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Rack your brains and help!/ 42

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Rack your brains and help!/ 42
Message de here4u posté le 14-03-2019 à 23:04:19 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends,

Ce devoir n'est pas difficile. Je sais que vous ne me croirez pas, mais vous le verrez bien vous-mêmes ... C'est quand même un et la correction sera en ligne le jeudi 28 mars 2019, tard.
Bon courage à tous ...

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger !

Cependant, cette fois encore, vous en verrez plus, car une fois qu'il fait une faute, mon élève la répète tout le long du texte ! (il l'a faite de bonne foi ! ) Merci de les corriger, en majuscules, en ne les comptant que pour « une seule », à chaque fois …

Three « important discoveries »:
a) Summertime Denmark has a ferocious population of mosquitos;
b) said mosquitos are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt
c) drinking alcohol is the mosquito equivalent of someone ringing a dinner bell.

This leads to a question: do mosquitos that feed on inebriated humans get drunk themselves? Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who had knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if the mosquito drunk that person’s blood, the effects will be negligible – the mosquito is drinking so minute amounts that it’s the equivalent to dilute those drinks to 1/25th of their strenght. Only the females feed with blood in order to get the protein needing to create eggs. The fact alcohol makes us more attractive for them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive for mosquitos. Till 20% of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to bites. One of those is type blood; in one study, those with Type O blood were two times more likely to be bitten than those with Type A blood. Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (putting out more carbon dioxide), and larger people.
The ethanol in the alcohol you’re drinking – and that you are exhaling in minute quantities through your sweat – may be signal to the biting insects that there’s a meal nearby.
The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the mosquitos towards you are probably entwined in your genetic up make. Simply saying no to a cold-ice beer probably won’t save you of their attentions. And on the plus side, at last with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much...

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:

1. TUFRI SIFEL do get KUDRN but they do have very IHHG ENRLTOEAC. RLASMLE SSDEO they get very EICRPHYEATV – and YRLFIT. And they get less OYHCOS about their SETAPRNR as LEWL. 12

2. In YAMN SRPAT of the DRWOL, a cool EPITPL EITOUSD brings with it the KIRS of a OIQOMSUT EIBT. 8




Attention ! Il y avait un typo dans le mot mis en bleu ... Désolée et merci du signalement !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de taiji43, postée le 17-03-2019 à 15:42:15 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Thank you for giving us a lot of advice and corrections without ever giving up
Here is my correction and thank you for YOUR correction

This leads to a question: do MOSQUITOES that feed on inebriated humans WILL THEY get drunk themselves?

Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who had knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if the mosquito DRANK that person’s blood, the effects will be negligible – the mosquito is drinking so minute amounts that it’s the equivalent OF DILUTING those drinks to 1/25th of their. STRENGTH

Only the females feed with blood in order to get the NEEDED PROTEIN to create eggs.

The fact alcohol makes us more attractive for them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive for MOSQUITOES.
Till 20% of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to bites

.One of those is type blood; in one study, those with Type O blood were TWISE AS likely to be bitten AS those with Type A blood.

Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (REALISING more carbon dioxide), and FAT people.

The ethanol in the alcohol, you are drinking and that you are exalting in minute quantities through your sweat – may be signal to the biting insects that there’s a meal nearby.

The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the MOSQUITOES towards you are probably entwined in your genetic MAKE- UP . Simply saying no to a cold-ice beer probably won’t save you of their attentions. And on the plus side, at last with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much...

OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:

Here is my correction and thank you for YOUR correction


This leads to a question: do MOSQUITOES that feed on inebriated humans WILL THEY get drunk themselves?

Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who had knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if the mosquito DRANK that person’s blood, the effects will be negligible – the mosquito is drinking so minute amounts that it’s the equivalent OF DILUTING those drinks to 1/25th of their. STRENGTH

Only the females feed with blood in order to get the NEEDED PROTEIN to create eggs.

The fact alcohol makes us more attractive for them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive for MOSQUITOES.
Till 20% of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to bites

.One of those is type blood; in one study, those with Type O blood were TWISE AS likely to be bitten AS those with Type A blood.

Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (REALISING more carbon dioxide), and FAT people.

The ethanol in the alcohol, you are drinking and that you are exalting in minute quantities through your sweat – may be signal to the biting insects that there’s a meal nearby.

