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Notion Power/correction

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Notion Power/correction
Message de nathan312 posté le 13-04-2019 à 23:46:47 (S | E | F)
voilà ma notion sur lieux et formes de pouvoirs; j’ai quelques doutes, pourriez-vous m’aider s'il vous plait ?
Merci !!

I’m going to talk about the notion of Seats and Forms of power.
First of all, I would like to give a definition of power :
Power is the ability to direct or influence the behaviour of people.
Places of power can be important buildings or Institutions like the White House or Buchingham Palace. A place can also be a country like China (major economic power).
Forms of power are various : it can be political, social or economic power.
To illustrate this notion, we studied the Figure of Queen Elisabeth the 2nd, an emblematic figure of the British Monarchy but we also have seen an important figure of the US : G.Washington.

My question is : How are institutions of power constituted and how are they perceived ?
To anwser this question, we will focus on the differences between American and British institutions
I) How political power is constituted in the USA and in England
A) In the United States

First, we studied how the the political power is constituted in America.
We have seen a document named : “fast facts : the united states of America” who (ou which?) present(s ?) :
The American Institutions, divided into 3 parts :

The legislative power is represented by the Congress which is composed by :
The house who represent(s?) the American Citizen
The senate who represent(s?) the 50 States.
The Judicial Power is represented by the Supreme Court which has a special role to play in the United States system of government. It can tell a President that his actions are allowed or not by the Constitution.

B) In England
We studied the power of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd :
She is the head of monarchy. The queen has a significant power in the British society : that's why she holds all the powers despite the saying « the queen rules but does not govern »
We have seen a photo of her with the Duke of Edimburgh taken in 1947. It’s a formal picture of her wedding day. She was wearing a diamond tiara and a white gown decorated with crystals. That picture shows that she is working on her image (elle travaille son image??) because she knows she has a power over society.

II) How power express itself and how is it perceived
How power express itself : through money
Secondly, we studied a document about the difference between "British currency" and "American currency". Power express itself through money. The official currency of the UK is the pound sterling (pennies) while the official currency for the United States is the dollar (cents).
Even if there is a difference in terms of currency we can notice a similarity : We saw that the portrait of the Queen is represented on the English banknote while the dollar is fraped with the portrait of G.Washington, the first president of the US.
And another symbol emblem of America: the bald eagle simbol of power strength and dignity.
This document shows that money is a form of power because it is a way for the dirigeants to assert their domination because money is used everyday.

B) How power is perceived
In class, we have seen how power is perceived.
Music allows to express opposition against political power.
For instance, « God save the Queen » is a punk and protest song made by Sex Pistols. This song is adressed to the British Monarchy. In this song, Sex Pistols compare the Monarchy with a fascist regime.
They mock the Queen. The album was censored by the BBC

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2019 09:28
Pas de rouge/rose sur les forums, merci !

Réponse : Notion Power/correction de vaiana, postée le 14-04-2019 à 11:04:39 (S | E)

I’m going to talk about the notion of Seats and Forms of power.
First of all, I would like to give a definition of power :
Power is the ability to direct or influence the behaviour of people (use genitive here: people's...).
Places of power can be important buildings or Institutions like the White House or Buchingham (spelling) Palace. A place can also be a country like China (major economic power).
Forms of power are various : it can be political, social or economic power.
To illustrate this notion, (we studied) the Figure of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, an emblematic figure of the British Monarchy but (we) also (have seen) an important figure of the US, George Washington, WERE STUDIED IN CLASS.

My question is : How are institutions of power constituted and (how are they) perceived ?
To anwser (spelling) this question, I (you used the 1st-person singular in the beginning of your presentation) will focus on the differences between American and British institutions.
I) How political power is constituted in the USA and in England
A) In the United States
First, (we studied) how the the political power is constituted in America WAS STUDIED.
(We have seen) a document named WAS SEEN : “fast facts : the United States of America” which present(s:
The American Institutions, divided into 3 parts :

The legislative power is represented by the Congress which is composed by (wrong preposition) :
The house who represent(s the American Citizen
The senate who represent(s the 50 States.
The Judicial Power is represented by the Supreme Court which has a special role to play in the United States system of government. It can tell a President whether his actions are allowed (or not) by the Constitution.

B) In England
(We studied) the power of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd WAS STUDIED :
She is the head of the monarchy. The queen has a significant power in the British society : that's why she holds all the powers despite the saying « the queen rules but does not govern »
(We have seen) a photo of her with the Duke of Edimburgh taken in 1947 WAS SEEN. It’s a formal picture of her wedding day. She was wearing a diamond tiara and a white gown decorated with crystals. That picture shows that she is working on her image (elle travaille son image??) because she knows she has (a) power over society.

II) How power express (to be conjugated) itself and how is it (order) perceived
How power express itself : through money
Secondly, (we studied) a document about the difference between "British currency" and "American currency" WAS STUDIED. Power express itself through money. The official currency of the UK is the pound sterling (pennies) while the official currency for the United States is the dollar (cents).
Even if there is a difference in terms of regarding currency, (we can notice) a similarity CAN BE NOTICED : We saw that the portrait of the Queen is represented on the English banknote while the dollar is fraped with the portrait of George Washington, the first president of the US.
(And) Another symbol emblem of America is the bald eagle which is a simbol (spelling) of power, strength and dignity.
This document shows that money is a form of power because it is a way for the dirigeants to assert their domination inasmuch as money is used everyday.

