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Notion/Myths and heroes

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Notion/Myths and heroes
Message de laura267 posté le 18-04-2019 à 13:48:52 (S | E | F)
je suis une élève de terminale S passant prochainement mes oraux de langues, j'aurais besoin de votre aide pour corriger mes fautes dans mes synthèses.
Merci pour votre aide.

To introduce the notion of “myths and heroes”, I will give a definition. A hero is a person who is distinguished by his achievements or extraordinary courage. However, a superhero is different, he’s a fantastic character with superhuman powers. A myth is a story of fiction that presents a hero or a superhero. In this notion, we will talk about superheroes. What are the impacts of superheroes on our society?

First of all, the superheroes will be, within company, marketing tools. Thanks to their great success, especially in the cinema superheroes have been the subject of many derivative products such as toys, video games, costumes. Derivatives also attract young people with figurines and T-shirts. In Fr ance, we have been witnessing for several years a landing of clothes inspired by superheroes. More and more brands will take advantage of this fashion effect. It is now also possible to decorate your home with piles of objects representing these characters like tables, chairs or painting. Video games play a smaller role in the economic sector. Indeed, the success experienced by masked vigilantes on the big screen does not affect the smaller ones.

However, superheroes are not just marketing tools. For example, they served for political purposes during the Second World War or the Cold War. The Americans did not hesitate to use them because the superheroes had a sufficient popularity to motivate the American people. We can easily explain the success of these heroes: in most cases we are dealing with a banal ans insignificant being in real life who accidentally becomes valiant defender of society with superpowers and acclaim by all. Take the example of Batman, he is a very popular character because he has no super power and is sometimes in doubt, which makes him even closer to the public.

To conclude, we can say that superheroes are universal, they are known and admired by all regardless of age or culture. This fascination for these characters comes mainly from the phenomenon of identification. Indeed, everyone can identify with them, who are the basis of shy, clumsy and very common people. For example, teens can end up in Spider-Man, who is a young boy looking to find his place in society.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2019 14:18

Réponse : Notion/Myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 18-04-2019 à 14:23:54 (S | E)
Bonjour Laura,
- pas d'annonce de plan dans l'introduction

- First of all, the (pas de the)superheroes will be (pourquoi le futur?), within company, marketing tools.
- More and more brands will take (présent)advantage of this fashion effect.

- The Americans did not hesitate to use them because the (pas de the)superheroes had a sufficient popularity
- who accidentally becomes (article)valiant defender of society with superpowers and acclaim (participe passé)by all.

Ton exposé est trop théorique surtout dans la première partie: aucun exemple précis et/ou référence à des documents.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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