The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the MOSQUITOES towards you are probably entwined in your genetic MAKE- UP . Simply saying no to a cold-ice beer probably won’t save you of their attentions. And on the plus side, at last with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much...

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:


1. FRUIT FLIES (mouches à fruits ou à vinaigre) do get DRUNK but they do have very HIGH TOLERANCE.SMALLER DOSES they get very HYPERACTIVE – and FLIRTY. And they get less CHOOSYabout their PARTNERS as WELL. 12

2. In MANY PARTS of the WORLD, a cool tipple (picoler) TEDIOUS brings with it the RISK of a MOSQUITO BITE. 8



People who have more insects to land on them to feed , had drunk beer likely (où placer were??)

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de magie8, postée le 17-03-2019 à 22:53:22 (S | E)
hello, ready to correct

Three « important discoveries »:
a) Summertime Denmark has a ferocious population of MOSQUITOES;
b) said mosquitoEs are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt
c) drinking alcohol is the mosquito equivalent of someone ringing a dinner bell.

This leads to a question: do mosquitoEs that feed on inebriated humans get drunk themselves? Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who had knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if the mosquito DRANK that person’s blood, the effects WOULD be negligible – the mosquito is drinking SUCH minute amounts that it’s the equivalent OF DILUTING those drinks to 1/25th of their STRENGTH. Only the females feed with blood in order to get the protein needED to create eggs. The fact alcohol makes us more attractive for them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive for mosquitoEs. Till 20% of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to BITE. One of those is BLOOD-TYPE; in one study, those with Type O blood were TWICE more likely to be bitten than those with Type A blood. Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (putting out more carbon dioxide), and BIGGER people.
The ethanol in the alcohol you're drinking – and that you are exhaling in minute quantities through your sweat – may be signal to the biting insects that there’s a meal nearby.
The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the mosquitoEs towards you are probably entwined in your genetic MAKE UP. Simply saying no to a ICE-COLD beer probably won’t save you of their attentions. And on the plus side, at LEAST with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much...


II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:

1. FRUIT FLIES do get DRUNK but they do have very HIGH TOLERANCE. SMALLER DOSES they get very HYPERACTIVE – and FLIRTY. And they get less CHOOSY about their PARTNERS as WELL. 12

2. In MANY PARTS of the WORLD, a cool TIPPLE ? (picoler, boire ???) OUTSIDE brings with it the RISK of a MOSQUITO BITE. 8


Les gens qui ont bu de la bière ont plus de chances d'avoir les insectes atterrir sur eux pour se nourrir (quelque chose dans ce genre là )

2)?? pas très certaine de tipple mais je ne trouve pas autre chose? Peut-être peut se traduire par: une boisson ? mon dico dit que c'est un verbe mais là il faut un nom avec l 'adjectif cool, boire frais mais il y a l'article a , alors ce n'est pas bon non plus

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de joe39, postée le 21-03-2019 à 18:49:06 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
Please find hereunder my work,
Ready to be corrected

Please, help my student! He really needs you!
ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger !
Three « important discoveries »:
a) IN Summertime Denmark has a ferocious population of MOSQUITOES;
b) said MOSQUITOES are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt
c) drinking alcohol IT’S FOR MOSQUITOES equivalent TO ringing a dinner bell.

This leads to a question: do MOSQUITOES that feed inebriated humans could get drunk themselves? Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who had knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if mosquito DRINKS that person’s blood, the effects WILL be negligible – the mosquito is drinking SUCH minute amounts that it's the equivalent OF DILUTING those drinks to 1/25th of their STRENGTH. Only the females feed ON blood in order to get the protein NEEDED to create eggs.
The fact alcohol makes us more attractive for them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive TO mosquitos. UP TO 20% of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to bites. One of those is THE BLOOD TYPE; in one study, those with Type O blood were TWICE AS likely to be bitten AS those with BLOOD TYPE A. Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (putting out more carbon dioxide), and larger people.
The ethanol in the alcohol you’re drinking – and that you are EXCRETING in minute quantities through your sweat – may be A signal to the biting insects that there’s a meal nearby.
The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the mosquitos towards you are probably entwined in your genetic MAKE UP. Simply saying no to AN ICE- cold beer probably won’t save you FROM their attentions. And on the plus side, at LEAST, with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much...

