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Bac/Places and forms of power

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Bac/Places and forms of power
Message de antoine6750 posté le 18-04-2019 à 11:17:49 (S | E | F)
j'ai besoin d'aide à propos de ma notion pour l'anglais; je voudrais savoir s'il y a des erreurs ou surtout des changements, amélioration à faire pour essayer d'avoir une meilleure note pour le Bac ( surtout au niveau des liens avec la notion).
En vous remerciant d'avance car cela m'aiderait beaucoup !!

Notion 1 d'anglais
I am going to talk about the notion places and forms of power. Firstly, i want to give a definition of this keywords. Power is an authority given to a person, it implies a division between those have power and who those haven’t or little power. A place is a geographical area. In fact we would like to talk more precisely about African American Recognition in the USA. Because in the declaration of the independance, that it’s said “all are created equal”. But black people were excluded from all of power... We can wonder how African American have achieved recognition To begin with the first part is named “from slavery to segregation”, “then the fight for equality” and to finish with “the situation from 2008 to 2016”.

From slavery to segregation :
The first document is an extract from a novel entitled Uncle Tom’s Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe (an abolitionist woman of letters) she denounced the slave trade, and the cruelty of slavery. The text deal's with Uncle Tom ( a slave) who learns to write with Master George and he confuses the letter “q's” and the "g's”. To make a link with the notion : The scene takes place in Uncle Tom's Cabin in America, during the evening and before the dinner. Master George has power because he studied at school and Uncle Tom hasn't got this chance. Colored persons didn't go at school and they worked in the cotton field, the house of a master as a domestic... We can say to sum up of story 150 years ago, the black and white people aren't equal, they are considered as an object or an animal, no as a human. In this time they hadn’t got any forms of power. After the civil war, slavery is abolished but black people were excluded by the Jim Crow Law.

The second document is a photograph probably taken in 1950’. We can see a black man who drinks from the tap. He lean over on a sink where it’s write “colored” people, the sink is small and dirty. Beside there is a second named “white people”, he is bigger, cleaner and probably more expensive than the first. Indeed in 1865 Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery, and the Blacks Codes are created they restricted African Americans freedom ( they are the “second class” of the society ) : it's the creation of the segregation… The segregation is separation between the black and the white people in the public places, por example the buses, the schools, the toilets as here,... To make the link with the notion the places is in a public toilets, the power is for white people because they have more privilege than coloured people in the society, and if they don't respect these laws they can be punished by a fine even a prison sentence. The power is so incarnate by the justice and the system. Again these strong inequalities, the black people will start to revolt against his racial discrimination by a lot of demonstrations, riots, boycotts,...

Then the fight against the segregation :
The freedom riders are an example of the boycotts for to demand to be on equal footing. They are a group of black and white Civil Rights Activist ( seven white and six blacks ) who wanted to outlaw the Jim Crow Laws because for them that change was necessary. And they decided to break the segregation law, who rode interstate buses that forbade black people to sit by white people on buses. They integrated their bus and traveled from Washington DC through the Deep South, the North to the South of the USA. The members of the KKK created a riot and attacked this bus ( with metal poles, german shepherds,...) whereas the FR are unarmed. Some persons of the FR are death and the others were seriously injured. The narrator was impressed by the Freedom riders because they were courageous and strong, he decided to commit himself. It's a pupil of California about 17 year old. He heard of the first time the freedom riders when Ms. G showed a video about a group of Civil Rights activist inspired by Rosa Parks, in the 1960s during Black History Month (the february). The link with the notion is the place is the USA and Montgomery, the white people and black people hold power without violence, they were pacifists. It is important to show that without people fighting for their rights,things and history wouldn’t have changed.

To 2008 to 2016 :
Finally, Barack Obama became in 2008 the first black president of the USA. We analysed his speech. In the part one, he refers to historical events of the US story like the conquest of the moon or the abolition of discrimination.
He want to show that the country can already change if it choose a black president. At the end of the part, he says a few words which are important

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2019 13:24

Réponse : Bac/Places and forms of power de laure95, postée le 18-04-2019 à 14:17:14 (S | E)
Bonjour Antoine,
- i (majuscule)want to give a definition of this (this + singulier)keywords.
- we (we = nous, pas "je")would like to talk more precisely about (article)African American Recognition in the USA.
- Because in the declaration of the independance, that (pas de that)it’s said
- But black people were excluded from all (il manque un mot)of power...
- We can wonder how African American (people) have achieved recognition
- To begin with the first part is named “from slavery to segregation”, “then the fight for equality” and to finish with “the situation from 2008 to 2016”: plan mal présenté.

From slavery to segregation :
- deal's: en un seul mot.
- he confuses the letter “q's” and the "g's”; aucun intérêt.
- The scene takes place in Uncle Tom's Cabin in America, during the evening and before the dinner (before the dinner n'a pas d'intérêt).
- Uncle Tom hasn't got (passé)this chance.
- Colored persons didn't go at (pas la bonne préposition)
- (préposition) the house of a (possessif à la place de "a")master as a domestic...
- We can say to sum up of story 150 years ago: ?
- the black and white people aren't equal, they are considered as an object or an animal: passé
- no as a human (pluriel).
- In this time: at that time.
- After the civil war, slavery is (passé) abolished

- We can see a black man who drinks (présent en be+-ing)(il boit quoi?) from the tap.
- He lean (présent en be+-ing)over on (choisir entre les 2 prépositions))a sink where it’s write (participe passé) “colored” people,
- Beside there is a second (one)named “white people”,
- he (pas le bon pronom)is bigger
- Indeed in 1865 Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery: rapport entre le document et ce fait?
- and the Blacks (pas de s)Codes are (passé) created they restricted African Americans freedom : ?
-( they are (passé) the “second class” of the society )
- : it's the creation of the segregation…: passé.
- The segregation is (passé)(article)separation between the black and the (pas de the)white people in the (pas de the)public places,
- por
- example the buses, the schools, the toilets: pas de the)
- To make the link with the notion the places is in a public toilets: on l'a compris, pas besoin de dire cette phrase.
- the power is (passé)for white people because they have (passé)more privilege than coloured people in the society,
- and if they don't (passé)respect these laws they can (passé)be punished by a fine even a prison sentence.
- The power is so incarnate by the justice and the system: à enlever.
- Again these strong inequalities, the black people will start to revolt against his racial discrimination by a lot of demonstrations, riots, boycotts,...: passé.

Then the fight against the (pas de the)segregation :
- for to demand: pour = for devant un nom et to devant un verbe
- to be on (article)equal footing.
- They are (passé)a group of black and white Civil Rights Activist (pluriel)
- And they decided to break the segregation law, who (pas de who) rode interstate buses
- whereas the FR are unarmed: passé.
- Some persons of the FR are death (passé + death = la mort)
- It's a pupil of California about 17 year old: mal dit.
- (the february: pas de the.
- The link with the notion is the place is the USA and Montgomery: ?
- the white people and black people hold power without violence, they were pacifists: ?

To (pas la bonne préposition)2008 to 2016 :
-In the part one: in the first part: rapport avec ton sujet?
- He want (conjugaison)to show that the country can already (enlever already)change if it (it?)choose (faute de conjugaison)a black president.


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