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Notion/Idea of progress

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Notion/Idea of progress
Message de laura267 posté le 18-04-2019 à 13:52:23 (S | E | F)
je suis une élève de terminale S passant prochainement mes oraux de langues, j'aurais besoin de votre aide pour corriger mes fautes dans mes synthèses.
Merci pour votre aide.

To introduce the notion “Idea of progress”, I will give a definition. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. But, the Idea of progress can also causes damage. For example, the environment. Many natural disasters occurred. Many countries have to deal with environment and climate issues. For instance, in Africa where water is scarce, in Europe where temperatures are rising. Meetings between nations are held almost every year to find solutions. My question will be: What are the impacts of climate changes?

First of all, the climate change have an impact on people. Indeed, many peoples have lost everything because of earthquakes or because the desert has enshrouded everything they could cultivate. They are without any resources to survive and therefore have no other choice than to leave their country and seek for a better future elsewhere. Little by little some places become inhabitable and the desert is gaining ground. Without water nothing can grow and people can’t feed themselves. Furthermore, because of extreme weather events such as earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis, people die. In August 2016, Italy had suffered one major earthquake and San Francisco is still waiting for the big one Heatwaves are also more numerous and in 2013 a higher rate of deaths had been registered. Each country has to face major climate issues such as pollution, nuclear leaks, but not all of them have taken the same measures to control its pollution or to improve environmental measures. Even after some international meetings like COP 21 in Paris in 2015, climate issues are still accurate in some countries.

Secondly, it follows that the climate change have an impact on the environment. Since many years countries have become aware of the Amazon collapses. Governments have established new rules to protect it and it seems that their common efforts have paid. The rainforest and the population are in great danger. The sea levels are rising rapidly and the oceans are getting warmer and warmer. Moreover, the Greenland is melting and Polar bears are now an endangered species. Next, the ozone layer has widened a lot in the past years. Little by little some species disappear and it affects our daily lives. Less bees means less agricultural development, therefore less food or food with a prohibitive price. For example, it was the case with fruit and more specially oranges which were sold at a very high price. Governments have signed a major agreement in Paris in December 2015, they have all agreed to improve their technics of fighting global warming and the biggest polluters such as the USA and China are looking for solutions to reduce their impact on environment.

To conclude, the climate changes have a really impact on Earth. In fact, if we continue in this way the Earth would be “death”, some many species will disappear, the pollution will increase more and more. So, the peoples have to react for save the planet.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2019 14:16

Réponse : Notion/Idea of progress de gerondif, postée le 18-04-2019 à 16:40:30 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
To introduce the notion “Idea of progress”, I will give a definition. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change,(virgule) a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. But, the Idea of progress can also causes damage. For example, the environment. Many natural disasters occurred. Many countries have to deal with environment and climate issues. For instance, in Africa where water is scarce, in Europe where temperatures are rising. Meetings between nations are held almost every year to find solutions. My question will be: What are the impacts of climate changes?

First of all, the climate change have (soit climate changes have au pluriel, soit the climate change has au singulier) an impact on people. Indeed, many peoples (au sens de peuples , alors, ce peopels pluriel) have lost everything because of earthquakes or because the desert has enshrouded everything they could cultivate. They are without any resources to survive and therefore have no other choice than to leave their country and seek for a better future elsewhere. Little by little some places become inhabitable and the desert is gaining ground. Without water,(virgule) nothing can grow and people can’t feed themselves. Furthermore, because of extreme weather events such as earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis, people die. In August 2016, Italy had(à ôter) suffered one major earthquake and San Francisco is still waiting for the big one.(point) Heatwaves are also more numerous and in 2013 a higher rate of deaths had been registered. Each country has to face major climate issues such as pollution, nuclear leaks, but not all of them have taken the same measures to control its (their) pollution or to improve environmental measures. Even after some international meetings like COP 21 in Paris in 2015, climate issues are still accurate(confusion entre accurate, précis et acute, aigus ??) in some countries.

Secondly, it follows that the climate change have(voir plus haut) an impact on the environment. Since(since + date, for + durée pour dire depuis) many years countries have become aware of the Amazon collapses((les effondrements ??). Governments have established new rules to protect it and it seems that their common efforts have paid. The rainforest and the population are in great danger. The sea levels are rising rapidly and the oceans are getting warmer and warmer. Moreover, the Greenland is melting (pas à proprement parler, ses glaciers oui, mais pas le pays) and Polar bears are now an endangered species. Next, the ozone layer has widened a lot in the past years. Little by little some species disappear and it affects our daily lives. Less (fewer) bees means less agricultural development, therefore less food or food with a prohibitive price. For example, it was the case with fruit and more specially oranges which were sold at a very high price. Governments have(à ôter, prétérit avec une action datée) signed a major agreement in Paris in December 2015, they (have) all agreed to improve their technics of fighting global warming and the biggest polluters such as the USA and China are looking for solutions to reduce their impact on environment.

To conclude, (the) climate changes have a really impact on Earth. In fact, if we continue in this way the Earth would be “death”(la terre serait la mort ?), some many species will disappear, the pollution will increase more and more. So, the peoples(the people, les gens, the peoples, les peuples...) have to react for save the planet.


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