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:

1. FRUIT FLIES do get DRUNK but they do have very HIGH TOLERANCE. SMALLER DOSES they get very HYPERACTIVE – and FLIRTY. And they get less CHOOSY about their PARTNERS as WELL. 12

2. In MANY PARTS of the WORLD, a cool TIPPLE OUTSIDE brings with it the RISK of a MOSQUITO BITE. 8



Indeed the optional 4. has not been so funny. It doesn’t convince me. Anyway I touch wood!
I thank you very much and wish you a nice weekend.
So long.

Modifié par joe39 le 30-03-2019 18:15

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de alpiem, postée le 22-03-2019 à 21:23:54 (S | E)
rack 42

Rack your brains and help!/ 42
Message de here4u pour le 26 mars
Hello, Dear Friends AND here4u

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!

Three « important discoveries »:
a) Summertime Denmark has a ferocious population of mosquitos;
b) THEY SAID mosquitos are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt
c) drinking alcohol is TO the mosquito equivalent of someone ringing a dinner bell.

This leads to a question: do mosquitos that feed on inebriated humans get drunk themselves? Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who had knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if the mosquito DRINKS that person’s blood, the effects will be negligible – the mosquito is drinking so minute amounts that it’s the equivalent to DILUTING those drinks to 1/25th of their strenght. Only the females feed with blood in order to get the proteinS needED to create eggs. The fact THAT alcohol makes us more attractive for them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive TO mosquitos. Till 20% of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to bites. One of those is BLOOD TYPE; in one study, those with Type O blood were two times more likely to be bitten than those with A TYPE blood. Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (putting out more carbon dioxide), and larger people.
The ethanol in the alcohol you’re drinking – and that you are exhaling in minute quantities through your sweat – may be THE signal to the biting insects that there’s a meal nearby.
The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the mosquitos towards you are probably entwined in your genetic MAKE-UP. Simply saying no to a cold-ice beer probably won’t save you of their attentions. And on the plus side, at BEST with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de chocolatcitron, postée le 24-03-2019 à 20:39:03 (S | E)
Rack your brains and help!/ 42
Message de here4u posté le 14-03-2019 jeudi 28 mars 2019. FINISHED.

Hello, MY DEAR Here4u, Thanks!!!
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! Three « important discoveries »:

a) IN SUMMERTIME Denmark has a ferocious population of MOSQUITOES;
b) SAYS MOSQUITOES are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt
c) drinking alcohol is the mosquito equivalent of someone ‘S ringing a dinner bell.
This leads to a question: do MOSQUITOES that feed on inebriated humans get drunk themselves? Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who had knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol LEVELS of 0.2%. But if the mosquito drunk that person’s blood, the effects will be negligible – the mosquito is drinking so minute amounts that it’s the equivalent to dilute (diluer) those drinks to 1/25th of their STRENGTH. Only the females feed with blood in order to get the NEEDED PROTEINS to create eggs. The fact alcohol makes us more attractive TO them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive TO MOSQUITOES. Till 20% of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to BE BITTEN. One of those is BLOOD-TYPE; in one study, those with THE BLOOD-TYPE O were TWICE AS OFTEN likely to be bitten than those with THE BLOOD TYPE A. Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (putting out more carbon dioxide), and THE FATTEST people.
The ethanol in the alcohol you’re drinking – and that you are exhaling in minute quantities through your sweat – may be THE signal to the biting insects that there’s a meal nearby.
The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the MOSQUITOES towards you are probably entwined in your genetic MAKE-UP. Simply saying no to AN ICE-COLD beer probably won’t save you of their attentions. And on the plus side, AT LEAST with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much...

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:
1. FRUIT FLIES do get DRUNK but they do have very HIGH TOLERANCE. SMALLER DOSES they get very HYPERACTIVE – and FLIRTY. And they get less CHOOSY about their PARTNERS as WELL. 12

2. In MANY PARTS of the WORLD, a cool TIPPLE OUTSIDE/ TEDIOUS brings with it the RISK of a MOSQUITO BITE. 8


Les personnes qui ont bu de la bière ont plus de chances d’avoir des insectes atterrir sur eux pour se nourrir. (Car la bière leur fait dégager plus de CO2 !)

THE FORCE is back to YOU!
Have a very sweet week! See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de icare29, postée le 25-03-2019 à 17:28:28 (S | E)
Hello Here4u and all hard workers hereis my work OK FOR CORRECTION .

