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Education/ dream

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Education/ dream
Message de justns posté le 13-04-2019 à 01:16:47 (S | E | F)
Serait-il possible d'avoir une correction grammaticale de mon texte.
Merci d'avance.

From an education perspective, Brian Johsnon wants something new.

First, he wants to put on the uniform so there will be no social distinctiveness. All children will be equal. Moreover, he wants to separate girls and boys in school. There will be no more mixed school until the end of high school.

Secondly, school will be compulsory until 32 years old, Brian believes that all these years of study are necessary for everyone to acquire a satisfactory culture. Obviously, the more ambitious ones will be able to pursue higher education.

Third, he plans to invest in the recruitment of several thousand teachers so classes can be less busy. He also wants to offer a foreign language from kindergarten onwards, the best students in this field will receive a lot of money to study abroad, all costs pay.

Students will have class 4 days a week from 11am to 4pm, after which they will have to do compulsory activities such as football, shopping, eating, seeing their friends... in other words they will have a compulsory relax time !

It should not be forgotten that in Bryan Johson’s program, all students from the age of 16 will be paid 4000 euros per month.

Finally, there will no longer be a grading system, no more evaluation, no more homework, it will be enough to go regularly to class to be able to move to the next level.

AS you can see Brian Johnson wants to completely rethink the school system, this program would allow each of us to go to school, to have fun, to learn and to receive money!

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-04-2019 08:14

Réponse : Education/ dream de vaiana, postée le 13-04-2019 à 02:48:27 (S | E)
Hello and on the site!!

From an education... perspective, Brian Johsnon wants something new.

First, he wants to put on/establish the uniform so there will/would be no social distinctiveness. All children will /would be equal. Moreover, he wants to separate girls and boys in school. There will /would be no more mixed school until the end of high school.

Secondly, school will/would be compulsory until 32 (years old), Brian believes that all these years of study are/would be necessary for everyone to acquire a satisfactory culture/knowledge. Obviously, the more ambitious ones will /would be able to pursue higher education.

Third, he plans to invest in the recruitment of several thousand teachers so classes can/would be able to be less busy. He also wants to offer a foreign language from kindergarten onwards, the best students in this field will /would receive a lot of money to study abroad, all costs pay (past participle).

Students will/would have class 4 days a week from 11am to 4pm, after which they will/would have to do compulsory activities such as football, shopping, eating, seeing their friends... in other words they will /would have a compulsory/mandatory relax time/leisure!

It should not be forgotten that in Bryan Johson’s program, all students from the age of 16 will/would be paid 4,000 euros per month.

Finally, there will /would no longer be a grading system, no more evaluation, no more homework, it will/would be enough to go regularly to class to be able to move to the next level. / going to class on a regular basis would be enough to...

AS you can see, Brian Johnson wants to completely rethink the school system, this program would allow each of us to go to school, to have fun, to learn and to receive money!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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