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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de emma22 posté le 08-04-2019 à 21:31:38 (S | E | F)
Etant en licence de Langues Etrangères Appliquées je m'entraîne à écrire des textes en anglais afin d'améliorer ma maîtrise de cette langue. Je me demandais si c'était possible d'avoir un avis sur ce texte au niveau de la syntaxe et de la tournure de mes phrases et une éventuelle correction.
Merci d'avance.

Topic 6 : Restaurant
Miam miam, a typical Breton creperie

It may have taken a while to get to my mouth, but I have found the best crepes of Brittany !

A friend of mine advised me that address but I wasn’t really enthusiastic to eat crepes at a restaurant but after insisting during two hours I finally gave in and I don’t regret my choice !

We arrived in a small typical creperie in Rennes just behind the church. The welcome was warm and joyful. It was a very nice place with a nice decoration. A big black board was on a wall with the menu on it, another one was signed by the customers and one was a wall's stone. The two owners decided to do everything themselves and to buy only local, handmade and organic products. It is the best choice they could have done ! The quality of these crepes are unbelievable. The crepe with fresh goat’s cheese and sweet potatoes was delicious. The potatoes were ripe to perfection and they melted in the mouth ! Add a farm apple juice and it was the perfect combination. For dessert I chose a classical chocolate crepe with homemade Chantilly cream ! It reminded me of the crepes we used to do for the Candlemas every year, hot, creamy and sweet. Another really good point : the choice ! You can do your own crepes by choosing each ingredient therefore vegetarian or vegans can easily come and find their happiness. And all of this for a price really reasonable, a crepe cost between 3 and 12€. As an advice, you should order before coming because the room is not big so it’s safer if you want to be sure to have a table.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-04-2019 22:49

Réponse : Texte/Restaurant de here4u, postée le 09-04-2019 à 11:24:13 (S | E)

Topic 6 : Restaurant
Miam miam, a typical Breton creperie

It may have taken a while to get to my mouth, but I have found the best crepes of Brittany !

A friend of mine advised me that address but I wasn’t really enthusiastic to eat crepes at a restaurant but after insisting during two hours I finally gave in and I don’t regret my choice !

We arrived in a small typical creperie in Rennes just behind the church. The welcome was warm and joyful. It was a very nice place with a nice decoration. A big black board was on a wall with the menu on it, another one was signed by the customers and one was a wall's stone. The two owners decided to do everything themselves and to buy only local, handmade and organic products. It is the best choice they could have done ! The quality of these crepes are unbelievable. The crepe with fresh goat’s cheese and sweet potatoes was delicious. The potatoes were ripe to perfection and they melted in the mouth ! Add a farm apple juice and it was the perfect combination. For dessert I chose a classical chocolate crepe with homemade Chantilly cream ! It reminded me of the crepes we used to do for the Candlemas every year, hot, creamy and sweet. Another really good point : the choice ! You can do your own crepes by choosing each ingredient therefore vegetarian or vegans can easily come and find their happiness. And all of this for a price really reasonable, a crepe cost between 3 and 12€. As an advice, you should order before coming because the room is not big so it’s safer if you want to be sure to have a table.

Réponse : Texte/Restaurant de emma22, postée le 09-04-2019 à 16:07:01 (S | E)
Je vous remercie pour avoir mis en évidence mes erreurs j'ai essayé de les corriger au mieux mais il y en a deux que je ne comprend pas et que j'ai mis en majuscules.

Topic 6 : Restaurant
Yummy Yummy, a typical Breton creperie
It may have taken a while to get to my mouth, but I have found the best crepes OF Brittany !

A friend of mine advised me this address but I wasn’t really enthusiastic  of eating crepes at a restaurant but after insisting for two hours I finally gave in and I don’t regret my choice !

We arrived in a small typical creperie in Rennes just behind the church. The welcome was warm and joyful. It was a very nice place with a nice decoration. A big black board was on a wall with the menu on it, another one was signed by the customers and one was a stone wall. The two owners decided to do everything themselves and to buy only local, handmade and organic products. It is the best choice they could have made ! The quality of these crepes were unbelievable. The crepe with fresh goat’s cheese and sweet potatoes was delicious. The potatoes were ripe to perfection and they melted in the mouth ! Add a farm apple juice and it was the perfect combination. For dessert I chose a classical chocolate crepe with homemade Chantilly cream ! It reminded me of the crepes we used to make for  Candlemas every year, hot, creamy and sweet. Another really good point : the choice ! You can make your own crepes by choosing each ingredient therefore vegetarians or vegans can easily come and find their happiness. And all of this for a really reasonable price, a crepe costs between 3 and 12€. My advice, you should ORDER before coming because the room is not big so it’s safer if you want to be sure to have a table.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-04-2019 22:32
Pas de rouge/rose sur les forums, merci !

