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Notion/Idea of progress

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Notion/Idea of progress
Message de leletahiti posté le 22-04-2019 à 09:58:26 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait?
voici ma notion "the idea of progress" , merci d'avance pour les aides

Today I’m going to talk about the notion « The idea of progress ». But first of all , I’d like to give a definition of this notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. This year in class we studied several document about the notion « the idea of progress » specially in the creation of the genetically perfect man.However the idea of progress is still debated between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful. So we asked ourselves if scientist breakthroughs always positive for humanity ? To answer we will talk about the progress in our society then the consequences.
I/ The progress in our society
The first document I’ve chose is an extract entitled « design your baby » from CHS Globe Online published in 2010. This text illustrates perfectly the progress of medicine in the future. Indeed, it’s about PGD. The pre-implantation genetic diagnostic is unparalleled technique, which can cure severe illnesses and prolong the life of weaker beings. This technique represents a scientific breakthrough. Nevertheless, apart of the medical objectives which are advocated, PGD also serves cosmetic purposes. Indeed, this invention can also be used to select the physical characteristics of a future baby. That is the designer baby. The purpose of this invention at the beginning was to reduce diseases. But in fact, it's misused,. Consequently, Use PGD to design the baby is a bad idea because our society could become superficial. The physical could be the main factor of integration. Indeed, designer baby could open the door to the idea that some people who don’t respect the standard of beauty could be rejected and seen as outcasts.
The second document I’ve chose is an extract from the guardian Weekly entitled «  A booming business » published in 2009. This document shows us different form of progress specially of surrogate mothers in India. A surrogate mother is a woman who will be pregnant for another. The fetus will grow in his belly but at his birth, will be given to those who become parents. This is called gestational surrogacy and helped many infertile couples to have a child. Though this progress is a leap forward in our society, it's prohibited in France. Some people say that it exploits women who have no other choice but to resort to this method to improve their standard of living like Sarita who will probably be ostracized. It might even be seen as a lawful attack against women’s independence.
The text “Design your baby” illustrates perfectly the progress of medicine in the future. Indeed, it’s talks about PGD. The pre-implantation genetic diagnostic is unparalleled technique, which can cure severe illnesses and prolong the life of weaker beings. This technique represents a scientific breakthrough. Nevertheless, apart of the medical objectives which are advocated, PGD also serves cosmetic purposes. Indeed, this invention can also be used to select the physical characteristics of a future baby. That is the designer baby. For example the history of Molly Nash. She is a teenager who was born with a rare illness from which she was destined to die before the age of 7. She was cured in 2000 through a transplantation of her brother who was a medicine baby. This history shows that the innovative scientific breakthroughs can cure severe diseases.

II/ Consequences
The document is a cartoon entitled « odd man out » from a website. This cartoon clearly shows us the consequences of an artificial society. It represents perfect men, exact duplicate, well built, tan, and muscular. There is an odd man with them. He is pale, thin and disproportionately and is being lifted by large metal tongs, to be dropped into the huge dumpster owing its divergence.

To conclude the progress is essential in our world, especially the medicine progress because to many people died every day of illnesses. However, it’s necessary to respect our principles and be aware of the risks of this progress. Governments and scientist have to draw a clear line between what is ethically acceptable or not to prevent overflow.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2019 12:41

Réponse : Notion/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 22-04-2019 à 17:09:24 (S | E)
- (e)specially
- if scientist breakthroughs always positive for humanity ?: verbe ?

I/ The progress in our society
- I’ve chose: mal conjugué.
- (article)unparalleled technique,
- apart of (pas la bonne préposition) the medical objectives
- Use (gérondif)PGD to design the baby
- Indeed, (article) designer baby could open the door

- The second document I’ve chose
- different form (pluriel)of progress (e)specially of (pas de of) surrogate mothers in India.
- A surrogate mother is a woman who will be pregnant for another (one).
- will be given to those who become (futur)parents.
- This is called gestational surrogacy and helped (présent) many infertile couples to have a child.
- it’s talks: faute de conjugaison.
- She was cured in 2000 through (thanks to pas through) a (the pas a)transplantation of her brother

II/ Consequences
Les 2 parties sont inégales ou il manque la suite?

