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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de vaiana posté le 11-02-2019 à 15:46:15 (S | E | F)
Can you help me to correct this translation I've just done please?

Quel temps magnifique! Ça doit faire au moins dix ans qu'on n'a pas eu un été aussi chaud. Tu te souviens de l'époque où on allait en Irlande du Nord pendant les vacances? Il pleuvait tout le temps, sauf l'année où j'ai enfin pu apporter des bottes en caoutchouc. Il faisait tellement beau qu'on a dû m'acheter des sandales. Enfin! Assez parlé du temps! Comment tu vas? Ça fait combien de temps qu'on en s'est pas vu? Ça fait bien trois mois, mais je t'ai appelée il y a un mois environ pour t'annoncer que j'allais arrêter de venir aux réunions familiales. J'en ai vraiment assez de devoir faire semblant de reconnaître toutes nos vieilles cousines.

What a marvelous weather! A summer has not been as hot for at least ten years. Do you remember the time we went to North Ireland during the vacation? It was always raining, except the year I could finally bring some rubber boots. It was so hot that we had to buy me some sandals. Anyway! Moving on the weather! How is it going? How long have not been seen each other? It has been at least three months, but I called you to announce I would stop coming to family appointments to you about a month ago. I am fed up with pretending to make out all our old cousins.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-02-2019 23:46

Réponse : Thème/aide de laure95, postée le 11-02-2019 à 17:48:07 (S | E)

What a marvelous (spelling error)weather! A summer has not been as (not the good word)hot for at least ten years. Do you remember the time we went to North Ireland during the (use a possessive adjective instead of the)vacation? It was always raining, except the year I could (not the good word) finally bring some (use a possessive adjective instead of some)rubber boots. It was so hot (it's not the tradcuction of "beau")that we (who is "we"?)had to buy me some sandals. Anyway! Moving on the weather! How is it going? How long have (subject?)not been (been?)seen each other? It has been at least three months, but I called you to announce I would stop coming to family appointments to you (bad construction of the sentence)about a month ago. I am fed up with pretending to make out all our old cousins.

Réponse : Thème/aide de gerold, postée le 11-02-2019 à 19:15:14 (S | E)
Bonsoir vaiana

L'Irlande du Nord = Northern Ireland

Réponse : Thème/aide de vaiana, postée le 11-02-2019 à 19:29:57 (S | E)
Thanks Laure (and Gérold for your useful input) !

What a marvelous ( marvellous) weather! A summer has not been that hot for at least ten years. Do you remember the time we went to Northern Ireland during our vacation ( holidays)? It was always raining, except the year I finally brought my rubber boots. Weather was so nice that some sandals had to be bought to me. Anyway! Moving on the weather! How is it going? How long have we not seen each other? It has been at least three months, but I phoned you to announce you I would stop coming to family appointments about a month ago. I am fed up with pretending to make out all our old cousins.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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