Réponse : Texte/Restaurant de emma22, postée le 10-04-2019 à 15:12:15 (S | E)

Après avoir retravaillé mon texte je pense avoir trouvé la première erreur :

It may have taken a while to get to my mouth, but I have found the best crepes OF in Brittany !

Pour la deuxième :

My advice, you should order before coming because the room is not big so it’s safer if you want to be sure to have a table.

Je pense que c'est du conditionnel présent, should suivi d'une base verbale, je ne comprends pas mon erreur ou quel temps est à utiliser dans cette phrase.



Réponse : Texte/Restaurant de gerondif, postée le 10-04-2019 à 15:22:07 (S | E)
Here4U pense peut-être que vous vouliez dire qu'il vaudrait mieux réserver d'avance (to make a reservation beforehand) plutôt que directement commander, passer commande...

Réponse : Texte/Restaurant de emma22, postée le 10-04-2019 à 20:46:01 (S | E)

Je vous remercie pour votre réponse, je n'avais pas compris que c'était une faute de vocabulaire.



Réponse : Texte/Restaurant de vaiana, postée le 11-04-2019 à 07:02:12 (S | E)
Hello ,

Topic 6 : Restaurant
Yummy Yummy, a typical Breton creperie
It may have taken a while to get to my mouth, but I have found the best crepes in Brittany !

A friend of mine advised me/I was advised by a friend of mine to go to this address but I wasn’t really enthusiastic of eating (to be enthusiastic ABOUT doing...)crepes at a restaurant but after insisting for two hours I finally gave in and I don’t regret my choice !

We arrived in a small typical creperie in Rennes just behind the church. The welcome was warm and joyful. It was a very nice place with a nice decoration. A big black board was on a wall with the menu on it, another one was signed by the customers and one was a stone wall. The two owners decided to do everything themselves and to buy only local, handmade and organic products. It is the best choice they could have made ! The quality of these crepes were (what is the subject?) unbelievable. The crepe with fresh goat’s cheese and sweet potatoes was delicious. The potatoes were ripe to perfection and they melted in the mouth ! Add a farm apple juice and it was the perfect combination. For dessert I chose a classical chocolate crepe with homemade Chantilly cream ! It reminded me of the crepes we used to make for Candlemas every year: hot, creamy and sweet. Another really good point : the choice ! You can make your own crepes by choosing each ingredient therefore vegetarians or vegans can easily come and find their happiness. And all of this for a really reasonable price: a crepe costs between 3 and 12€. My piece/word of (uncountable noun) advice: you should ORDER before coming because the room is not big so it’s safer if you want to be sure to have a table.

Réponse : Texte/Restaurant de emma22, postée le 11-04-2019 à 12:07:43 (S | E)

Je vous remercie pour votre aide, j'ai modifié mon texte en espérant avoir corrigé ce qu'il fallait.
Voici mon texte modifié



Topic 6 : Restaurant
Yummy Yummy, a typical Breton creperie

It may have taken a while to get to my mouth, but I have found the best crepes in Brittany !

I was advised by a friend of mine to go to this address but I wasn’t really enthusiastic about eating crepes at a restaurant but after insisting for  two hours I finally gave in and I don’t regret my choice !

We arrived in a small typical creperie in Rennes just behind the church. The welcome was warm and joyful. It was a very nice place with a nice decoration. A big black board was on a wall with the menu on it, another one was signed by the customers and one was a stone wall. The two owners decided to do everything themselves and to buy only local, handmade and organic products. It is the best choice they could have made ! The quality of these crepes was unbelievable. The crepe with fresh goat’s cheese and sweet potatoes was delicious. The potatoes were ripe to perfection and they melted in the mouth ! Add a farm apple juice and it was the perfect combination. For dessert I chose a classical chocolate crepe with homemade Chantilly cream ! It reminded me of the crepes we used to make for  Candlemas every year, hot, creamy and sweet. Another really good point : the choice ! You can make your own crepes by choosing each ingredient therefore vegetarians or vegans can easily come and find their happiness. And all of this for a really reasonable price, a crepe costs between 3 and 12€. My  piece of advice, you should make a reservation beforhand because the room is not big so it’s safer if you want to be sure to have a table.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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