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Notion/Myths And Heroes

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Notion/Myths And Heroes
Message de nathan312 posté le 13-04-2019 à 13:20:32 (S | E | F)
voilà ma notion sur Mythes et héros en anglais. J'ai quelques doutes, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance

I'm going to talk about the Notion of Myths and Heroes.
First of all, I'd like to give a definition of hero.
A hero is a person who is admired for his intellectual qualities or physical qualities like courage.
A myth is the story of a hero but which stay famous in a long period.

My question is : What is a modern-day/contemporary hero? What impact do they have on our lives?

To answer this question, I will talk about the theme of Space Conquest :
In a first Part, I will talk about the Conquest of Moon during the 1960’s.
In a Second Part, I will talk about the potential Conquest of Mars in XXIe Century.

I) In the XX Century, first travel to the Moon
In 1962, John F. Kennedy made a Speech in which he said that he wants to see the first American on the Moon before the end of the sixties.
During the Cold War, the United States and Soviet Union tried to prove to the world they were the greatest and modern(est?) nation.
They promoted Space Conquest.
Yuri Gagarin is the First Human being in space (1961)
When Americans heard that Russians were going to put a man on the Moon in 1968, they decided that they should get there first.
It was a big risk because the year before, Apollo spacecraft had killed three astronauts in (a?) launchpad fire (???). But the geopolitical issue (ou concern?) were more important. Finally, Neil Armstrong, an American Astronaut, was the first Human to walk on the Moon.

II) In the XXIe century, mission on Mars
In 2013, a private organisation named “Mars One” plans to send people on (ou “to”?) Mars. The recruitment is on the web, more than 78.000 people applied to go to Mars with a video, where they say their motivation. One of them, Alyssa Carson wants to become the first Human on Mars. She is now 17 years old.
In class, we have seen her video. She says that she was 5 or 6 when she started to be interested in Space.
Moreover, obstacles :
Financial obstacles: doing reseraches, can be very expensive. For instance, going to the Moon cost 21 billion of dollars for the United States.
Going to Mars could be very dangerous. The project Mars One is a one-way ticket. Alyssa Carson say that even if she could die, she would do it because that’s her dream.

To conclude, we can say that astronauts (as Neil Armstrong or Alyssa Carson) are the perfect heroes of XXe and XXIe centuries because they symbolise :
- Bravery
- Their sense of sacrifice
- Great scientific / technological knowledge

And they do that for humanity : “That’s one small step a man, one giant leap for humanity” as said Neil Armstrong.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-04-2019 14:34

Réponse : Notion/Myths And Heroes de vaiana, postée le 13-04-2019 à 14:18:56 (S | E)
Hello and on the site!

I'm going to talk about the Notion of Myths and Heroes
First of all, I'd like to give a definition of hero.
A hero is a person who is admired for his intellectual qualities (remove it to avoid repetition) or physical qualities like courage.
A myth is the story of a hero but which stay (use to remain + 3rd-person singular) famous in a long period/time.

My question is : What is a modern-day/contemporary hero? What impact do they have on our lives?

To answer this question, I will talk about the theme /topic of Space Conquest :
In a first part, I will talk about the conquest of Moon during the 1960’s.
In a second part, I will talk about the potential Conquest of Mars in XXX (article) XXIe ( 21st, 22nd...) century.

I) In the XXth century, first TRIP to the Moon
In 1962, John F. Kennedy made a speech in which he said that he wants (wrong tense) to see the first American on the Moon before the end of the sixties.
During the Cold War, the United States and XXX Soviet Union tried to prove to the world they were the greatest and modernest (most...) nation.
They promoted XXX Space Conquest.
Yuri Gagarin is (wrong tense) the first human being to go in space (1961)
When Americans heard that Russians were going to get a man on... the Moon in 1968, they decided (that) they should get there first.
That was a big risk because the year before, Apollo spacecraft had killed three astronauts in a launchpad fire. But the geopolitical issue/ concern were more important. Finally, Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, was the first human to walk on the Moon.

