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Notion/ idea of progress

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Notion/ idea of progress
Message de alex688 posté le 09-03-2019 à 17:42:15 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement en Terminale, j'ai préparé une notion pour le Bac, mais je pense avoir fait pas mal d'erreurs sur la tournure des phrases. Serait-il possible que vous m'aidiez à me corriger ?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

I’m going to talk about the notion of idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of this notion. It can be defined by a technological, political, social or scientific development. An improvement which contributes to making the world a better place.
In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be about the consumerism and its alternatives. Consumerism is a situation in which too much attention is given to buying and owning things. The problem is obviously overconsumption and the excesses of our society.
We may answer the question how can people change their consuming habits?
First of all, I will concentrate on consumerism and the different ways of consuming, then I will analyze the alternatives to it.

First of all, nowadays, the ways of consuming are no longer restricted, we can go to a mall but we can also buy online and be delivered directly at home. First, there’s a difference between consumption, which is the act of consuming and consumerism which is an attachment to materialistic values or possessions. People addicted to that kind of consumption are called “shopaholics”.
The report I chose, deals with the touchy issue of compulsive shopping. The report shows a 20-year-old young woman who has a 17 000-dollar debt, even if she has a job. She is addicted to shopping. Moreover, this document shows the importance of a problem like this one. Indeed, she can’t stop shopping, even knowing she could lose everything.
Will Rogers said « Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like ». More and more people become addicted and suffer from this over-consumption, which can be very dangerous. Indeed, in such events, accidents happen.
Indeed, an article extracted from a newspaper, namely the New York Times, deals with a Walmart employee trampled to death. It was Black Friday when the incident happened. Frantic customers in a mad with excitement knocked an employee over and trampled on him as they were rushing into the store. Most of the shoppers reacted in a selfish way. Indeed, they were angry, when they were told they had to leave, when they understood they wouldn’t have the opportunity to get a good deal.
Here, we can see that human life is not respected. Human life has become less important than owning things.
Barbara Krueger wrote « I shop therefore I am », which refers to Descartes’ philosophy. « Therefore » means as a result, so it means that our identity is created by what we buy. It means that a person is not defined by what he or she thinks but by what he or she owns through shopping. It denounces the consumer society we live in. Barbara Krueger wants to urge us to think before buying, instead of buying without thinking.

Secondly, we saw a video, which is about the international non-violent day, called “Buy Nothing Day”. It takes place on Black Friday every year and everywhere on the planet. It is meant to call attention to the problem of credit card overuse, debts. The objective is to remind people that they should shop less and think more about their needs. So, we can see that a few people want to change their mode of consumption. Fortunately, consumerism has found its solutions.
First of all, bartering which is a kind of exchange of goods, or service. It’s a new way of life, an alternative mode of consumption. It allows to socialize, to save money, to connect people with like-minded people and environmental awareness. This new type of consumption has appeared because of the crisis, because people are tending to live to buy. It will be probably develop in the future, because more and more people realize that consuming doesn’t lead to happiness and the planet’s resources are running out.
Finally, there is also freeganism which is the practice of collecting and eating free food and Goods. So, Freegans are people who look for food or other things in the trash, a lot of food is thrown away by supermarkets, production and waste is enormous. It is a way to fight against the consumer society and to denounce the thrown-away society and the drifts of consumerism. Moreover, it encourages solidarity and sharing among the people.

To conclude, I would like to say that the development of shopping centers, advertisements and internet contributes to creating a consumer and materialistic society. Luckily, consumers can change their shopping habits considering alternatives modes for a more respectful approach to consumption. But, we have to keep in mind that not everyone wants to change it, some people think consumerism has kept the economy growing.


Modifié par lucile83 le 09-03-2019 19:28

Réponse : Notion/ idea of progress de laure95, postée le 10-03-2019 à 10:39:44 (S | E)
- about the (pas de the) consumerism and its alternatives.
- We may answer the (following) question how can people change their consuming habits?

