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Dernier texte/EO Bac

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Dernier texte/EO Bac
Message de juja21 posté le 18-04-2019 à 10:34:52 (S | E | F)
Voici mon dernier texte ouf!
Merci pour votre aide!!

Today I will talk about myth and heros. First of all a myth can be defined as a set of beliefs, idealized representations of a character, historical event or phenomenon that give them particular importance. For example, we can talk about the myth of the American Dream. A hero is a mythical, legendary or real character who is brave and has performed exceptional acts. One example is Barack Obama, a migrant who became President of the United States. So we can ask ourselves to what extend the myth of the American Dream has made immigrants heroes.
First of all, we will explain what the American Dream is. Next, we will explain how this myth has made USA immigrants heroes.

To begin, we will define the myth of the American Dream. The American dream is the belief that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual. Many immigrants of all the Earth immigrate to the US hoping to « living the dream" to have a better life, a better paid job. . . Thus, as shown in the text called « A snapshot of America », the United States has become a territory of immigrants since the US attracting about 20 percent of the world's international migrants. All these migrants hope to have a better life than in their home countries, but when they arrive in the United States, it is often disillusionment. Migrants are excluded by Americans, sometimes victims of racism, they have to accept the hardest and most poorly paid jobs. That's why the American Dream is a myth, it's not reality but a dream, a hope. This is shown in the text from the novel « The book of Unknown Americans»; written by Cristina Henriquez. She describes a family from Panama who emigrated to the USA. The father works tirelessly in a small restaurant and the family lives in poverty. This example shows that it is rare that the American Dream is realized and that it is very often only a mirage, a myth.

However, this myth, by encouraging immigration to the USA has somehow made USA immigrants heroes. Indeed, many American heroes are migrants. There is, for example, former President Barack Obama, but also Harrison Ford and the famous scientist Albert Einstein. These heroes came to the United States in order to succeed or to continue his scientific research quietly for Albert Einstein. It was therefore the American Dream that brought these heroes to the American territory. In addition, according to the excerpt from the journal called « Global entrepreneurship » from the journal « The Economist » , 40% of the 500 richest American FTNs were founded by immigrants or their children. They are also in a way heroes since they have won millions or even billions of euros by creating a company, which is exceptional. Thus, many American heroes or sucessful business leaders are migrants.

To conclude, the American Dream, even if it is mostly a myth, has made the United States an immigration territory because of its cultural, economic and social openness. Some of these migrants have even become true heroes. However, currently with the election of Trump, the United States is welcoming fewer and fewer migrants. Is this the end of the American Dream?

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2019 11:06

Réponse : Dernier texte/EO Bac de laure95, postée le 18-04-2019 à 11:02:11 (S | E)
- So we can ask ourselves: se demander ) to Wonder
- to what extend (orthographe)the myth of the American Dream has made immigrants heroes.

- To begin (with)
- Many immigrants of all the Earth: mal dit
- it is rare that the American Dream is realized: the American Dream is rarely fulfilled.

- There is (dire plutôt: on peut citer), for example,(article) former President Barack Obama,
- These heroes came to the United States in order to succeed or to continue his (pluriel)scientific research
- the journal

-Is this (remplacer par it) the end of the American Dream?

Réponse : Dernier texte/EO Bac de vaiana, postée le 19-04-2019 à 10:16:04 (S | E)

Today I will talk/speak (I think it's better to use "to speak about" because a presentation isn't a dialogue ) about myth (plural) and heros (spelling). First of all a myth can be defined as a set of beliefs, idealized representations of a character, historical event or phenomenon that give (conjugation) them particular importance. For example, we can talk/ speak about the myth of the American Dream. A hero is a mythical, legendary or real character who is brave and has performed exceptional acts. An example is Barack Obama, a migrant who became President of the United States. So we can ask ourselves to what extend the myth of the American Dream has made immigrants heroes.
First of all, I will explain what the American Dream is. Next, I will explain how this myth has made USA immigrants heroes.