Three « important discoveries »:
a)IN summertime Denmark has a ferocious population of MOSQUITOES;
b)IT'S said MOSQUITOES are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt
c)FOR MOSQUITOES drinking alcohol is equivalent of someone WHO RINGS a dinner bell.

This leads to a question: Do MOSQUITOES that feed THEMSELVES WITH BLOOD on inebriated humans get drunk ?
Insects seem to be remarkably resilient OF EFFECT of alcohol: a human who had knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%.

But if A mosquito DRINK THE person's blood EFFECT will be negligible ? the mosquito is drinking so minute amounts that it's the equivalent OF DILUTING those drinks to 1/25th of their STRENGTH

Only females feed THEMSELVES with blood in order to get the PROTEINS NEEDED to create eggs. The fact THAT alcohol makes us more attractive for them is an interesting question.

Yet, some people are made more attractive for MOSQUITOES . UP TO 20% of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible FOR bites.
One of those is THE BLOOD GROUP ; in one study, those with GROUP O were TWICE times AS more likely to be bitten AS those with GROUP A.

Other risk factors appear to be FOR those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who HEAVILY exhale (putting out more carbon dioxide), and OBESE people.

The ethanol in the alcohol, WHICH you're drinking and that you are SWEATING in minute quantities through your SKIN , may be A signal FOR biting insects that there's a meal nearby.

The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting MOSQUITOES towards you are probably entwined in your genetic CODE . Simply saying no to AN ICE COLD beer won't PROBABLY save you of their ATTENTION . And on the plus side, with AT LEAST ONE drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much... .

Dear Here4u , thanks a lot for your new exercise

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de maxwell, postée le 27-03-2019 à 14:54:22 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
I may not have found everything but I did what I could... I hope I didn't make a fool of myself, leaving any big mistake
Thanks a lot anyway!

I) Help my student:
Three « important discoveries »:
a) IN Summertime Denmark has a ferocious population of MOSQUITOES ;
b) THE AFORESAID MOSQUITOES are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt
c) drinking alcohol is the mosquito equivalent of someone ringing a dinner bell.

This leads to a question: do MOSQUITOES that feed on inebriated humans get drunk themselves? Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who HAS knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if the mosquito DRINKS that person's blood, the effects will be negligible ? the mosquito DRINKS so minute amounts that it's the equivalent to DILUTING those drinks to 1/25th of their STRENGTH. Only [] females feed ON blood in order to get the protein NEEDED to create eggs. The fact THAT alcohol makes us more attractive TO them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive TO MOSQUITOES. UP TO 20% of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to bites. One of those is blood TYPE; in one study, those with Type O blood were TWICE more likely to be bitten than those with Type A blood. Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (GIVING out more carbon dioxide), and larger people.
The ethanol in the alcohol you're drinking -and that you are exhaling in minute quantities through your sweat - may [] signal to the biting insects that there's a meal nearby.
[] alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting [] MOSQUITOES towards you are probably entwined in your genetic MAKE-UP. Simply saying no to a cold-ice beer probably won't save you FROM their ATTENTION. And on the plus side, at LEAST with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much...

II) Optional:
1. FRUIT FLIES do get DRUNK but they do have very HIGH TOLERANCE. SMALLER DOSES they get very HYPERACTIVE - and FLIRTY. And they get less CHOOSY about their PARTNERS as WELL.
2. In MANY PARTS of the WORLD, a cool TIPPLE OUTSIDE brings with it the RISK of a MOSQUITO BITE .

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de here4u, postée le 27-03-2019 à 18:01:47 (S | E)

Vos corrections sont en cours de transferts ...
Je vous rappelle aussi que j'aurais besoin de volontaires pour le "Follow-up work!" Il m'en faudrait 2 pour le texte et un/ une pour les phrases ; merci de vous "déclarer" ... Merci aussi de votre bon travail et de votre enthousiasme !

