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Speaking English /your health

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Speaking English /your health
Message de gerondif posté le 27-02-2019 à 00:34:37 (S | E | F)
juste pour le plaisir, un extrait de "Dead Simple", polar de Peter James de 2005. Deux détectives à la cafet… page 147. Ça se passe à Brighton.
"Number twelve ?"
Roy Grace looked up to see a barmaid holding a tray with their food. Steak and kidney pudding for him, swordfish steak and salad for Glenn Branson.
Grace pierced the soft suet with his knife and instantly, steam and gravy erupted from it.
"Instant heart attack on a plate, that is,"Branson chided. "You know what suet is? Beef fat. Yuk!"
Branson forked some fish into his mouth. As he started chewing, Grace continued. "I read that the levels of mercury in sea fish, from pollution, are at danger level. You shouldn't eat fish more than once a week."
Branson's chewing slowed down and he looked uncomfortable. "Where did you read that ?"
"It was a report from Nature, I think. It's about the most respected scientific journal in the world." Grace smiled, enjoying the expression on his friend's face.
"Shit, we eat fish like - almost every night. Mercury ?"
"You'll end up as a thermometer."
Branson ate his salad and left the rest of his fish untouched, while Grace tucked into his steak and kidney pudding with relish. "I read a while ago", he told Branson, "that the French drink more red wine than the English but live longer. The Japanese eat more fish than the English, but drink less wine and live longer. The Germans eat more red meat than the English, and drink more beer and they live longer too. You know the moral of this story ?"
"It's not what you eat or drink- it's speaking English that kills you."

Réponse : Speaking English /your health de here4u, postée le 27-02-2019 à 13:51:31 (S | E)
Hi hi!

a lot!

Réponse : Speaking English /your health de lucile83, postée le 27-02-2019 à 14:04:42 (S | E)

Réponse : Speaking English /your health de anne40, postée le 27-02-2019 à 22:57:05 (S | E)
A great moment !

Réponse : Speaking English /your health de willy, postée le 01-03-2019 à 13:53:50 (S | E)
I hope it doesn't!

Réponse : Speaking English /your health de jonquille, postée le 01-03-2019 à 17:30:31 (S | E)

Oh dear...guess I'd better keep speaking French and drinking French wine!

Réponse : Speaking English /your health de lucile83, postée le 01-03-2019 à 21:22:52 (S | E)
Yes, come on jonquille!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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