- More and more people become (présent be+ing) addicted
- in such events: ?
- accidents(can) happen.
- it was Black Friday when the incident happened: mal construit.
- Frantic customers in a mad with excitement: ?
- so it means that our identity is created (pas le bon mot ici)by what we buy.
- to think (twice) before buying

- It is meant chercher des synonymes, tu emploies trop ce verbe) to call attention
- because people are tending (présent simple)to live to buy .
- It will be probably develop (participe passé) in the future
-So,(trop employé) Freegans are people who look for food or other things in the trash


Réponse : Notion/ idea of progress de alex688, postée le 10-03-2019 à 11:45:15 (S | E)
Thank you for your answer

I’m going to talk about the notion of idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of this notion. It can be defined by a technological, political, social or scientific development. An improvement which contributes to making the world a better place.
In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be about consumerism and its alternatives. Consumerism is a situation in which too much attention is given to buying and owning things. The problem is obviously overconsumption and the excesses of our society.
We may answer the following question how can people change their consuming habits?
First of all, I will concentrate on consumerism and the different ways of consuming, then I will analyze the alternatives to it.

First of all, nowadays, the ways of consuming are no longer restricted, we can go to a mall but we can also buy online and be delivered directly at home. First, there’s a difference between consumption, which is the act of consuming and consumerism which is an attachment to materialistic values or possessions. People addicted to that kind of consumption are called “shopaholics”.
The report I chose, deals with the touchy issue of compulsive shopping. The report shows a 20-year-old young woman who has a 17 000-dollar debt, even if she has a job. She is addicted to shopping. Moreover, this document shows the importance of a problem like this one. Indeed, she can’t stop shopping, even knowing she could lose everything.
Will Rogers said « Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like ». More and more people are becoming addicted and suffer from this over-consumption, which can be very dangerous. Indeed, accidents can happen.
Indeed, an article extracted from a newspaper, namely the New York Times, deals with a Walmart employee trampled to death. The incident happened on Black Friday. Frantic customers knocked an employee over and trampled on him as they were rushing into the store. Most of the shoppers reacted in a selfish way. Indeed, they were angry, when they were told they had to leave, when they understood they wouldn’t have the opportunity to get a good deal.
Here, we can see that human life is not respected. Human life has become less important than owning things.
Barbara Krueger wrote « I shop therefore I am », which refers to Descartes’ philosophy. « Therefore » means as a result, so it means that our identity is developed by what we buy. It signifies that a person is not defined by what he or she thinks but by what he or she owns through shopping. It denounces the consumer society we live in. Barbara Krueger wants to urge us to think twice before buying, instead of buying without thinking.

Secondly, we saw a video, which is about the international non-violent day, called “Buy Nothing Day”. It takes place on Black Friday every year and everywhere on the planet. It is meant to call attention to the problem of credit card overuse, debts. The objective is to remind people that they should shop less and think more about their needs. Hence, we can see that a few people want to change their mode of consumption. Fortunately, consumerism has found its solutions.
First of all, bartering which is a kind of exchange of goods, or service. It’s a new way of life, an alternative mode of consumption. It allows to socialize, to save money, to connect people with like-minded people and environmental awareness. This new type of consumption has appeared because of the crisis, because people tend to live to buy. It will be probably developing in the future, because more and more people realize that consuming doesn’t lead to happiness and the planet’s resources are running out.
Finally, there is also freeganism which is the practice of collecting and eating free food and Goods. Therefore, Freegans are people who look for food or other things in the trash, a lot of food is thrown away by supermarkets, production and waste is enormous. It is a way to fight against the consumer society and to denounce the thrown-away society and the drifts of consumerism. Moreover, it encourages solidarity and sharing among the people.

To conclude, I would like to say that the development of shopping centers, advertisements and internet contributes to creating a consumer and materialistic society. Luckily, consumers can change their shopping habits considering alternatives modes for a more respectful approach to consumption. But, we have to keep in mind that not everyone wants to change it, some people think consumerism has kept the economy growing.