To conclude the (pas de the)progress is essential in our world,
- especially the (pas de the) medicine progress
- to (orthographe) many people died (présent) every day of (from pas of)illnesses.
- Governments and scientist (pluriel) have to draw a clear line
- to prevent overflow: pluriel.

Réponse : Notion/Idea of progress de here4u, postée le 25-04-2019 à 19:54:47 (S | E)

Today I’m going to talk about the notion « The idea of progress ». But first of all , I’d like to give a definition of this notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. This year in class we studied several document about the notion « the idea of progress » specially in the creation of the genetically perfect man.However the idea of progress is still debated XX between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful. So we asked ourselves if scientist breakthroughs always positive for humanity ? (Revoir cette question qui n'en est pas une ...)To answer we will talk about the progress in our society then the consequences. (ponctuation? Phrase bancale !)
I/ The progress in our society
The first document I’ve chose is an extract entitled « design your baby » from CHS Globe Online published in 2010. This text illustrates perfectly(ordre des mots) the progress of medicine in the future. Indeed, it’s about PGD. The pre-implantation genetic diagnostic is XX unparalleled technique, which can cure severe illnesses and prolong the life of weaker beings. This technique represents a scientific breakthrough. Nevertheless, apart of the medical objectives which are advocated, PGD also serves cosmetic purposes. Indeed, this invention can also be used to select the physical characteristics of a future baby. That is the designer baby. The purpose of this invention at the beginning was to reduce diseases. But in fact, it's misused,. Consequently, Use PGD to design the baby is a bad idea because our society could become superficial. (isn't it already? )The physical XXXXXXXXXX could be the main factor of integration. Indeed, X designer baby could open the door to the idea that some people who don’t respect the standard of beauty could be rejected and seen as outcasts.
The second document I’ve chose is an extract from the guardian Weekly entitled « A booming business » published in 2009. This document shows us different form of progress specially of surrogate mothers in India. A surrogate mother is a woman who will be pregnant for another XXX. The fetus will grow in his belly but at his birth, will be given to those who become parents.(TRES TRES MALADROIT !) This is called gestational surrogacy and helped many infertile couples to have a child. Though this progress is a leap forward in our society, it's prohibited in France. Some people say that it exploits women who have no other choice but to resort to this method to improve their standard of living like Sarita who will probably be ostracized. It might even be seen as a lawful attack against women’s independence.
The text “Design your baby” illustrates perfectly the progress of medicine in the future. Indeed, it’s talks about PGD. (Again?)cf above! The pre-implantation genetic diagnostic is xx unparalleled technique, which can cure severe illnesses and prolong the life of weaker beings. This technique represents a scientific breakthrough. Nevertheless, apart of the medical objectives which are advocated, PGD also serves cosmetic purposes. Indeed, this invention can also be used to select the physical characteristics of a future baby. That is the designer baby. Vous avez fait deux fois votre copier/ coller ... sans même vous en rendre compte ! relisez-vous !

For example the history of Molly Nash. She is a teenager who was born with a rare illness from which she was destined to die before the age of 7. She was cured in 2000 through a transplantation of her brother Oh dear! ) who was a medicine baby. This history shows that the innovative scientific breakthroughs can cure severe diseases.

II/ Consequences
The document is a cartoon entitled « odd man out » from a website. revoir tout l'ordre des mots ! This cartoon clearly shows us the consequences of an artificial society. It represents perfect men, exact duplicate, well built, tan, and muscular. There is an odd man XXX with them. He is pale, thin and disproportionate(ly )??? and is being lifted by large metal tongs, to be dropped into the huge dumpster owing its divergence.

To conclude the progress is essential in our world, especially the medicine progress because to many people died every day of illnesses. However, it’s necessary to respect our principles and be aware of the risks of this progress. Governments and scientist have to draw a clear line between what is ethically acceptable or not to prevent overflow.

Cette préparation est loin d'être au point ! La recopie de la même partie est insupportable ... Le correcteur a vraiment l'impression que vous vous moquez de lui/ elle !


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