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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de chd3 posté le 27-04-2019 à 15:18:43 (S | E | F)
je dois passer à l’oral dans quelques jours pour un exposé en anglais, le thème est « mon héros d’enfance ».
Pouvez-vous me corriger ou du moins m’indiquer les fautes s’il vous plaît?
Merci pour votre aide.

My childhood hero is Tristepin de Percedal. It's a cartoon character, from Wakfu, it was created by Charles Édouard Mandefield, and he belongs to the french firm ankama. This firm is located in the north of France and creates video games such as dofus, board games, comics, novels, manga and figurines.
This character is an iop, that’s to say he’s a strong warrior but not intelligent for example Tristepin still believes he was born in a cabbage. However, Tristepin has qualities too: he’s honest, courageous and very resistant. He is a knight of the Shushu Guardian Order.
That’s to say, he must do everything to ensure that the Shushu/the demon Rubilax, who is in his sword, doesn’t leave it.
His friends call him pinpin but he doesn’t like this nickname because he thinks he isn’t serious and can not enter the legend.
In this series at first he is sixteen years old and, he is accompanied by yugo, Evangelyne who is his girlfriend, amalia and Ruel.
When he first met Yugo, he had merged with Rubilax to become a monster (so he let Rubilax control his body.) Fortunately, Yugo managed to remove Rubilax from Tristepin's forehead. To thank him for his help, Tristepin decided to accompany Yugo in his adventures.
I chose to take this character because it makes me laugh a lot.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2019 10:36

Réponse : Correction/exposé de here4u, postée le 27-04-2019 à 16:31:51 (S | E)

My childhood hero is Tristepin de Percedal. It's a cartoon character, from Wakfu,; it was created by Charles Édouard Mandefield, and he who belongs to the french firm ankama. This firm is located in the north of France and creates video games such as dofus, board games, comics, novels, manga and figurines.
This character is an iop, that’s to say he’s a strong warrior but not XX intelligent XXX; for example Tristepin still believes he was born in a cabbage. However, Tristepin has qualities too: he’s honest, courageous and very resistant Lien internet
. He is a knight of the Shushu Guardian Order.
That’s to say, he must do everything to ensure that the Shushu/the demon Rubilax, who is in his sword, doesn’t leave it.
His friends call him "pinpin" but he doesn’t like this nickname because he thinks he isn’t serious and can not(in one word!) enter the legend.
In this series, at first he is sixteen (years old) and, he is accompanied by yugo, Evangelyne who is his girlfriend, amalia and Ruel.
When he first met Yugo, he had merged with Rubilax to become a monster (so he let Rubilax control his body.) Fortunately, Yugo managed to remove Rubilax from Tristepin's forehead. To thank him for his help, Tristepin decided to accompany Yugo in his adventures.
I chose to take this character because it makes me laugh a lot.

A totally new world for me!

Réponse : Correction/exposé de chd3, postée le 02-05-2019 à 20:10:43 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre correction


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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