Edit : Choco est volontaire pour tout ou partie du texte. (Je préfère avoir 2 volontaires pour le texte, si possible ! ) Choco

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de peticha, postée le 28-03-2019 à 21:57:33 (S | E)
Ready to be marked.
Here is my try:

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:

1) FRUIT FLIES do get DRUNK but they do have very HIGH TOLERANCE. SMALLER DOSES they get very HYPERACTIVE – and FLIRTY. And they get less CHOOSY about their PARTNERS as WELL. 12

2) In MANY PARTS of the WORLD, a cool TIPPLE OUTSIDE brings with it the RISK of a MOSQUITO BITE. 8



Thanks here4u, have a great week!
So long

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de here4u, postée le 28-03-2019 à 22:45:26 (S | E)

It's good to have you here, peticha! You're most welcome!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de here4u, postée le 28-03-2019 à 23:40:07 (S | E)
Hello, dearest Friends,

Vous m’avez dit avoir trouvé ce devoir « amusant » et intéressant … Good ! Il a été dans l’ensemble, très bien réussi … Un ou deux points vous ont échappés, cependant. C’était quand même TRES BIEN !
J’ai toujours besoin de trouver deux volontaires pour le « follow up work »… (Fin du texte et phrases). Allez ! Tout le monde fait un effort …

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger !

Three « important discoveries »:
a) summertime (1) Denmark (for the translation...) has a ferocious population of mosquitoes; (2)
b) said mosquitoes are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt and
c) drinking alcohol is the mosquito equivalent of someone ringing a dinner bell.

This leads to another question: do mosquitoes that feed on inebriated humans get drunk themselves? Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who has knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if the mosquito drinks (3) that person’s blood, the effects will (4) be negligible – the mosquito is drinking such (5) minute amounts that it’s the equivalent of diluting (6) those drinks to 1/25th of their strength (7). Only the females feed on (8) blood in order to get the protein needed (9) to create eggs. The fact alcohol makes us more attractive to (10) them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive to mosquitoes. Up to 20%(11) of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to bites. ///(end of part one for the translation!) One of those is blood type(12); in one study, those with Type O blood were twice (13) as likely to be bitten as(14) those with Type A blood. Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (putting out more carbon dioxide), and larger people.
The ethanol in the alcohol you’re drinking – and that you are excreting (15) in minute quantities through your sweat – may be signal to the biting insects that there’s a meal nearby.
The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the mosquitoes towards 16 you are probably entwined in your genetic make-up(17). Simply saying no to an ice-cold beer (18) probably won’t save you from (19) their attentions. And on the plus side, at least (20) with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much.

(1) Toujours pas de majuscule aux saisons en anglais … Ce n’était pas un début de phrase (= « Three important discoveries » l’était et porte la majuscule… L’énumération ne demande pas de majuscules (said et drinking). (Bon d’accord … cette « faute » était « méchante » … )
(2) les noms terminés en O font leur pluriel en OES => tomatoes – potatoes – heroes - mosquitoes - sauf : piano, kimono, kilos, ghettos, photo, dynamo ... qui prennent juste un S
(3) (4) Ici, toute la phrase était au présent … Il semblait donc logique d’accorder « the mosquito drinks » and « the effects will be » … Mettre prétérite + conditionnel n’était pas une faute réelle …
(5) such minute amounts = such + adjectif + nom au pluriel. Mais so + adjectif seul. « The amount was so minute…»
(6) The equivalent OF + V + ing
(7) STRENGTH (inversion commune ; penser au TH final)
(8) to feed ON : se nourrir de (feed, fed, fed) => food.
(9) the protein needed to create eggs = the protein (which is/ are) needed to create eggs. = sens passif ; le sens actif (en ing) était impossible.
(10) (16) to be attracted TO someone – attractive to – attraction to – attracting to- / towards
(11) Jusqu’à = till pour exprimer un temps. « Up to » = pour exprimer une quantité.
(12) « Blood type » = le groupe sanguin ; juste après, dans la même phrase, une structure différente est utilisée. (I’m Type O blood ; mais « my blood type is O ; c’est alors un nom composé, comme « tooth brush », Lien internet
(13) Une fois = once ; deux fois = twice ; puis la construction devient régulière « three times/ four times/ five times/ … »
(14) Deux, trois fois plus = construction piège en anglais = deux ou trois fois autant que … Test N°107273 . Twice as likely to be beaten as …. (Là, j’ai été « méchante » en juxtaposant deux difficultés … )
(15) « excreting » = rejetant ; « exhaling » convenait aussi …
(17) Lien internet
Attention « make-up » n’est pas seulement du maquillage … mais aussi « ce qui constitue ».
(18) ice-cold est un adjectif composé = as cold as ice. => a sky blue dress= dress as blue as the sky ; blood-red = aussi rouge que le sang ; le qualificatif suit le nom.
(19) To save someone FROM something.
(20) at last = enfin // at least = au moins.

