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Evolution/ British Empire

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Evolution/ British Empire
Message de paiin posté le 26-04-2019 à 16:26:32 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde !
J'ai fini ma synthèse sur la notion "Lieu et forme de pouvoir", et j'ai décidé de la faire sur la base de l'évolution de l'empire britannique. Je réquisitionne votre aide (si vous le voulez bien), quant à la syntaxe, l'orthographe et la cohésion de ma synthèse.
Je vous remercie d'avance !

First of all I would like to give a definition of «Power». It’s the ability or official capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group, or a nation having great influence over people. Power is exercised through a variety of relationships sustained or accepted, often internalized.
The notion of power implies a basic division between those who have and exercise power and those who have none or little of it. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.

Then, places could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace – a symbol of the British monarchy or the White House – a symbol of the American presidency.

To what extent is it possible to adapt over time to new ideas and opinions by changing the form of power? We will focus on the evolution of the British Empire to support our arguments.

In the past, the United Kingdom was known as the British Empire. Its form of power in relation to the present was quite different, a form of power based on a white supremacism-not sure of this word in English, in French Suprémacisme blanc)- praising the superiority of whites over others.
The image best representing this domination was studied in class; it depicts three white people sitting in the foreground presenting their hunting trophy, while in the background there are two black people holding the objects in place.
We find a full domination of the British over other peoples.

However, the British Empire had to conform to new received ideas, since ideas change over the centuries. Thus, the idea that people with white colors are superior to others is gradually abandoned.
Nevertheless, some people cannot get rid of this idea, as shown in the text "The spider's Web", a text in which a white female supervisor visits a former colony that has received its independence. The latter, having insulted and wanted to hit a black teacher was humiliated, thus showing the morality of this story: everyone must adapt to the times.

Finally, the fall of the British Empire and the founding of the Commonwealth signaled the total end of white supremacism. The Commonwealth is an intergovernmental organization composed of 53 Member States, almost all of which are former territories of the British Empire (despite an increasing number of other countries applying for membership). The Commonwealth's influence did not stop at the United Kingdom's borders. Indeed, the world has been influenced by its creation, particularly through the creation of commonwealth games "similar to the Olympic game, and showing great group cohesion, making several countries envy. A new international unity has emerged, supported by cultural richness and allowing new ideas to emerge.

Through the example of the British Empire, it has been shown that the evolution of power is possible, but takes time. The evolution of ideas goes through different steps, an official change that few people adopt, then a total change, allowing a change of power and thus changing the world.
Personally, I think that without a constant change of mind over time, it would not have been possible to evolve, so we would have remained at the same stage without opening ourselves to new cultures and unknown nations.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-04-2019 17:44

Réponse : Evolution/ British Empire de delf2312, postée le 27-04-2019 à 01:18:47 (S | E)
Cette synthèse me parait plutôt bien construite et votre niveau de langue est très bon.
Je ne m’attarderais donc pas à corriger d’éventuelles petites erreurs car elles ne sont pas flagrantes, pour moi, et cela serait inutile puisqu’il s’agit d’une épreuve orale. Ce qu’il est surtout important de faire est de s’entraîner plusieurs fois à l’oral, à voix haute, avec le chronomètre pour vous assurer que vous tenez bien le temps imparti. Vérifiez également la prononciation des mots clés et tout ira bien.
Bon courage.
PS : pour améliorer votre présentation, vous pourriez proposer une ouverture qui permettrait de nuancer ce que vous dites sur la fin du « white supremacism » : n’y a-t-il pas des exemples dans l’actualité de personnes qui semblent appartenir à ce courant de pensée ? Ou bien également : la domination de l’empire britannique sur ses anciennes colonies est-elle réellement finie ou persiste-t-elle (aspects économiques par exemple) ?

Réponse : Evolution/ British Empire de paiin, postée le 27-04-2019 à 11:55:38 (S | E)
Merciiiii beaucoup je vous en suis extrêmement reconnaissant. J'avais justemment pensé à faire une ouverture et vous le confirmez, merci encore !!

Réponse : Evolution/ British Empire de here4u, postée le 27-04-2019 à 16:47:17 (S | E)

Je n'apprécie pas vraiment être "réquisitionnée" ... mais bon ! Juste parce que "j'ai envie" !

First of all I would like to give a definition of «Power». It’s the ability or official capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group, or a nation having great influence over people. Power is exercised through a variety of relationships sustained or accepted, often internalized.
The notion of power implies a basic division between those who have and exercise power and those who have none or little of it. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.

Then, places could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace – a symbol of the British monarchy or the White House – a symbol of the American presidency.

To what extent is it possible to adapt over time to new ideas and opinions by changing the form of power? We will focus on the evolution of the British Empire to support our arguments.

In the past, the United Kingdom was known as the British Empire.(clumsy formulation...) Its form of power in relation to the present was quite different, a form of power based on a white supremacism-not sure of this word in English Lien internet
, in French Suprémacisme blanc)- praising the superiority of whites over others.
The image best representing this domination was studied in class; it depicts three white people sitting in the foreground (of what?) presenting their hunting trophy, while in the background there are two black people holding the objects (what objects?) in place.
We find a full domination of the British over other peoples.

However, the British Empire had to conform (adapt?) to new received ideas, since ideas change over the centuries. Thus, the idea that people with white colors (clumsy!)are superior to others is gradually abandoned.
Nevertheless, some people cannot get rid of this idea, as shown in the text "The spider's Web", a text in which a white female supervisor visits a former colony that has received its independence. The latter, having insulted and wanted to hit a black teacher was humiliated, thus showing the morality of this story: everyone must adapt to the times.

Finally, the fall of the British Empire and the founding of the Commonwealth signaled the total end of white supremacism.(If only!) The Commonwealth is an intergovernmental organization composed of 53 Member States, almost all of which are former territories of the British Empire (despite an increasing number of other countries applying for membership). The Commonwealth's influence did not stop at the United Kingdom's borders. Indeed, the world has been influenced by its creation, particularly through the creation of commonwealth games "similar to the Olympic game, and showing great group cohesion, making several countries envy.(not clear! envious?) A new international unity has emerged, supported by cultural richness and allowing new ideas to emerge.

Through the example of the British Empire, it has been shown that the evolution of power is possible, but takes time. The evolution of ideas goes through different steps, an official change that few people adopt, then a total change, allowing a change of power and thus changing the world.
Personally, I think that without a constant change of mind over time, it would not have been possible to evolve, so we would have remained at the same stage without opening ourselves to new cultures and unknown nations.

Not bad at all! Glad I've read you!

Réponse : Evolution/ British Empire de here4u, postée le 27-04-2019 à 16:53:36 (S | E)

D'accord avec delf, mais surtout, ne tombez pas dans le travers de vouloir "apprendre" cette présentation ... Il vaut mieux bien retenir le plan, les mots clés pour les enchaînements et parler le plus naturellement possible ... (C'est ce qui fait les "très bonnes notes"!)

L'ouverture est, bien sûr, souhaitable ... Je ne laisserais pas passer "the total end of White Supremacy"... Travaillez donc bien vos arguments sur ce point ...

Réponse : Evolution/ British Empire de paiin, postée le 28-04-2019 à 02:02:19 (S | E)
Tout d'abord, je te remercie d'avoir pris autant de temps pour m'avoir corrigé, il y a décidément des personnes formidables sur ce forum !!!
Et bien entendu je ne comptais pas tout apprendre mais apprendre le plan et les mots-clés, merci encore de tout coeur pour ton aide, je vois que j'ai fait quelques erreurs !


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