Réponse : Notion/ idea of progress de laure95, postée le 10-03-2019 à 12:07:42 (S | E)
- It will be probably developing in the future: it will be probaly developED in the future.
"developing" = participe présent

- even knowing: even if she knows

- Indeed, accidents can happen. Indeed, an article extracted from a newspaper: remplacer un des deux "indeed" par un autre mot de liaison: in fact par exemple.

- our identity is developed by what we buy: our identity is defined or characterized

- to call (people's) attention

-sharing among the people: enlever the

Réponse : Notion/ idea of progress de alex688, postée le 10-03-2019 à 12:55:58 (S | E)
merci pour votre réponse

I’m going to talk about the notion of idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of this notion. It can be defined by a technological, political, social or scientific development. An improvement which contributes to making the world a better place.
In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be about consumerism and its alternatives. Consumerism is a situation in which too much attention is given to buying and owning things. The problem is obviously overconsumption and the excesses of our society.
We may answer the following question how can people change their consuming habits?
First of all, I will concentrate on consumerism and the different ways of consuming, then I will analyze the alternatives to it.

First of all, nowadays, the ways of consuming are no longer restricted, we can go to a mall but we can also buy online and be delivered directly at home. First, there’s a difference between consumption, which is the act of consuming and consumerism which is an attachment to materialistic values or possessions. People addicted to that kind of consumption are called “shopaholics”.
The report I chose, deals with the touchy issue of compulsive shopping. The report shows a 20-year-old young woman who has a 17 000-dollar debt, even if she has a job. She is addicted to shopping. Moreover, this document shows the importance of a problem like this one. Indeed, she can’t stop shopping, even if she knows she could lose everything.
Will Rogers said « Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like ». More and more people are becoming addicted and suffer from this over-consumption, which can be very dangerous. Indeed, accidents can happen.
In fact, an article extracted from a newspaper, namely the New York Times, deals with a Walmart employee trampled to death. The incident happened on Black Friday. Frantic customers knocked an employee over and trampled on him as they were rushing into the store. Most of the shoppers reacted in a selfish way. Indeed, they were angry, when they were told they had to leave, when they understood they wouldn’t have the opportunity to get a good deal.
Here, we can see that human life is not respected. Human life has become less important than owning things.
Barbara Krueger wrote « I shop therefore I am », which refers to Descartes’ philosophy. « Therefore » means as a result, so it means that our identity is characterized by what we buy. It signifies that a person is not defined by what he or she thinks but by what he or she owns through shopping. It denounces the consumer society we live in. Barbara Krueger wants to urge us to think twice before buying, instead of buying without thinking.

Secondly, we saw a video, which is about the international non-violent day, called “Buy Nothing Day”. It takes place on Black Friday every year and everywhere on the planet. It is meant to call people's attention to the problem of credit card overuse, debts. The objective is to remind people that they should shop less and think more about their needs. So, we can see that a few people want to change their mode of consumption. Fortunately, consumerism has found its solutions.
First of all, bartering which is a kind of exchange of goods, or service. It’s a new way of life, an alternative mode of consumption. It allows to socialize, to save money, to connect people with like-minded people and environmental awareness. This new type of consumption has appeared because of the crisis, because people tend to live to buy. It will be probably developed in the future, because more and more people realize that consuming doesn’t lead to happiness and the planet’s resources are running out.
Finally, there is also freeganism which is the practice of collecting and eating free food and Goods. Therefore, Freegans are people who look for food or other things in the trash, a lot of food is thrown away by supermarkets, production and waste is enormous. It is a way to fight against the consumer society and to denounce the thrown-away society and the drifts of consumerism. Moreover, it encourages solidarity and sharing among people.

To conclude, I would like to say that the development of shopping centers, advertisements and internet contributes to creating a consumer and materialistic society. Luckily, consumers can change their shopping habits considering alternatives modes for a more respectful approach to consumption. But, we have to keep in mind that not everyone wants to change it, some people think consumerism has kept the economy growing.


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