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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de emma22 posté le 03-04-2019 à 17:53:51 (S | E | F)
Etant en licence de Langues Etrangères Appliquées je m'entraîne à écrire des textes en anglais afin d'améliorer ma maîtrise de cette langue. Je me demandais si c'était possible d'avoir un avis sur ce texte au niveau de la syntaxe et de la tournure de mes phrases et une éventuelle correction.
Merci d'avance.

I made research on the life of Mohandas K. Gandhi in order to understand what events in his life has inspired him to embark on his non-violent movement to bring independence to India.
Firstly, Gandhi was born in India in October 1869. When he decided to move away to study law in England he started to be exposed to racism and violence from the local against the foreign people.

Then, in a train in South Africa, he had to leave the first class because he was a stranger in that country. Because of that behaviour he decided to defend immigrants on a pacific way with the creation of the satyagrapha which is a non-violent movement and a devotion to the truth. When he came back in India in 1915, he was already known by lot of people who called him Mahatma which means « great soul ». Gandhi is also known for the Salt March he organised in 1930. He has been once again arrested and put in jail but this pacific March led to the independence of India. Gandhi was in favor of the independence in order to make stop the british empire to use India as it wanted.

To put it in a nutshell, Gandhi never used violence in responce to the violence he has been victim. He had other principles such as truth, simplicity, faith and of course non violence. He choosed to defend his ideas with boycott, silent demonstration or hunger strike but never by hurting someone else. That philosophy of has made him a great person.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-04-2019 19:11

Réponse : Texte/Gandhi de gerondif, postée le 03-04-2019 à 18:14:24 (S | E)
I made(to make, c'est fabriquer, confectionner, to do, c'est faire donc I did some research) research on the life of Mohandas K. Gandhi in order to understand what events in his life has (concordance des temps, plus que parfait) inspired him to embark on his non-violent movement to bring independence to India.

Firstly, Gandhi was born in India in October 1869. When he decided to move away to study law in England, he started to be exposed to racism and violence from the local against the foreign people.

Then, in a train in South Africa, he had to leave the first class because he was a stranger in that country. Because of that behaviour, he decided to defend immigrants on a pacific way with the creation of the satyagrapha which is a non-violent movement and a devotion to the truth. When he came back in India in 1915, he was already known by lot of people who called him Mahatma which means « great soul ». Gandhi is also known for the Salt March he organised in 1930. He has been(prétérit, action implicitement datée) once again arrested and put in jail but this pacific March led to the independence of India. Gandhi was in favor of the independence in order to make stop the british empire(ordre des mots : to make the British Empire stop using...) to use India as it wanted.

To put it in a nutshell, Gandhi never used violence in responce to the violence he has(concordance des temps, plus que parfait) been a victim of. He had other principles such as truth, simplicity, faith and of course non violence. He choosed(ça fait un peu mal, en LEA ! to choose, I chose, chosen. En première année de fac à Dijon en 71, nous avions automatiquement en dessous de 10 en cas d'erreur sur un verbe irrégulier)) to defend his ideas with boycott, silent demonstration or hunger strike but never by hurting someone (plutôt anyone else, quiconque) else. That philosophy of( of what ? ) has made him a great person.

Réponse : Texte/Gandhi de emma22, postée le 03-04-2019 à 18:53:14 (S | E)
Bonjour, je vous remercie pour votre réponse j'ai modifié mon texte en espérant avoir corrigé ce qu'il fallait.

J'avais oublié d'écrire le mot life (that philosophy of life).
Pour le verbe irrégulier c'est vrai que c'est n'est plus une erreur à faire, j'y serai encore plus attentive à l'avenir.



I did some research on the life of Mohandas K. Gandhi in order to understand what events in his life had inspired him to embark on his non-violent movement to bring independence to India.

Firstly, Gandhi was born in India in October 1869. When he decided to move away to study law in England, he started to be exposed to racism and violence from the local against foreign people.

Then, in a train in South Africa, he had to leave the first class because he was a stranger in that country. Because of that behaviour, he decided to defend immigrants on a pacific way with the creation of the satyagrapha which is a non-violent movement and a devotion to the truth. When he came back in India in 1915, he was already known by lot of people who called him Mahatma which means « great soul ». Gandhi is also known for the Salt March he organised in 1930. He was once again arrested and put in jail but this pacific march led to the independence of India. Gandhi was in favor of the independence in order to make the British Empire stop using India as it wanted.

To put it in a nutshell, Gandhi never used violence in response the violence he had been a victim of. He had other principles such as truth, simplicity, faith and of course non violence. He chosen to defend his ideas with boycott, silent demonstration or hunger strike but never by hurting anyone else. That philosophy of life has made him a great person. 

Réponse : Texte/Gandhi de gerondif, postée le 03-04-2019 à 19:56:49 (S | E)
ah, j'avais raté quelques erreurs...
I did some research on the life of Mohandas K. Gandhi in order to understand what events in his life had inspired him to embark on his non-violent movement to bring independence to India.

Firstly, Gandhi was born in India in October 1869. When he decided to move away to study law in England, he started to be exposed to racism and violence from the local against foreign people.

Then, in a train in South Africa, he had to leave the first class because he was a stranger in that country. Because of that behaviour, he decided to defend immigrants on in a pacific way with the creation of the satyagrapha which is a non-violent movement and a devotion to the truth. When he came back in to India in 1915, he was already known by lot of people who called him Mahatma which means « great soul ». Gandhi is also known for the Salt March he organised in 1930. He was once again arrested and put in jail but this pacific march led to the independence of India. Gandhi was in favor of the independence in order to make the British Empire stop using India as it wanted.

To put it in a nutshell, Gandhi never used violence in response to the violence he had been a victim of. He had other principles such as truth, simplicity, faith and of course non-violence. He chosen(Quand ça veut pas, ça veut pas !! C'est quoi, ce participe passé tout seul comme un orphelin ?) to defend his ideas with boycott, silent demonstration or hunger strike but never by hurting anyone else. That philosophy of life (has) made him a great person.

Réponse : Texte/Gandhi de emma22, postée le 04-04-2019 à 14:33:48 (S | E)

Je vous remercie pour les dernières modifications.

Pour le verbe to choose, je ne sais pas si je devrai utiliser le present perfect qui est utilisé pour quelque chose qui s'est passé dans le passé mais qui a des conséquences dans le présent(he has chosen) ou le past simple qui est utilisé pour quelque chose qui est fini (chose)



Réponse : Texte/Gandhi de gerondif, postée le 04-04-2019 à 15:08:26 (S | E)
Je choisirais plutôt le prétérit.

Réponse : Texte/Gandhi de emma22, postée le 04-04-2019 à 18:58:53 (S | E)

D'accord je vais remplacer par chose, merci pour votre aide




Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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