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Ecrit /correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Ecrit /correction
Message de spooky10 posté le 14-04-2019 à 12:43:38 (S | E | F)
En prévision de mon écrit d'anglais j'ai préparé un texte; j'aimerais de l'aide pour le corriger si possible.
Merci d'avance.

Personally, the activity I preferred was undoubtedly the visit of the wembley stadium, one of the largest in the world in terms of capacity but also in terms of history As a football fan since childhood, I really enjoyed following in the footsteps of my favourite players, discovering the changing rooms, trophies, the field, etc..

First of all there are a lot of people on the streets of London, very high population density, most of them in a hurry, some did not hesitate to create their own pedestrian crossings to save time. as for the traders for the most part it is very easy to negotiate with them to get what you want cheaper. Then I was very surprised to see the number of taxis, buses that were on the streets of London .Finally, in terms of gastronomy most of the restaurants I found were either fast food like burger king, subway,either or bars where it didn't serve food, there were very few great restaurants.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2019 15:18

Réponse : Ecrit /correction de vaiana, postée le 14-04-2019 à 14:20:14 (S | E)

Personally, the activity I preferred was undoubtedly the visit of the Wembley Stadium, one of the largest in the world in terms of capacity but also (in terms) of history. As a football fan since childhood, I really enjoyed following in the footsteps of my favourite players, discovering the changing rooms, trophies, the field, etc.

First of all there are a lot of people on the streets of London, very high population density, most of them in a hurry, some did not (present) hesitate to create their own pedestrian crossings to save time. as for the traders for the most part it is very easy to negotiate with them to get what you want cheaper. Then I was very surprised to see the number of taxis, buses that were on the streets of London .Finally, in terms of gastronomy, most of the restaurants I found were either fast food like Burger King, Subway(, either) or bars where (it didn't serve food) food wasn't served, there were very few great restaurants.

Réponse : Ecrit /correction de spooky10, postée le 14-04-2019 à 16:01:33 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de l aide

Réponse : Ecrit /correction de vaiana, postée le 14-04-2019 à 16:24:48 (S | E)
Postez votre correction


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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