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:
1.Fruit flies do get drunk but they do have very high tolerance . In (Beaucoup m'ont "oublié ce mot !) smaller doses they get very hyperactive – and flirty. And they get less choosy about their partners as well. 12

2.In many parts of the world, a cool tipple outside brings with it the risk of a mosquito bite. 8

3.Mosquitoes are also partial to rotting fruit, which creates alcohol as the sugars it contains ferment. 8

People who had drunk beer were more likely to have insects land on them to feed. 16
Là, vous m'avez donné des choses amusantes ...

Bravo et à tous pour votre excellent travail ! You did give me your best!


Eh non, peticha! Il n'est jamais rop tard pour travailler ! Je poste ton travail et t'envoie ta correction asap!

Three « important discoveries »:
a) Summertime Denmark has a ferocious population of MOSQUITOES;
b) said MOSQUITOES are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt
c) drinking alcohol is the mosquito equivalent of someone ringing a dinner bell.

This leads to a question: do MOSQUITOES that feed on inebriated humans get drunk themselves? Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who had knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if the mosquito drunk that person's blood, the effects will be negligible ? the mosquito is drinking so minute amounts that it's the equivalent to dilute those drinks to 1/25th of their STRENGTH^. Only the females feed with blood in order to get the protein needing to create eggs. The fact alcohol makes us more attractive for them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive for MOSQUITOES. Till 20% of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to bites. One of those is type blood; in one study, those with Type O blood were two times more likely to be bitten than those with Type A blood. Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (putting out more carbon dioxide), and larger people.
The ethanol in the alcohol you're drinking ? and that you are exhaling in minute quantities through your sweat ? may be SIGNALED to the biting insects that there's a meal nearby.
The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the MOSQUITOES towards you are probably entwined in your genetic MAKE-UP. Simply saying no to a cold-ice beer probably won't save you of their attentions. And on the plus side, at last with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much...


Hi everybody!

Three « important discoveries »:
a) summertime (1) Denmark has a ferocious population of mosquitoes; (2)
b) said mosquitoes are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt and
c) drinking alcohol is the mosquito equivalent of someone ringing a dinner bell.

This leads to another question: do mosquitoes that feed on inebriated humans get drunk themselves? Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who has knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if the mosquito drinks (3) that person’s blood, the effects will (4) be negligible – the mosquito is drinking such (5) minute amounts that it’s the equivalent of diluting (6) those drinks to 1/25th of their strength (7). Only the females feed on (8) blood in order to get the protein needed (9) to create eggs. The fact alcohol makes us more attractive to (10) them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive to mosquitoes. Up to 20%(11) of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to bites.

Here is the translation:

Trois découvertes importantes :
a) en été, au Danemark sévit une population féroce de moustiques*.
b) ont dit que les moustiques sont parfaitement capables de piquer au travers des toiles de chaises-longues et du tissu de vos chemises.
c) boire de l’alcool équivaut pour les moustiques à l’annonce d’un (bon) repas.

Ceci nous amène à une autre question : est ce que les moustiques qui se nourrissent à partir d’humains ivres deviennent eux-mêmes ivres ? Les insectes semblent être remarquablement résistants aux effets de l’alcool : un humain qui a englouti dix verres pourrait avoir un taux d’alcoolémie de 0,2%. Mais si le moustique boit le sang de cette personne, les effets seront négligeables. Le moustique boit de si minuscules quantités que cela équivaut à diluer ces boisons au 1/25 de leur concentration. Seules les femelles se nourrissent de sang, afin d’obtenir les protéines nécessaires pour pondre leurs œufs. Le fait que l’alcool nous rende plus attractifs pour eux est une question intéressante. Néanmoins, quelques personnes sont rendues plus attractives pour les moustiques. Jusqu’à 20% de la population, portent les caractéristiques qui les rendent plus exposées aux piqûres.

OK, c'est parfait!

Bientôt la guerre contre ces indésirables mais beaux insectes, va recommencer...

