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Bac/space-forms of power

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Bac/space-forms of power
Message de mariechvlr posté le 18-04-2019 à 13:31:16 (S | E | F)
je vais passer mes oraux du bac d'ici quelques jours et j'ai préparé mes notions d'anglais, pour celle-ci, lieu et forme de pouvoir j'ai choisi de parler des réseaux sociaux. Pouvez-vous m'aider concernant les fautes, des choses à arranger.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I’m going to talk about the notion of places and forms of power. First, I will define the notion. “Places” could be important buildings or institutions that represent a form of power. For example, Buckingham Palace, a symbol f the British monarchy or the White House a symbol of the American presidency. A place can also be a country or a state.
“Power” is the ability to control, influence others. It can be exerted in economy, politics, military, media...
Today, the three first power are the executive, the legislative and the judicial powers.
The topic of my presentation will be the power of the social media. We can ask ourselves “How the social media influence our life?”
To answer this question I will speak in a first time about the good aspect of the social media and then the bad aspect.
I. positive
Since twenty one century and thanks to internet we can see a multiplication of the social networks. Everybody has a phone so download social network is very simple.
Social media can relate information like press or TV. We can be aware of the information quickly just looking our phone.
When our family, friends are far away, the social media can help to keep in contact because we can speak, share moments with photos and videos. We can connect with new persons, make virtual friends. It can help us to feel that we are part of a group
In addition, we have a lot of freedom on the networks. People give theirs opinions, share theirs ideas. Internet and the social media are becoming necessary in our life because they show that we have the freedom to speech.
But they are lot of bad effects...
II. negative
Firstly, lot of people can be dependent to the social network. I would like to speak about two caricatures. On the first picture, we can see an hotel his name is “hotel Facebook”. Inside, there is lot of people enclosed, they want to go out but there are many window bars. In front of the hotel, a woman say that they never leave Facebook. The caricature shows the addiction of the social media. People cannot sign out. The author denounces the dependence n social networks. When you register on Facebook you cannot leave it
On the second picture, we can see in classroom one teacher and few children. The teacher is answering what they did during summer. And a little girl is keeping his phone to sow his Facebook account. So the author wants to show that the young children are influence by the social media. On our account we can share our private life but there maybe risks like invasion of privacy.
With the lot of freedom on the social networks, we can see violent video and more. Today we can see lot of campaign which fight against the harassment. And in the social media there are lot of critic, racism, homophobia and harassment.
Moreover we can find lot of fake news. The fake news can spread quickly. It’s difficult to say if the information is true or false.

To conclude, the social networks like Facebook have a big influence in our like. The press is the fourth power in America and today internet and the social media become the 5th power. It’s very easy to create an account and to use this. We can do many things: share video, photos, speak with our family, friends and meet new people. With the social media we have lot of freedom: on the one hand, it attracts people because there are many restriction in freedom of expression. On the other hand, they can be dangerous for our health, It can contribute to a feeling of isolation and dependence. I think that we cant live without the social media, there have an important place in our society.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2019 14:14

Réponse : Bac/space-forms of power de laure95, postée le 18-04-2019 à 13:59:36 (S | E)
- the three first power (pluriel)are the executive, the legislative and the judicial powers.
- the power of the s(pas de the)ocial media.
- We can ask ourselves: se demander = to Wonder
- “How the (pas de the)social media influence our life?”: enlever le point d'interrogation (interrogative indirecte)

I. positive
Since twenty one (= 21 pas 21è)century
- we can see a multiplication of the (pas de the)social networks.
- download (gérondif)social network (pluriel)is very simple.
- We can be aware of the information quickly just looking (préposition)our phone.
- When our family, friends are far away, the social media can help to keep in contact (with them)
- In addition, we have a lot of freedom on the (pas de the) networks.
- People give theirs (theirs = pronom possessif pas adjectif possessif)opinions, share theirs ideas.
- But they are lot of bad effects: they are = ils sont