II) In the XXIe century, mission on Mars

In 2013, a private organisation named “Mars One” plans (tense) to send people (on)to Mars. The recruitment is (tense) on the web AND more than 78,000 people applied to go to Mars with a video, where they say their motivation. One of them, Alyssa Carson, wants to become the first human on Mars. She is now 17 (years old).
Her video ... (to show) in class (use passive). She says (that) she was 5 or 6 when she started to be interested in Space.
Moreover, obstacles:
Financial obstacles: doing reseraches (spelling) can be very expensive. For instance, going to the Moon cost (to be conjugated) 21 billion of dollars for the United States.
Going to Mars could be very dangerous. The project Mars One is a one-way ticket. Alyssa Carson say (3rd person) that even if she could die, she would do it because that’s her dream.

To conclude, (we can say that) astronauts (as Neil Armstrong or Alyssa Carson) can be said to be the perfect heroes of both XXe and XXIe centuries because they symbolise :
- Bravery
- Their sense of sacrifice
- Great scientific / technological knowledge

And they do that for humanity : “That’s one small step a man, one giant leap for humanity” as Neil Armstrong said.

Réponse : Notion/Myths And Heroes de nathan312, postée le 13-04-2019 à 16:11:00 (S | E)
I'm going to talk about the Notion of Myths and Heroes
First of all, I'd like to give a definition of hero.
A hero is a person who is admired for his intellectual or physical qualities like courage.
A myth is the story of a hero but which stays famous in a long period.

My question is : What is a modern-day/contemporary hero? What impact do they have on our lives?

To answer this question, I will talk about the theme of Space Conquest :
In a first part, I will talk about the Conquest of Moon during the 1960’s.
In a second part, I will talk about the potential Conquest of Mars in the XXIst century.

I) In the XXth Century, first trip to the Moon
In 1962, John F. Kennedy made a Speech in which he said that he wanted to see the first American on the Moon before the end of the sixties.
During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union tried to prove to the world they were the greatest and most modern nation.
They promoted Space Conquest.
Yuri Gagarin was the first human to go in space (1961)
When Americans heard that Russians were going to get a man on the Moon in 1968, they decided (that) they should get there first.
That was a big risk because the year before, Apollo spacecraft had killed three astronauts in a launchpad fire . But the geopolitical issue were more important. Finally, Neil Armstrong, an American Astronaut, was the first human to walk on the Moon.

II) In the XXIst century, mission on Mars
In 2013, a private organisation named “Mars One” planned to send people to Mars. The recruitment was on the web and more than 78.000 people applied to go to Mars with a video, where they say their motivation. One of them, Alyssa Carson wants to become the first Human on Mars. She is now 17 (years old).
In class, we have seen her video. She says (that) she was 5 or 6 when she started to be interested in Space.
Moreover, obstacles :
Financial obstacles: doing reseraches, can be very expensive. For instance, going to the Moon costs 21 billion dollars for the United States.
Going to Mars could be very dangerous. The project Mars One is a one-way ticket. Alyssa Carson says that even if she could die, she would do it because that’s her dream.

To conclude, we can say that astronauts (as Neil Armstrong or Alyssa Carson) can be said to be the perfect heroes of both XXth and XXIst centuries because they symbolise :
- Bravery
- Their sense of sacrifice
- Great scientific / technological knowledge

And they do that for humanity : “That’s one small step a man, one giant leap for humanity” as Neil Armstrong said.
voilà j'ai mis les corrections !

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2019 09:24
Pas de rouge/rose sur les forums, merci !

Réponse : Notion/Myths And Heroes de vaiana, postée le 13-04-2019 à 16:57:07 (S | E)
Vous n'avez pas fait l'effort de tout corriger. Mettez-y un peu du vôtre on ne va pas faire le travail à votre place

- majuscules qui n'ont pas lieu d'être
- which stays famous : j'ai dit qu'il fallait utiliser le verbe "to remain" au lieu de "to stay"
- they promoted the conquest of space
- to go IN space : into
- get a man ON the Moon, send people TO Mars, to go TO Mars : onto
- 78.000 people
- In class, we have seen her video : phrase à mettre à la VOIE PASSIVE. Her video ... shown in class
- we can say that astronauts can be said to be the perfect heroes : réfléchissez un peu c'est de la logique, votre phrase n'a pas de sens si vous ne retirez pas la partie en bleu...


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