One of those is blood type; in one study, those with Type O blood were twice as likely to be bitten as those with Type A blood. Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (putting out more carbon dioxide), and larger people.
The ethanol in the alcohol you’re drinking – and that you are excreting in minute quantities through your sweat – may be signal to the biting insects that there’s a meal nearby.
The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the mosquitoes towards you are probably entwined in your genetic make-up. Simply saying no to an ice-cold beer probably won’t save you from their attentions. And on the plus side, at least with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much.

L'une d'entre elles est le groupe sanguin ; dans une étude, les personnes du groupe sanguin O avaient deux fois plus de chances d'être piquées que celles du groupe A. D'autres facteurs de risque semblent être une température corporelle élevée, le fait d'être enceinte (potentiellement lié à une température élevée), le fait d'expirer excessivement (en rejetant plus de dioxyde de carbone) et le surpoids.
L'éthanol dans l'alcool que vous buvez - et que vous rejetez en quantités infimes via votre transpiration - peut signaler aux insectes piqueurs qu'il y a un repas dans les environs.
L'alcool peut sonner l'heure du dîner, mais les principaux facteurs qui attirent les moustiques vers vous sont probablement intimement liés à votre constitution génétique. Le simple fait de dire non à un bière bien fraîche ne vous sauvera probablement pas de leur intérêt pour vous. Et le côté positif c'est que, au moins, avec un verre ou deux, il est probable que vous ne sentiez pas tellement la démangeaison.

Texte parfaitement compris (et traduit) par nos deux volontaires traducteurs ... Merci !

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:

1. Fruit flies do get drunk but they do have very high tolerance . In smaller doses they get very hyperactive – and flirty. And they get less choosy about their partners as well. 12
Les mouches à fruits s'enivrent mais elles possèdent une grande tolérance. A petites doses, elles deviennent très actives et séductrices. Et elles sont aussi moins sélectives pour choisir leurs partenaires. TTB

2. In many parts of the world, a cool tipple outside brings with it the risk of a mosquito bite. 8
Dans beaucoup de parties du monde, une boisson alcoolisée fraîche à l'extérieur entraîne le risque d'une piqûre de moustique. TTB

3. Mosquitoes are also partial to rotting fruit, which creates alcohol as the sugars it contains ferment.
8 Les moustiques ont aussi un faible pour le fruit en pourriture, où se forme de l'alcool car avec les sucres, ils contiennent le ferment. TB

People who had drunk beer were more likely to have insects land on them to feed. 16

Les gens qui avaient bu de la bière ont plus de chances d'attirer les moustiques qui viendront sur eux pour se nourrir. TB

ET à nos traducteurs.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de chocolatcitron, postée le 29-03-2019 à 01:53:37 (S | E)
Bonjour Here4u,
en II, 1), tu n'avais pas mis le "in" sur ton poste initial…

Peticha vient de me confirmer qu'elle prendra la seconde partie du texte, mais pas avant dimanche… en milieu soirée, car elle travaille ; à moins qu'une ou un autre volontaire ne le fasse avant... !

Bonne journée !
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de magie8, postée le 29-03-2019 à 11:05:17 (S | E)
.hello, bonjour

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:
1.Fruit flies do get drunk but they do have very high tolerance . In (Beaucoup m'ont "oublié ce mot !) smaller doses they get very hyperactive – and flirty. And they get less choosy about their partners as well. 12
les mouches à fruits s'enivrent mais elles possèdent une grande tolérance .A petites doses, elles deviennent très actives et séductrices.Et elles sont moins sélectives pour choisir leurs partenaires.

2.In many parts of the world, a cool tipple outside brings with it the risk of a mosquito bite. 8
Dans beaucoup de parties du monde, une boisson fraîche à l'extérieur attire le risque d'une piqûre de moustique

3.Mosquitoes are also partial to rotting fruit, which creates alcohol as the sugars it contains ferment.
8 Les moustiques ont aussi un faible pour le fruit en pourriture,lequel crée l'alcool car avec les sucres, il contient le ferment.

People who had drunk beer were more likely to have insects land on them to feed. 16
Là, vous m'avez donné des choses amusantes ...
Les gens qui ont bu une bière ont plus de chances de faire atterrir les moustiques qui viendront sur eux pour se nourrir.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de chocolatcitron, postée le 29-03-2019 à 13:07:58 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u!
Hi everybody!

