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Message de juja21 posté le 18-04-2019 à 10:31:22 (S | E | F)
voici mon troisième texte, comme les précédents je m'excuse à l'avance pour les fautes commises et je vous remercie de votre aide.

Today I will talk about spaces and exchanges. An exchange can be defined as an act giving and receiving something else in return. Nowadays with globalization, the exchange of capital, objects but also human movements are constant and incessant between different parts of the world. For example, many people decide each year to migrate to another country in order to have a better life. Many of these migrants want to go to the United States because they believe in "The American Dream";. Thus, since the end of the 19th century, American culture has been shaped by immigration. So we can ask ourselves if the US is a multicultural country through immigration or it's a way to diffuse American culture? First of all, we will see that migrants spread some of the culture of their country of origin in the United States. However, many migrants adapt to the American way of life and forget their previous culture.

On the one hand, American culture is marked by immigration. Indeed, since the end of the 19th century, the United States has been a favourite destination for migrants, as highlighted in the article called « a snapshot of America » . This text underlines that the US attracting about 20 percent of the world's international migrants. This is due to the American Dream, which can be defined as the belief that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual. Many immigrants of all the Earth immigrate to the US hoping to « living the dream » to have a better life, a better paid job. Thus, from 1840 onwards, migrants arrived in waves, first from Europe, then from Asia, then from Africa and finally from Central and South America. Some American neighbourhoods are marked by this foreign culture, such as the famous Chinatown Chinatown. The Enriching America document set shows that the United States has become a multicultural country through immigration. An extract from « The Jerusalem post"; tells the story of an American neighborhood near Miami called "The Little Havana » . Many migrants of Cuban origin are gathered there and this district such as The barber shop really gives the impression of being in Cuba. Thanks to immigration, American culture is not unique but really varied thanks to the different waves of immigration.

On the other hand, even if the United States is a space of exchange thanks to immigration, it allows it to spread throughout the world the « American Way of Life ». Despite the country's great cultural openness, it is very difficult for migrants to truly integrate into the United States while maintaining their cultural identity. Migrants are often rejected by the American population and if they want to be accepted, they often have to exchange their culture of origin with the American Way of Life. This is shown in the excerpt from Sonia Manzano's novel « The Revolution of Evelyn Serrano » . The author describes a Puerto Rican family who immigrated to the United States. The young girl, Rosa, is tired of feeling rejected by the Americans because of her first name, which sounds very foreign. She wants to change her name to Evelyn, an american name. This example shows that migrants have to give up part of their identity when they come to the United States. Thus, when they return to their country of origin, they spread the American way of life, which allows the USA to be everywhere around the world.

Thus, while waves of immigration have enriched American culture, it is often migrants who have to adapt to fit in with the American culture. Nowadays, the American Way of Life is everywhere that immigration but also social networks or series. Mac Donalds restaurants and CoCa-Cola around the world are a good example. We are therefore entitled to ask ourselves if the world culture is not becoming so Americanized?

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2019 11:06

Réponse : EO/Bac help de laure95, postée le 18-04-2019 à 10:53:56 (S | E)
- An exchange can be defined as an act (préposition) giving and receiving something else in return.
- So we can ask ourselves: se demander = to Wonder
- if the US is a multicultural country through immigration or it's a way to diffuse American culture?: enlever le point d'interrogation (interrogative indirecte)
- we will see that migrants spread (bring plutôt que spread) some of the culture of their country of origin
- many migrants adapt to the American way of life and forget their previous culture: penses-tu vraiment que les immigrants oublient leur culture?

- (article) American culture is marked by immigration.
- the US attracting: temps?
- Many immigrants of all the Earth (mal dit) immigrate to the US
- the famous Chinatown Chinatown.
- An extract from « The Jerusalem post"; tells (is about pas tells)the story of an American neighborhood
- Many migrants of Cuban origin(s) are gathered there
- (article) American culture is not unique

- a space of exchange(s) thanks to immigration,
- it allows it to spread throughout the world the « American Way of Life »: ordre des mmots.
- american (majuscule)name.

