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Bac/Places and forms of power

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Bac/Places and forms of power
Message de vivi2320 posté le 18-04-2019 à 16:12:21 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous me corriger et critiquer ma notion pour le Bac ci-dessous ?
merci d'avance pour votre aide.

I am going to talk about the notion of “spaces and forms of power”. First let me give a definition.
Power is the ability to exercise control, authority, influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it. There are many forms of power : the power of the media, financial power, the fight against oppression and segregation, the American Dream.
We can illustrate this notion with the gun power in the USA. Guns are a symbol of power. They are deeply-rooted in the U.S culture. But there is a division between people who have power and people who suffer the power, which is controlled or influenced. So, we’ll try to answer the following question trough the study of documents : It is possible to stop mass shotting in the US ?

I. Not possible because many people have power and the influence of weapons in the USA plays a major part in the society.
a) Reactions after the tragedy in Newton : people who are pro-gun right
b) America’s gun culture

II.Possible because many people suffer the power
a) Adam Lanza and the sandytook school shooting in Newton (2015)
b) Reactions to the school shooting in Florida (February 2018)
c) The Interview of Lorena 16, a leader of the “never again” movement

So, we can say in conclusion that the history of the country shows that the Americans have always felt the need to be armed, but we may wonder why, and eventually we'll see that the society is deeply divided on this topical issue. More generally, the law has always been a source of conflict, but without law, the society is not viable and become uncontrolled. American citizens don't need weapons to defend themselves. Arms bring violence and incite to commit crimes. Many people die every year because they are forbidden and the children see them as games. Even if many people consider that they are free to posess arms.Various associations are present to warn people, to make them understand that arms are dangerous. The law of the USA can be easily contested, but the power exercised over guns makes this culture always present in the USA.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2019 19:15

Réponse : Bac/Places and forms of power de laure95, postée le 19-04-2019 à 10:07:38 (S | E)
- First let me give (you) a definition.
- people who suffer (préposition) the (pas de the) power
- trough: orthographe.
- It is possible to stop mass shotting in the US ?: ordre des mots

- the law has always been a source of conflict (pluriel), but without law, the (pas de the)society is not viable and become (faute de conjugaison) uncontrolled.

Le plan est bien. Conclusion un peu longue.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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