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Passive voice/help

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Passive voice/help
Message de vaiana posté le 10-02-2019 à 23:12:11 (S | E | F)
The rule of this exercise is to put the sentences below into the passive voice; could you help me to correct it please?

1 They can’t put up with that sort of behaviour. (what does that mean? I can't understand )
That sort of behaviour can't be put up.

2 They haven’t sent any information yet.
Any information have been sent yet.

3 I am sure they are covering up the case.
The case is being covered up.

4 They have just operated on his grandmother.
His mother has been operated on.

5 They don’t want you to come just yet.

6 No one has heard from Bill since the accident.
Bill has not been heard from since the accident.

7 They ordered me a full meal.
A full meal was ordered.

8 They believe that crossroads to be dangerous.
That crossroads is believed to be dangerous.

9 They haven’t sent for the police yet.
The police haven't been sent for yet.

10 In Japan, they eat spinach for breakfast.
Spinach is eaten for breakfast in Japan.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-02-2019 23:15

Réponse : Passive voice/help de lucile83, postée le 10-02-2019 à 23:18:15 (S | E)
To put up with = tolérer, supporter.
Good night !

Réponse : Passive voice/help de vaiana, postée le 10-02-2019 à 23:20:42 (S | E)
Thank you! It is more understandable now!
Have a good night!

Réponse : Passive voice/help de gerondif, postée le 10-02-2019 à 23:23:11 (S | E)
1 They can’t put up with that sort of behaviour. (what does that mean? I can't understand )
That sort of behaviour can't be put up with.

2 They haven’t sent any information yet.
Any information have been sent yet.(quel massacre)

3 I am sure they are covering up the case.
The case is being covered up.

4 They have just operated on his grandmother.
His mother has just been operated on.

5 They don’t want you to come just yet.
Impossible si on enlève to come, you are not wanted just now existe.

6 No one has heard from Bill since the accident.
Bill has not been heard from since the accident.

7 They ordered me a full meal.
A full meal was ordered for me.

8 They believe that crossroads to be dangerous.
That crossroads is believed to be dangerous.

9 They haven’t sent for the police yet.
The police haven't been sent for yet.

10 In Japan, they eat spinach for breakfast.
Spinach is eaten for breakfast in Japan.

Réponse : Passive voice/help de vaiana, postée le 11-02-2019 à 01:29:21 (S | E)
Good night, thanks,

1.They can’t put up with that sort of behaviour.
That sort of behavior can't be put up with.

2.They haven’t sent any information yet.
No information has been sent yet.

3.I am sure they are covering up the case.
I am sure the case is being covering up.

4.They have just operated on his grandmother.
His grandmother has been just operated on.

5.They don’t want you to come just yet.
You aren't wanted to come just yet. does it work?

6.No one has heard from Bill since the accident.
Bill has not been heard from since the accident.

7.They ordered me a full meal.
A full meal was ordered for me.

8.They believe that crossroads to be dangerous.
That crossroads is believed to be dangeroux.

9.They haven’t sent for the police yet.
The police haven't been sent for yet.

10.In Japan, they eat spinach for breakfast.
Spinach is eaten for breakfast in Japan.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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