- Thus, (est-ce ta conclusion?,) while waves of immigration have enriched (article) American culture,
- it is (à enlever) often (à déplacer) migrants who (enlever who) have to adapt to fit in with the American culture.
- Nowadays, the American Way of Life is everywhere that immigration but also social networks or series.
- Mac Donalds restaurants and CoCa-Cola around the world are a good example (pluriel).
- to ask ourselves
- if the world culture is not becoming so Americanized? : enlever le point d'interrogation

Réponse : EO/Bac help de juja21, postée le 19-04-2019 à 10:18:33 (S | E)
Bonjour, Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse,
Voilà ma correction

Today I will talk about spaces and exchanges. An exchange can be defined as an act of giving and receiving something else in return. Nowadays with globalization, the exchange of capital, objects but also human movements are constant and incessant between different parts of the world. For example, many people decide each year to migrate to another country in order to have a better life. Many of these migrants want to go to the United States because they believe in « The American Dream";. Thus, since the end of the 19th century, American culture has been shaped by immigration. So we can wonder if the US is a multicultural country through immigration or it's a way to diffuse American culture. First of all, we will see that migrants bring some of the culture of their country of origin in the United States. However, many migrants adapt to the American way of life and have to forget their previous culture.

On the one hand, the American culture is marked by immigration. Indeed, since the end of the 19th century, the United States has been a favourite destination for migrants, as highlighted in the article called « a snapshot of America » . This text underlines that the US attracted about 20 percent of the world's international migrants. This is due to the American Dream, which can be defined as the belief that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual. Many immigrants from all over the world immigrate to the US hoping to « living the dream » to have a better life, a better paid job. Thus, from 1840 onwards, migrants arrived in waves, first from Europe, then from Asia, then from Africa and finally from Central and South America. Some American neighbourhoods are marked by this foreign culture, such as the famous Chinatown district. The Enriching America document set shows that the United States has become a multicultural country through immigration. An extract from « The Jerusalem post" is about the story of an American neighborhood near Miami called « The Little Havana » . Many migrants of Cuban origins are gathered there and this district such as The barber shop really gives the impression of being in Cuba. Thanks to immigration, the American culture is not unique but really varied thanks to the different waves of immigration.

On the other hand, even if the United States is a space of exchanges thanks to immigration, this allows it to broadcast the « American Way of Life" throughout the world. Despite the country's great cultural openness, it is very difficult for migrants to truly integrate into the United States while maintaining their cultural identity. Migrants are often rejected by the American population and if they want to be accepted, they often have to exchange their culture of origin with the American Way of Life. This is shown in the excerpt from Sonia Manzano's novel « The Revolution of Evelyn Serrano » . The author describes a Puerto Rican family who immigrated to the United States. The young girl, Rosa, is tired of feeling rejected by the Americans because of her first name, which sounds very foreign. She wants to change her name to Evelyn, an American name. This example shows that migrants have to give up part of their identity when they come to the United States. Thus, when they return to their country of origin, they spread the American way of life, which allows the USA to be everywhere around the world.

To conclude , while waves of immigration have enriched the American culture, migrants have often to adapt to fit in with the American culture. Nowadays, the American Way of Life is everywhere nks to immigration but also social networks or series. Mac Donalds restaurants and CoCa-Cola around the world are good examples. We are therefore entitled to wonder if the world culture is not becoming so Americanized.

Si vous avez d'autres remarques sur mon travail n'hésitez pas!
Bonne journée

Réponse : EO/Bac help de laure95, postée le 19-04-2019 à 11:57:59 (S | E)
- the exchange (pluriel)of capital (pluriel), objects but also human movements are constant
- So we can wonder if the US is a multicultural country through immigration or (if)it's a way to diffuse American culture.

This text underlines that the US attracted (présent)about 20 percent of the world's international migrants.
- hoping to « living the dream »: to + infinitif

- to change her name (in)to Evelyn, an American name.

- migrants have often (inverser have et often) to adapt to fit in with the American culture.


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