To begin with, I will define the myth of the American Dream. The American dream is the belief that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual. Many immigrants of (wrong preposition) all the Earth immigrate to the US hoping to "living the dream" to have a better life, a better-paid job. . . Thus, as shown in the text called "A snapshot of America", the United States has become a territory of immigrants since the US attracting (present simple) about 20 percent of the world's international migrants. All these migrants hope to have a better life than in their home countries, but when they arrive in the United States, it is often disillusionment/they are often disillusioned. Migrants are excluded by Americans, sometimes victims of racism, they have to accept the hardest and most poorly-paid jobs. That's why the American Dream is a myth, it's not reality but a dream, a hope. This is shown in the text from the novel "The book of Unknown Americans"; written by Cristina Henriquez. She describes a family from Panama who emigrated to the USA. The father works tirelessly in a small restaurant and the family lives in poverty. This example/instance shows that it is rare that the American Dream is realized and that it is very often only a mirage, a myth.

However, this myth, by encouraging immigration to the USA, has somehow made USA immigrants heroes. Indeed, many American heroes are migrants. There is, for example, former President Barack Obama, but also Harrison Ford and the famous scientist Albert Einstein. These heroes came to the United States in order to succeed or to quietly continue his scientific research (plural) for Albert Einstein. That was therefore the American Dream that brought these heroes to the American territory. In addition, according to an excerpt from the journal called "Global entrepreneurship" from the journal "The Economist" , 40% of the 500 richest American FTNs were founded by immigrants or their children. They are also in a way heroes since they have won (tense) millions or even billions of euros by creating a company, which is exceptional. Thus, many American heroes or sucessful business leaders are migrants.

To conclude, the American Dream, even if that is mostly a myth, has made the United States an immigration territory because of its cultural, economic and social openness. Some of these migrants have even become true heroes. However, currently with the election of Trump, the United States is welcoming fewer and fewer migrants. Is this the end of the American Dream?

Réponse : Dernier texte/EO Bac de juja21, postée le 19-04-2019 à 10:24:07 (S | E)
Merci de votre réponse!
Voilà ma correction:

Today I will speak about myths and heroes . First of all a myth can be defined as a set of beliefs, idealized representations of a character, historical event or phenomenon that had given them particular importance. For example, we can speak about the myth of the American Dream. A hero is a mythical, legendary or real character who is brave and has performed exceptional acts. An example is Barack Obama, a migrant who became President of the United States. So we can ask ourselves to what extend the myth of the American Dream has made immigrants heroes.
First of all, I will explain what the American Dream is. Next, I will explain how this myth has made USA immigrants heroes.

To begin with, I will define the myth of the American Dream. The American dream is the belief that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual. Many immigrants from all over the word immigrate to the US hoping to "living the dream" to have a better life, a better-paid job. . . Thus, as shown in the text called "A snapshot of America", the United States has become a territory of immigrants since the US attracts about 20 percent of the world's international migrants. All these migrants hope to have a better life than in their home countries, but when they arrive in the United States, they are often disillusioned. Migrants are excluded by Americans, sometimes victims of racism, they have to accept the hardest and most poorly-paid jobs. That's why the American Dream is a myth, it's not reality but a dream, a hope. This is shown in the text from the novel "The book of Unknown Americans"; written by Cristina Henriquez. She describes a family from Panama who emigrated to the USA. The father works tirelessly in a small restaurant and the family lives in poverty. This example/instance shows that it is rare that the American Dream is realized and that it is very often only a mirage, a myth.

However, this myth, by encouraging immigration to the USA, has somehow made USA immigrants heroes. Indeed, many American heroes are migrants. There is, for example, former President Barack Obama, but also Harrison Ford and the famous scientist Albert Einstein. These heroes came to the United States in order to succeed or to quietly continue his scientific researchs for Albert Einstein. That was therefore the American Dream that brought these heroes to the American territory. In addition, according to an excerpt from the journal called "Global entrepreneurship" from the journal "The Economist" , 40% of the 500 richest American FTNs were founded by immigrants or their children. They are also in a way heroes since they had won millions or even billions of euros by creating a company, which is exceptional. Thus, many American heroes or sucessful business leaders are migrants.

To conclude, the American Dream, even if that is mostly a myth, has made the United States an immigration territory because of its cultural, economic and social openness. Some of these migrants have even become true heroes. However, currently with the election of Trump, the United States is welcoming fewer and fewer migrants. Is this the end of the American Dream?

Réponse : Dernier texte/EO Bac de vaiana, postée le 19-04-2019 à 11:42:30 (S | E)
Have a look at Laure's answer, she noticed mistakes I didn't see.


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