruby Bridges. She is six years old, is the first black girl to go to an American public school. She is accompanied by four men, probably policemen.This painting shows the progress because in the nineteen-sixties, the black child couldn’t go to the same schools as whites. But everybody is not agree with this idea because in the painting we can see tomato has been thrown at the wall, maybe at the little girl and ce can see graffiti. It is written: “NIGGER”, an insult against black people and “Klu Klux Klan”, referring to the racist organisation.
More, they are the voting right in 1965 for the black people and the Civil Right Museum in Mississippi to honor the memory of civil right struggle.

To conclude many people are involved in the fight against racism. Barack Obama, the first black president, is an evidence that attitudes have changed, although there are still acts of discrimination

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-02-2019 16:28

Réponse : Bac/mythes et héros de laure95, postée le 06-02-2019 à 16:23:51 (S | E)
- This year, in class, we illustrate (présent perfect)this notion thanks to (thanks to n'est pas approprié ici)the segregation

- So, I propose we (to pas we)look at a question
- « What event is segregation it a significant period in American History?: mal construit et mal dit

- Indeed the civil Right Movement show (faute de conjugaison) the american (majuscule) movement who (pas le bon relatif)fight (faute de conjugaison) for (article)equality between black and white.

- However this fight movement include (faute de conjugaison)(a)lot of violence

- Like describe the song (ordre des mots) Strange fruit
- It’s a protest song who (pas le bon relatif) report (faute de conjugaison) the racism act (?,)carry (pas la bonne forme du verbe) on (pas la bonne préposition)the united states (majuscule aux 2 mots).
- This song writes: cette chanson écrit?
- the (pas de the) racism was always present.T
- his protest song describe (faute de conjugaison)a dead body
- It represent (faute de conjugaison)the black people hanging and lynching (participe passé!)by some white people
- The composer use (faute de conjugaison) numerous antithesis and metaphor (pluriel)to underline the violence
- Also, use different contrast like smells contrast, color contrast and view contrast: c'est une phrase?

- this fight provocs (orthographe) lot ot of result and place of memory

(Like illustrate the painting (voir plus haut)
- “The problem we all live with” by Norman Rockwell create (participe passé)en 1964.
- Norman Rockwell represent the black girl: faute de conjugaison.
- She is six years old, is (enlever is)the first black girl to go to an American public school.
- everybody is not agree: mal conjugué.
- we can see (article) tomato has been thrown at the wall,
- ce can see graffiti.
- they are (ils sont?) the voting right in 1965


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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