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Notion/Spaces and exchanges

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Notion/Spaces and exchanges
Message de terminalees posté le 25-04-2019 à 19:24:19 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral du Bac d'anglais dans deux semaines et je me permets de poster mon texte ici pour avoir une correction de mes nombreuses fautes (vive mon niveau d'anglais largement discutable) et pour pouvoir le présenter avec un minimum d'erreurs.
Merci beaucoup à l'âme charitable qui voudra bien m'aider

The notion I'm going to speak is about Spaces and exchanges.
First I'm going to define this notion. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other and make exchanges between them. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving. It can appear on many forms, we can exchange people, trade or informations.

So in relation to the notion Spaces and exchanges, my presentation will deal with this question : what difficulties do immigrants face when they come and arrive in a new country ? To illustrate this notion, we will focus in the United States and his Mexicans immigrants.

I have chosen the recording of a radio program named “New Horizon”. Alejandro Perez presents his life in this one.
First of all, he says that he is from the outskirts of Mexico City. He left his wife and his children because he wanted to find the American dream, to give his family better living conditions, salaries and education for his kids. Besides, he speaks about the life expectancy in the US, it’s more longer indeed. People live four years older because there are better medical facilities. Alejandro Perez show the negative aspects of Mexico and the positive aspects of his new life in United States.
So United States be one of those spaces that attracts and generate flow between it and the world, in this example, with Mexico.

A text named “Facing Reality”, from the book Texas of James Michener, illustrate the very dangerous aspect of the US-Border. Twenty illegal immigrants want to cross the border. So, they pay smugglers to be transport. Them who wanted to earn a lot effortlessly simulate a breakdown to abandon immigrants in the desert. Left to their own devices, without water, all Mexicans die.
This text reveals that migrants are ready to start a new life by all means. Even if, danger lurks them, immigrants are always attract by America.

To conclude, the immigration from Mexico to the United States can be a good thing for Mexicans who want to reach the American Dream, but miserably they have to risk their lives for it. Migration can be a good thing for the United States because that allows discover new culture, but unfortunately, for immigrants, travel is difficult. Moreover, it is almost impossible to make a living as an illegal immigrant, and a lot of sacrifices have to be made.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2019 21:30

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de gerold, postée le 27-04-2019 à 06:58:23 (S | E)

The notion I'm going to speak is about Spaces and exchanges.
First I'm going to define this notion. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other and make exchanges between them employez le pronom réciproque. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving. It can appear on many forms, we can exchange people, trade or informations.

So in relation to the notion Spaces and exchanges, my presentation will deal with this question : what difficulties do immigrants face when they come and inutile arrive in a new country ? To illustrate this notion, we will focus in autre préposition the United States and his les USA ne sont pas une personne Mexicans adjectif, donc pas d'accord immigrants.

I have chosen the recording of a radio program named “New Horizon”. Alejandro Perez presents his life in this one.
First of all, he says that he is from the outskirts of Mexico City. He left his wife and his children because he wanted to find the American dream, to give his family better living conditions, salaries and education for his kids. Besides, he speaks about the life expectancy in the US, it’s employez un pronom relatif : qui est ... more longer revoir le comparatif indeed. People live four years older because there are better medical facilities. Alejandro Perez show erreur de conjugaison the negative aspects of Mexico and the positive aspects of his new life in xx (il manque un mot) United States.
So xx United States be conjugaison one of those spaces that attracts verbe au pluriel and generate flow between it "eux-mêmes" and the world, in this example, with Mexico.

A text named “Facing Reality”, from the book Texas of James Michener, illustrate conjugaison the very dangerous aspect of the US-Border. Twenty illegal immigrants want to cross the border. So, they pay smugglers to be transport il faut un participe passé. Them incorrect, répétez le nom who wanted to earn a lot of money effortlessly simulate a breakdown to abandon xx immigrants in the desert. Left to their own devices simplement : "laissés seuls", without water, all Mexicans die.
This text reveals that migrants are ready to start a new life by all means. Even if, pas de virgule ni de pause danger lurks them, immigrants are always attract conjugaison by America.

To conclude, the immigration from Mexico to the United States can be a good thing for Mexicans who want to reach the American Dream, but miserably they have to risk their lives for it. Migration can be a good thing for the United States because that allows xx discover xx new culture voulez-vous dire que cela permet aux USA de découvrir la culture des immigrants ? Il faut éviter en tout cas de parler dans la conclusion d'un point qui n'a pas été abordé avant but unfortunately, for immigrants, travel is difficult. Moreover, it is almost impossible to make a living as an illegal immigrant, and a lot of sacrifices have to be made.

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de gerondif, postée le 27-04-2019 à 11:31:36 (S | E)
The notion I'm going to speak is about Spaces and exchanges.
On ne peut pas dire I speak a notion, le verbe n'est pas transitif, you speak about a notion.
The notion I'm going to speak about is Spaces and exchanges.
The notion I'm going to deal with is about Spaces and exchanges.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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