Three « important discoveries »:
a) summertime (1) Denmark (for the translation...) has a ferocious population of mosquitoes; (2)
b) said mosquitoes are perfectly capable of biting through deckchair material and your shirt and
c) drinking alcohol is the mosquito equivalent of someone ringing a dinner bell.

This leads to another question: do mosquitoes that feed on inebriated humans get drunk themselves? Insects seem to be remarkably resilient to the effects of alcohol: a human who has knocked back 10 drinks might have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if the mosquito drinks (3) that person’s blood, the effects will (4) be negligible – the mosquito is drinking such (5) minute amounts that it’s the equivalent of diluting (6) those drinks to 1/25th of their strength (7). Only the females feed on (8) blood in order to get the protein needed (9) to create eggs. The fact alcohol makes us more attractive to (10) them is an interesting question. Yet, some people are made more attractive to mosquitoes. Up to 20%(11) of the population may carry traits that make them more susceptible to bites.

Here is the translation:

Trois découvertes importantes :
a) en été, au Danemark sévit une féroce population de moustiques*.
b) ont dit que les moustiques sont parfaitement capables de piquer au travers des toiles de chaises-longues et du tissu de vos chemises.
c) boire de l’alcool équivaut pour les moustiques à l’annonce d’un (bon) repas.

Ceci nous amène à une autre question : est ce que les moustiques qui se nourrissent à partir d’humains ivres deviennent eux-mêmes saouls ?Les insectes semblent être remarquablement résistants aux effets de l’alcool : un humain qui a descendu dix verres pourrait avoir un taux d’alcoolémie de 0,2%. Mais si le moustique boit le sang de cette personne, les effets seront négligeables. Le moustique boit de si minuscules quantités que cela équivaut à diluer ces boisons au 1/25 de leur concentration. Seules les femelles se nourrissent de sang, afin d’obtenir les protéines nécessaires pour pondre leurs œufs. Le fait que l’alcool nous rende plus attractifs pour eux est une question intéressante. Néanmoins, quelques personnes sont rendues plus attractives pour les moustiques. Jusqu’à 20% de la population, portent les caractéristiques qui les rendent plus exposées aux piqûres.

J'avais pensé à traduire ce passage par "une armée de moustiques insatiables", "tenaces" ou "virulents", mais pour ne pas déformer le texte, j'ai préféré garder la forme initiale : Here4u tranchera, sur la formule qu'elle préfère... même en mixant les idées.

Bientôt la guerre contre ces indésirables mais beaux insectes, va recommencer...

Thanks to Magie !

See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 42 de maxwell, postée le 29-03-2019 à 20:45:56 (S | E)
Je tente la 2ème partie du texte
One of those is blood type; in one study, those with Type O blood were twice as likely to be bitten as those with Type A blood. Other risk factors appear to be those with a high body temperature, pregnant women (possibly related to body temperature), those who exhale heavily (putting out more carbon dioxide), and larger people.
The ethanol in the alcohol you’re drinking – and that you are excreting in minute quantities through your sweat – may be signal to the biting insects that there’s a meal nearby.
The alcohol may ring the dinner bell, but the main factors attracting the mosquitoes towards you are probably entwined in your genetic make-up. Simply saying no to an ice-cold beer probably won’t save you from their attentions. And on the plus side, at least with a drink or two, you may not feel the itching quite so much.

(je suppose que "trait" a été traduit par caractéristique)
L'une d'entre elles est le groupe sanguin ; dans une étude, les personnes du groupe sanguin O avaient deux fois plus de chances d'être piquées que celles du groupe A. D'autres facteurs de risque semblent être une température corporelle élevée, le fait d'être enceinte (potentiellement lié à une température élevée), le fait d'expirer excessivement (en rejetant plus de dioxyde de carbone) et le surpoids.
L'éthanol dans l'alcool que vous buvez - et que vous rejetez en quantités infimes via votre transpiration - peut signaler aux insectes piqueurs qu'il y a un repas dans les environs.
L'alcool peut sonner l'heure du dîner, mais les principaux facteurs qui attirent les moustiques vers vous sont probablement intimement liés à votre constitution génétique. Le simple fait de dire non à un bière bien fraîche ne vous sauvera probablement pas de leur intérêt pour vous. Et le côté positif c'est que, au moins, avec un verre ou deux, il est probable que vous ne sentiez pas tellement la démangeaison.


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