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Notion/Espaces et échanges

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Notion/Espaces et échanges
Message de vivi2320 posté le 16-04-2019 à 13:00:44 (S | E | F)
quelqu'un pourrait-il s'il vous plait corriger (orthographe et logique ) ma notion d'anglais pour le Bac sur espaces et échanges?
Merci d'avance.

I am going to talk about the notion of “spaces and exchanges”. First let me give a definition of it.
A space is the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy. They are changing quickly and seems to be a smaller place due to improvements in communications and transports. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces.
An exchange is the act of giving or receiving sth in subsitution for sth else. In today’s modern wolrd these exchanges can take several forms (economic, cultural, movement of people).
These different interactions with many spaces have transformed and characterised our modern-day world, for the best or for the worst.
We can illustrate this notion with the Mexican immigration to the USA. It is today a big issue in the US because immigration impact the American way of life but also immigrants help to build America.
So, we’ll try to answer the following question trough the study of documents : Hispanics in the US, is it such a big problem ?

I. Hispanics in the US is a problem
a)Bad guys for America, we have to protect ourselves : TRUMP's speech on CNN interview (August 2015)
>He criticized Mexico for not bringing their best citizens and he accused Mexican immigrants of being rapists, criminals, drug dealers.
He explains immigrants are coming all over, the border is a sieve. They are also terrorists coming from the middle east. He wants to protect America from them.
>Trump explains the US is a dumping ground for the world’s problems. He accuses the Obama administration of letting illegal immigrants cross the border and he blames him for not being tough enough
>he will get/force Mexico to pay for the fence because it is “peanuts” compared with what they cost America.
> he is a populist using immigrants as scapegoats

b) It is hard to accept them in the american society (violence, injustice, inequalities) : Israël Corea interview
> He was discriminated against because of his accent and physical appearance.
>He was pulled over by the police for driving without headlights but then he was handcuffed and tossed in jail and feared deportation
>They treated him like a criminal when he is a second generation citizen. The FBI says 63% of racially motivated hate crimes are committed against Latinos.

c) New York Times article(impact the society)
>In California and Texas, there are as many Hispanics as whites : Whites will become a minority group in the near future.
>In Mexico, half the population lives under the poverty line (reasons why they immigrate to live the aamerican dream and opportunities)

II.Hispanics in the US
a) they create workforce and boost the economy : Video stealing jobs on dairy farms: a report from a NY dairy farms
> Immigrant as play a critical role in the US food production system : they plant, harvest, pack a lot of the food Americans eat every day
>Not a lot of Americans want to work in dairy farms because the working conditions are hard.
And the farms rely on foreigners for unqualified work and nights shifts
> The owner of the farm considers them as family, and yet, they will be deported in the next few months after an ice raids

b) They are not all crimminal : The NYT (a world-famous messages who support Democrats) facing the facts on illegal immigration (2015)
> They are trying to prove Trump is wrong
> some studies show us that immigrants don’t commit more crime
> according to the border patrol, the number of crossing are down. More people are returning to Mexico than going into the US. Obama deported more undocumented immigrants than any other presidents.

So, we can say in conclusion that Immigration is implied motion of legal and illegal people to different countries (Texas, Arizona and NY are HOTBEDS for immigration). It creates flows of people and cultures circulating and linking different places around the world. Even if the Mexican immigration remains debated, it is indisputably a source of economic and cultural wealth for the US.
Many measures which have been taken by America to try to protect the border and to stop illegal immigrants from coming. Change has been happening in the American society due to the rising level of Hispanics. This migration enables economic exchanges: while Mexicans are given the opportunity to improve their living conditions, the US economy and workforce benefits from their adaptability.
Emergence of a new culture, spanglish
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from latinos countries. During this month people of US recognize the contributions made and the important presence of Hispanic and Latino American

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-04-2019 13:23

Réponse : Notion/Espaces et échanges de laure95, postée le 17-04-2019 à 18:10:01 (S | E)
- A space is the geographical and symbolic areas (singulier)
- They are changing quickly and seems (choisir entre le singulier et le pluriel)to be a smaller place
- immigration impact (faute de conjugaison)the American way of life
- trough: orthographe.
- Hispanics in the US, is it such a big problem: mal construit

I. Hispanics in the US is a problem
b) It is hard to accept them in the american (majuscule)society (
violence, injustice, inequalities)
>They treated him like a criminal when he is (passé)a second generation citizen.

c) half (préposition) the population lives

II.Hispanics in the US
a) they create (article)workforce
> Immigrant as play a critical role
- nights (singulier)shifts
> The owner of the farm considers them as (possessif) family,
an ice raids: an + singulier

b) The NYT (a world-famous messages (a + singulier) who (pas le bon relatif)support Democrats) facing the facts on illegal i
he number of crossing are down: faute de conjugaison.

Many measures which (pas de which) have been taken by America to try to protect the border and to stop illegal immigrants from coming.
Emergence of a new culture, spanglish
During this month people of (pas la bonne préposition)US


Réponse : Notion/Espaces et échanges de vivi2320, postée le 17-04-2019 à 18:17:50 (S | E)
thank u !!!!


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