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Notion/Myths and heroes

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Notion/Myths and heroes
Message de terminalees posté le 25-04-2019 à 19:15:42 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral de Bac en anglais dans 2 semaines. J'ai écrit mon texte sur la notion des mythes et héros; pourriez-vous m'indiquer s'il y a des erreurs ou des fautes pour un oral s'il vous plait ? Ma note au Bac vous en remercie

The notion I'm going to speak is about Myths and Heroes.
First I'm going to define this notion. A myth is a popular story about someone who has superhuman qualities and in general the story isn't real. However a hero is someone who succeed in something amazing, it's a model for people who look up at him. He can be real or not.

So in relation to the notion Myths and Heroes, my presentation will deal with this question :
To what extent can some Afro-Americans be considered as heroes ? To illustrate this notion, we will focus on the heroes who fought for equal rights in the United States.

In the past, the living conditions of African Americans were terrible. The whites lived like normal people and made black life a nightmare. Many things were forbidden to them. For example, with Jim Crow Laws we learn a lot of information about their living conditions. The Jim Crow Laws were racist laws which separated black and white people. For instance, white children must be separated from black children at school. There were several rules as those. They were treated so that they were considered inferior to whites, they didn't have the same rights.

Some persons became famous because they fought against segregation. We can look at Martin Luther King. He fought for Afro-Americans rights and he was shot in 1968 in the cause of that effort. He wanted peace and equality of rights for blacks and whites. MLK thanks to his brave obstinance, things began to change and Jim Crow laws were challenged. In 1963, he delivered a speech that is called "I have a dream" and in part 2 of this one he explains his vision of the future. For him, the United States must become a country where whites and blacks are equal.

The fight led by these heroes allowed to get things done. Their struggle has been rewarded by certain evolutions. For exemple, from 1954, it is strictly forbidden to separate schools by skin color but it was not before 1960 that the first black girl decided to apply in a white school.

To conclude, the life of African Americans has changed over time and that thanks to heroes who have made history. Thanks to their actions, they made things evolve as well as mentalities. And in 2008 an African-American is elected President of the United States, Barack Obama. This is proof of the evolution of the country.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2019 21:53

Réponse : Notion/Myths and heroes de gerondif, postée le 27-04-2019 à 19:24:10 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
The notion I'm going to speak is about(inversez) Myths and Heroes.
First I'm going to define this notion. A myth is a popular story about someone who has superhuman qualities and in general the story isn't real. However a hero is someone who succeed (le s du présent !) in something amazing, it's a model for people who look up at to him. He can be real or not.

So in relation to the notion Myths and Heroes, my presentation will deal with this question :
To what extent can some Afro-Americans be considered as heroes ? To illustrate this notion, we will focus on the heroes who fought for equal rights in the United States.

In the past, the living conditions of African Americans were terrible. The whites lived like normal people and made black life a nightmare. Many things were forbidden to them. For example, with Jim Crow Laws we learn a lot of information about their living conditions. The Jim Crow Laws were racist laws which separated black and white people. For instance, white children must(à mettre au prétérit; Piège possible !) be separated from black children at school. There were several rules as( as = comme, en tant que. like = comme ,en comparaison avec) those. They were treated so that they were considered inferior to whites,(la phrase n'a pas de sens; they were considered inferior to whites / they were treated as if they were inferior to whites) they didn't have the same rights.

Some persons became famous because they fought against segregation. We can look at(un peu maladroit, nous pouvons regarder..) Martin Luther King. He fought for Afro-Americans rights and he was shot in 1968 in the cause of that effort. He wanted peace and equality of rights for blacks and whites. MLK thanks to his brave obstinance(obstinacy), things began to change and the Jim Crow laws were challenged. In 1963, he delivered a speech that is called "I have a dream" and in part 2 of this one(maladroit) he explains his vision of the future. For him, the United States must become a country where whites and blacks are equal.

The fight led by these heroes allowed to get things done. Their struggle has been rewarded by certain evolutions. For exemple, from 1954,(j'aurais mis since et un present perfect) it is strictly forbidden to separate schools by skin color but it was not before 1960 that the first black girl decided to apply in a white school.

To conclude, the life of African Americans has changed over time and that thanks to heroes who have made history. Thanks to their actions, they made things evolve as well as mentalities. And in 2008 an African-American man is(prétérit) elected President of the United States, Barack Obama. This is a proof of the evolution of the country.


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