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Notion/Idea of progress

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Notion/Idea of progress
Message de chloehuit posté le 17-04-2019 à 13:50:21 (S | E | F)
actuellement en terminale S je souhaiterais une correction de ma synthèse sur le thème d'idée de progrès.
Merci pour votre aide.

To introduce the notion "idea of progress", I will give a definition. The idea of progress is that of a gradual betterment: especially : the progressive development of humankind. In the 1960s, there is  a radical change the world of music, fashion, art and politics. It's the most representative period of progress is the sixties. The sixties are depicted as a new era, a golden age when radical changes happened in a great britain. My question will be: Why were the 1960’s in the UK a time of progress?

To begin with, The 1960’s were in Britain in Black and white but the sixties were colourful. Britain turned from a stern and conservative country to a land of freedom, affluence and excitement.
The 1960’s witnessed major economic booms and achievements which allowed people to get jobs, a better standard of living and access the consumer’s society. Technological progress changed drastically peoples lives (introduction of leisure society)

Secondly, the sixties brought also changes as to politics with pirate radio stations broadcast music illegally from the North sea, challenging the monopoly of airwaves of the government. Finally in the 1970 they were allowed to play music and this contributed to a bigger freedom of speech. Moreover, if they were changes in politics and in economics, they were also significant social changes as to the role of women. For example, the contraceptive pill was available in 1967 and equal pay between men and women was acted in the 1970. The 1960’s marks the beginning of a time when women acquire more power at home, in politics, in business. Women are empowered 2 women have been prime ministers in 40 years. Then, the sixties saw the emergence of the youth culture. Because also they were so many, young people created their own culture and wolves trough music, fashion. At the time of the sixties, youth culture started existing.

Thirdly, there been change in music. In fact, the sixties offered the first example of pop music. The identifying factors are the first short or medium size songs written in a basic format verse/chorus which is still used nowadays. The sixties were a decade of achievements, rapid change and optimism but all was not bright. The people who challenge the traditional values often went into nihilism. For example, Hippies community doing nothing and taking drugs, hypnotic power of music leading to violence.

In conclusion, the sixties in the UK suffered a lot of changes, there is an economic booms, changes in politics and also changes in music.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-04-2019 22:04

Réponse : Notion/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 17-04-2019 à 18:29:57 (S | E)
- In the 1960s, there is (pasé) a radical change (préposition)the world (pluriel)of music, fashion, art and politics.
- It's(enlever) the most representative period of progress is the sixties.
- The sixties are (passé)depicted as a new era,
- in a (pas de a)great britain (majuscule).

- and (had)access the consumer’s society.
- peoples (pas de s et il manque la marque de la possession)lives

- Finally in the 1970 they (qui est they?)were allowed to play music
- and this (that pas this)contributed
- if they were (they were = ils étaient) changes
- in economics: ?
- they were also significant social changes
-when women acquire (passé) more power
- Women are (passé)empowered
- also (pas à la bonne place) they were (voir remarque plus haut)so many, young people (relatif)created their own culture
- and wolves trough (orthographe) music, fashion.

- there been (temps?)change in music.
- The identifying factors are (passé) the first short or medium size songs
- The people who challenge (passé)the traditional values
- For example,(article) Hippies community

In conclusion, the sixties in the UK suffered (pas le bon mot ici)a lot of changes,
- there is an (voir plus haut)economic booms, changes in politics and also changes in music.


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