II. negative
- (a) lot of people can be dependent to (pas la bonne préposition)the social network.
- we can see an hotel his (pas le bon possessif: un hôtel n'est pas un humain) name is “hotel Facebook”.
-there is lot of people enclosed: there is + singulier
- a woman say: faute de conjugaison + pas le bon temps.
- that they (qui est they?)never leave Facebook.
- we can see in (il faut un article)classroom
- The teacher is answering (answer = répondre à une question)what they did during summer.
- And a little girl is keeping his (pas le bon possessif: le téléphone appartient à une fille)phone to sow his (même remarque)Facebook account.
- the (pas de the) young children are influence (participe passé)by the social media.
- there (are) maybe risks like (article)invasion of privacy.
- With the lot of freedom (mal dit)on the social networks,
- we can see violent video (pluriel) and more.
- Today we can see (a)lot of campaign (pluriel) which fight against the (pas de the)harassment.
- And in the social media there are lot of critic (pluriel), racism, homophobia and harassment.
Moreover we can find (a)lot of fake news. The (pas de the)fake news can spread quickly.

- To conclude, the (pas de the)social networks like Facebook have a big influence in our like .
- internet and the social media become the 5th power: present perfect.
- we have (a)lot of freedom
- there are many restriction: there are + pluriel.
- in (article) freedom of expression.
- cant : orthographe.
- there have an important place in our society.

Revoir l'utilisation des articles ainsi que there is/ there are et les adjectifs possessifs.

Réponse : Bac/space-forms of power de mariechvlr, postée le 18-04-2019 à 17:32:30 (S | E)
la forme "we can ask ourselves" provient d'une fiche de ma prof afin d'insérer ma problématique, alors oui oui elle est bonne pas besoins de changer ma phrase.

en correction j'ia donc :

I’m going to talk about the notion of places and forms of power. First, I will define the notion. “Places” could be important buildings or institutions that represent a form of power. For example, Buckingham Palace, a symbol f the British monarchy or the White House a symbol of the American presidency. A place can also be a country or a state.
“Power” is the ability to control, influence others. It can be exerted in economy, politics, military, media...
Today, the three first powers are the executive, the legislative and the judicial powers.
The topic of my presentation will be the power the social media. We can ask ourselves “How social media influence our life?”
To answer this question I will speak in a first time about the good aspect of the social media and then the bad aspect.

I. positive
Since 21th century and thanks to internet we can see a multiplication of social networks. Everybody has a phone so download social network are very simple.
Social media can relate information like press or TV. We can be aware of the information quickly just looking our phone.
When our family, friends are far away, the social media can help to keep in contact with them because we can speak, share moments with photos and videos. We can connect with new persons, make virtual friends. It can help us to feel that we are part of a group.
In addition, we have a lot of freedom on networks. People give theirs opinions, share theirs ideas. Internet and the social media are becoming necessary in our life because they show that we have the freedom to speech.
But they are lot of bad effects...

II. negative
Firstly, a lot of people can be dependent on the social network. I would like to speak about two caricatures. On the first picture, we can see an hotel its name is “hotel Facebook”. Inside, there are lot of people enclosed, they want to go out but there are many window bars. In front of the hotel, a woman is saying that people never leave Facebook. The caricature shows the addiction of the social media. People cannot sign out. The author denounces the dependence of social networks. When you register on Facebook you cannot leave it!
On the second picture, we can see in the classroom one teacher and few children. The teacher is asking what they did during summer. And a little girl is keeping her phone to sow her Facebook account. So the author wants to show that young children are influenced by the social media. On our account we can share our private life but there are maybe risks like the invasion of privacy.
With the freedom on the social networks, we can see violent videos and more. Today we can see a lot of campaign which fight against harassment. And in the social media there are lot of critics, racism, homophobia and harassment.
Moreover we can find few fake news. Fake news can spread quickly. It’s difficult to say if the information is true or false.

To conclude, social networks like Facebook have a big influence in our like. The press is the fourth power in America and today internet and the social media has become the 5th power. It’s very easy to create an account and to use this. We can do many things: share video, photos, speak with our family, friends and meet new people. With the social media we have lot of freedom: on the one hand, it attracts people because there are many restrictions in the freedom of expression in everyday life. On the other hand, they can be dangerous for our health, It can contribute to a feeling of isolation and dependence. I think that we cant live without the social media, there have an important place in our society.


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