B) How power is perceived
(In class, we have seen) How power is perceived WAS SEEN IN CLASS.
Music allows expressing opposition against political power.
For instance, "God save the Queen" is a punk and protest song made by Sex Pistols. This song is adressed (spelling) to the British Monarchy. In this song, Sex Pistols compares the Monarchy with a fascist regime.
They mock the Queen. The album was censored by the BBC

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2019 22:01
Des fautes rajoutées, je ne suis pas contente !!

Réponse : Notion Power/correction de nathan312, postée le 14-04-2019 à 17:27:07 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos corrections ! J'ai complété.

I’m going to talk about the notion of Seats and Forms of power.
First of all, I would like to give a definition of power :
Power is the ability to direct or influence the people's behaviour.
Places of power can be important buildings or Institutions like the White House or Buckingham Palace. A place can also be a country like China (major economic power).
Forms of power are various : it can be political, social or economic power.
To illustrate this notion, the Figure of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, an emblematic figure of the British Monarchy but also an important figure of the US, George Washington were studied.

My question is : How are institutions of power constituted and perceived ?
To anwser (spelling) this question, I will focus on the differences between American and British institutions.
I) How political power is constituted in the USA and in England
A) In the United States
First, how the the political power is constituted in America was studied.
A document named was saw : “fast facts : the United States of America” which presents:
The American Institutions, divided into 3 parts :

The legislative power is represented by the Congress which is composed of :
The house which represents the American Citizen
The senate which represents the 50 States.
The Judicial Power is represented by the Supreme Court which has a special role to play in the United States system of government. It can tell a President whether his actions are allowed by the Constitution.

B) In England
The power of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd WAS STUDIED :
She is the head of the monarchy. The queen has a significant power in the British society : that's why she holds all the powers despite the saying « the queen rules but does not govern »
A photo of her with the Duke of Edimburgh taken in 1947 was saw. It’s a formal picture of her wedding day. She was wearing a diamond tiara and a white gown decorated with crystals. That picture shows that she is working on her image because she knows she has power over society.

II) How power expresses itself and how it is perceived
How power express itself : through money
Secondly, a document about the difference between "British currency" and "American currency" was studied. Power expresses itself through money. The official currency of the UK is the pound sterling (pennies) while the official currency for the United States is the dollar (cents).
Even if there is a difference regarding currency, a similarity can be noticed : We saw that the portrait of the Queen is represented on the English banknote while the dollar is fraped with the portrait of George Washington, the first president of the US.
Another symbol emblem of America is the bald eagle which is a symbol of power, strength and dignity.
This document shows that money is a form of power because it is a way for the leaders to assert their domination inasmuch as money is used everyday.

B) How power is perceived
How power is perceived was saw in class.
Music allows expressing opposition against political power.
For instance, "God save the Queen" is a punk and protest song made by Sex Pistols. This song is addressed to the British Monarchy. In this song, Sex Pistols compares the Monarchy with a fascist regime.
They mock the Queen. The album was censored by the BBC

Réponse : Notion Power/correction de gerondif, postée le 14-04-2019 à 21:01:51 (S | E)
to see I saw seen, donc "was seen", mais je trouve toutes ces voix passives peu naturelles et vite agaçantes, je ne vois rien à redire au we de départ.

Réponse : Notion Power/correction de here4u, postée le 14-04-2019 à 21:42:27 (S | E)

Il est idiomatique d'exprimer "On" par un passif lorsque la connaissance de l'agent n'a pas d'importance. (Somebody - someone - they - a man ...)

Il faut employer "you" lorsque la personne qui parle n'est pas comprise dans ce "on". C'est pareil pour "They" avec un agent extérieur pluriel ... En employant "We", la personne qui parle s'inclut dans l'agent de l'action ... Il est donc fort souhaitable pour un examen surtout, de bien laisser à penser que les élèves, qui sont censés écouter ce qui a été dit en classe et "étudier" , l'ont vraiment fait ... Mettre un passif veut alors dire que la personne qui parle n'a pas participé au travail commun ... ce qui est quand même gênant à reconnaître un jour d'examen, non ?

Réponse : Notion Power/correction de lucile83, postée le 14-04-2019 à 21:55:34 (S | E)
J'insiste sur ces erreurs de la part de vaiana:
'A document named was saw ':
'A photo of her with the Duke of Edimburgh taken in 1947 was saw.'
'How power is perceived was saw in class.'
'was saw' est impossible !!!
Lisez le post de gerondif au-dessus.

Réponse : Notion Power/correction de vaiana, postée le 14-04-2019 à 22:16:23 (S | E)
En effet je suis désolée pour l'erreur de conjugaison, je n'ai pas assez réfléchi. J'ai corrigé dans mon post initial.
L'internaute peut-il laisser ses phrases au passif en rajoutant "by us" pour s'inclure dedans ?

Réponse : Notion Power/correction de here4u, postée le 14-04-2019 à 23:05:00 (S | E)
Hello !
Ce n'est pas une erreur de conjugaison, mais de construction ... qui est une horreur absolue !
Rajouter "by us" serait encore plus artificiel et maladroit ...


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