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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de vaiana posté le 11-02-2019 à 16:06:34 (S | E | F)
Can you help me please?
Thank you.

The rule of the game is to rephrase the sentences below with FOR or SINCE while keeping the same main meaning.
QUESTION : after SINCE, is the meaning the same if we put the verb into preterite or present perfect?

1 The ghost vanished when they moved into the house.
The ghost had vanished since they have moved into the house.

2 She arrived just a few minutes ago.
She has arrived for a few minutes.

3 I was a child when I first met Melanie.
I have known Melanie since I have been a child.

4 He stopped seeing her the day he found out about her wooden leg.
He has stopped seeing her since he has found out about her wooden leg.

5 She fell asleep during the weather forecast.
She has fallen asleep since the weather forecast has been broadcast.

6 I got this lampshade for Mother's Day.
I have got this lampshade since Mother's Day.

7 She went to lie down in her room some time ago.
She has lain down in her room for a few time.

8 The last time a dog bit me whas when I was in high school.
I have not been bitten by a dog since I have been in high school.

9 He left when his brother died.
He has left since his brother's death.

10 He lost his keys last weekend.
He has lost his keys since last weekend.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-02-2019 23:51

Réponse : For/Since de laure95, postée le 11-02-2019 à 17:42:41 (S | E)
The ghost vanished when they moved into the house.
The ghost had (not the good tense)vanished since they have moved into the house. Since must be followed by the preterit.

3 I was a child when I first met Melanie.
I have known Melanie since I have been a child.
You can't put the present perfect in the same part as since. Only the beginning of your sentence can be in the present perfect.

4 He stopped seeing her the day he found out about her wooden leg.
He has stopped seeing her since he has found out about her wooden leg. Same remark.

5 She fell asleep during the weather forecast.
She has fallen asleep since the weather forecast has been broadcast. See my remark for sentence 3.

7 She went to lie down in her room some time ago.
She has lain down in her room for a few time (plural).

8 The last time a dog bit me whas when I was in high school.
I have not been bitten by a dog since I have been in high school. It is the same remark as in sentence 3.

10 He lost his keys last weekend. Il a perdu ses clefs le weekend dernier
He has lost his keys since last weekend. Il perd ses clefs depuis le weekend dernier (ce qui ne veut rien dire)

Réponse : For/Since de vaiana, postée le 11-02-2019 à 23:59:34 (S | E)
Hello Laure,

On this website, the present perfect is said to be useable both before and after "since"
When since introduces an action or event at a point of time in the past, we can use the past simple or present perfect after since and the present perfect in the main clause.
Lien internet
I guess it depends on the areas... but both seem to be accepted.
Here is my second go, I hope I minimized my mistakes!

1. The ghost had vanished since they moved/ have moved into the house.
2. She has arrived for a few minutes.
3. I have known Melanie since I was/ have been a child.
4. He has stopped seeing her since he found out/ has found out about her wooden leg.
5. She has fallen asleep since the weather forecast was broadcast/ has been broadcast.
6. I have got this lampshade since Mother's Day.
7. She has lain down in her room for a few times.
8. I have not been bitten by a dog since I was/ have been in high school.
9. He has left since his brother's death.
10. His keys have been lost since last weekend.

Réponse : For/Since de traviskidd, postée le 12-02-2019 à 09:06:22 (S | E)
Hello; I think you may (and should) change the main verb.
You did it once with "meet" --> "know". Also, "arrive" --> "be here". See if you can do the rest.
See you.

Réponse : For/Since de nate, postée le 14-02-2019 à 01:14:28 (S | E)
J'attendais que quelqu'un intervienne mais ça ne choque que moi cette phrase ?
The ghost had vanished since they have moved into the house.
==> The ghost had vanished since they moved/had moved into the house.
Pour moi le prétérit et le pluperfect sont les 2 seules options.

Réponse : For/Since de lucile83, postée le 14-02-2019 à 08:03:05 (S | E)
Lien internet

1.3. Si la phrase entière se réfère à des événements dans le passé, le verbe de la proposition principale doit être au temps past perfect (passé antérieur). Normalement, le verbe de la proposition subordonnée avec since sera au temps prétérite ou passé simple..
Ici on dira donc: The ghost had vanished since they moved into the house.
C'est très bien nate d'avoir relevé ce point de grammaire car on ne peut pas tout vérifier
Le lien que vaiana indique ne donne aucun exemple approprié.

Réponse : For/Since de vaiana, postée le 14-02-2019 à 13:40:08 (S | E)
En effet, c'est une erreur d'inattention, cela paraît évident que le present et past perfect ne peuvent pas aller ensemble


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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