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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction de texte/aide
Message de aurelienworks posté le 22-02-2019 à 20:00:27 (S | E | F)
Hello ,
Could you help me to correct this text please ?

Every year, two million people come to visit the traditional Strasbourg Christmas market. This market exists (or lasts ?) since 1570. It is part of oldests and biggests Christmas markets in Europe. It starts on the first saturday of december and finishes, according to the years, on the 24th or 31st of December.

The Strasbourg Christmas market takes place every year on the cathedral place and is very apreciated for its bustle (or life ? or animation?) and its illuminations. It's, by the way, in the end of the evenings, when the city illuminate, that the market is the most pleasant. Visitors walk in the aisles lulled by Christmas songs, spice smells... We can find little stalls in which Christman decorations are sold : garlands, glass Christmas balls, stars...

Handmade products offered on the market have to respect the Alsatian traditions. We can taste sauerkraut, the tarte flambée, the hot wine made with alsatian white wine, alsatian beer, the famous gingerbread as well as alsatian typical cakes : the bredeles.

Some entertainments destined to the children are free. they are offered in the children village on the Saint Thomas's place.

The market opening hours differ according to the days. During the week, it's opened from 10am to 8pm. On saturday it's opened until 9pm. On the 24th of December, the market close at 6pm.

If you intend to visit Alsace in december, you have to know that Starsbourg is not the only town who offers a Christmas market. Actually (indeed ? or in fact ?), Mulhouse Colmar, Munster or Selestat Christmas market are also very apreciated by visitors.

Thank you !

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-02-2019 23:32

Réponse : Correction de texte/aide de gerondif, postée le 22-02-2019 à 20:43:35 (S | E)
Every year, two million people come to visit the traditional Strasbourg Christmas market. This market exists (or lasts ?)(present perfect avec depuis !!= since 1570. It is part of oldests and biggests (revoir les superlatifs !!)Christmas markets in Europe. It starts on the first saturday of december and finishes, according to the years,(maladroit, fait français traduit) on the 24th or 31st of December.

The Strasbourg Christmas market takes place every year on the cathedral place and is very apreciated for its bustle (or life ? or animation?) and its illuminations. It's, by the way, in the end of the evenings, when the city illuminate (le s du présent simple), that the market is the most pleasant. Visitors walk in the aisles lulled by Christmas songs, spice smells... We can find little stalls in which Christman decorations are sold : garlands, glass Christmas balls, stars...

Handmade products offered on the market have to respect the Alsatian traditions. We can taste sauerkraut, the tarte flambée, the hot wine made with alsatian white wine, alsatian beer, the famous gingerbread as well as alsatian typical cakes : the bredeles.

Some entertainments destined to the children are free. they are offered in the children village on the Saint Thomas's place.

The market opening hours differ according to the days(maladroit). During the week, it's opened (open) from 10am to 8pm. On saturday it's opened (open) until 9pm. On the 24th of December, the market close (le s du présent simple) at 6pm.

If you intend to visit Alsace in (majuscule)december, you have to know that Starsbourg is not the only town who(town n'est pas un humain) offers a Christmas market. Actually (indeed ? or in fact ?), Mulhouse Colmar, Munster or Selestat Christmas market are also very apreciated by visitors.

Réponse : Correction de texte/aide de aurelienworks, postée le 27-02-2019 à 13:40:44 (S | E)
Bon, il y a déjà moins de bleu que la dernière fois ;)

Every year, two million people come to visit the traditional Strasbourg Christmas market. This market have existed since 1570. It is part of the oldest and biggest Christmas markets in Europe. It starts on the first saturday of December and finishes, depending on the years, on the 24th or 31st of December.

The Strasbourg Christmas market takes place every year on the cathedral place and is very apreciated for its bustle (or life ? or animation?) and its illuminations. It's, by the way, in the end of the evenings, when the city illuminates, that the market is the most pleasant. Visitors walk in the aisles lulled by Christmas songs, spice smells... We can find little stalls in which Christman decorations are sold : garlands, glass Christmas balls, stars...

Handmade products offered on the market have to respect the Alsatian traditions. We can taste sauerkraut, the tarte flambée, the hot wine made with alsatian white wine, alsatian beer, the famous gingerbread as well as alsatian typical cakes : the bredeles.

Some entertainments destined to the children are free. they are offered in the children village on the Saint Thomas's place.

The market opening hours differ depending on the days(maladroit). During the week, it's open from 10am to 8pm. On saturday it's opened open until 9pm. On the 24th of December, the market closes at 6pm.

If you intend to visit Alsace in December, you have to know that Strasbourg is not the only town which offers a Christmas market. Actually (indeed ? or in fact ?), Mulhouse Colmar, Munster or Selestat Christmas market are also very apreciated by visitors.

Réponse : Correction de texte/aide de laure95, postée le 27-02-2019 à 13:54:53 (S | E)
- This market have existed since 1570: faute de conjugaison.
- in (pas la bonne préposition)the end of the evenings,
- Visitors (can) walk in the aisles lulled
- alsatian: majuscule.
- Some entertainments destined to the (pas de the) children are free. they (majuscule)are offered in (pas la bonne préposition)the children village on the Saint Thomas's place.

- it's opened open: it's open.
- Mulhouse Colmar, Munster or Selestat Christmas market (pluriel) are also very apreciated (orthographe)by visitors.

Réponse : Correction de texte/aide de aurelienworks, postée le 04-03-2019 à 10:36:26 (S | E)
Every year, two million people come to visit the traditional Strasbourg Christmas market. This market has existed since 1570. It is part of the oldest and biggest Christmas markets in Europe. It starts on the first Saturday of December and finishes, depending on the years, on the 24th or 31st of December.

The Strasbourg Christmas market takes place every year on the cathedral place and is very appreciated for its bustle (or life ? or animation?) and its illuminations. It's, by the way, at the end of the evenings, when the city illuminates, that the market is the most pleasant. Visitors walk in the aisles lulled by Christmas songs, spice smells... We can find little stalls in which Christmas decorations are sold : garlands, glass Christmas balls, stars...

Handmade products offered on the market have to respect the Alsatian traditions. We can taste sauerkraut, the tarte flambée, the hot wine made with alsatian white wine, Alsatian beer, the famous gingerbread as well as Alsatian typical cakes : the bredeles.

Some entertainments destined to children are free. They are offered in/at? the children village on the Saint Thomas's place.

The market opening hours differ depending on the days. During the week, it's open from 10am to 8pm. On saturday it's open until 9pm. On the 24th of December, the market closes at 6pm.

If you intend to visit Alsace in December, you have to know that Strasbourg is not the only town which offers a Christmas market. Actually (indeed ? or in fact ?), Mulhouse Colmar, Munster or Selestat Christmas markets are also very appreciated by visitors.

Réponse : Correction de texte/aide de aurelienworks, postée le 04-03-2019 à 10:37:38 (S | E)
Hello, "in the village" serait une faute pour vous ? Il semblerait qu'on puisse dire at ou in sans faire d'erreur. Peut-être que je me trompe.

Réponse : Correction de texte/aide de lucile83, postée le 04-03-2019 à 11:11:56 (S | E)
Some entertainments destined to children are free. They are offered in the children village on the Saint Thomas's place.
On parle du 'children village' = le village des enfants à l'intérieur du Marché de Noël.


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