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Notion/Espaces et échanges

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Notion/Espaces et échanges
Message de mamadu27 posté le 28-04-2019 à 15:28:36 (S | E | F)
c'est bientôt mes oraux de langues, et avec un niveau assez nul en anglais j'aimerais que quelqu'un puisse si possible corriger mes erreurs.
Merci d'avance.

I'm going to talk about the notion of “spaces and exchanges”.First I will give a definition of spaces and a definition of exchanges. For me, an exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. These exchanges can take several forms: economic, cultural, information, movement of people.
So we may request is it a good idea to leave Cuba for the United States?
In a first part we will see a context of the tensions between Cuba and the United States then we will see the different immigration currents and in the end we will see the reasons that make emigrate populations.

First, the relations between Cuba and the United States are very difficult because economic and human exchanges are limited. We have seen a document that shows the difficulties of traveling from Cuba to the United States, it is called "at the Miami airport". He is a Cuban who wants to travel but it is not possible since the United States prohibits nationals, or entities under the jurisdiction of the United States, from making all kinds of financial transactions with the Cuban Government while the Cuban wants to return to Miami without any other intention.

Then, to leave Cuba, people are forced to cross the border illegally. Then we have seen a trailer for a movie called "ninety miles". This film shows the emigration of some Cubans to the United States. In this trailer we have seen that the conditions of displacement are very difficult since it is a raft, a miserable ship built with handles and tires. It also has no motor, so they have to ramar for a long time and use a map to orient themselves, but in reality it is a simple drawing, without precisions and can be lost. The presence of sharks, bad weather such as storms or tempos, fatigue and armed traffickers are the difficulties that the characters know during the journey.

To finish, the Cubans would flee the country because they live in poverty. We have seen a document called "emigrate in the third age" and it shows why Cubans want to escape from poverty. This document shows there are many difficulties from day to day because they have twenty Cuban convertible pesos and lack of resources and opportunities. It is also difficult to feed because in Cuba there are shortages problems to get food.

To conclude,the relations between Cuba and the United States are bad and the Cubans want a better life because there is a strong crisis in Cuba as well. Then the Cubans are forced to remove the country illegally to go to the United States but then the conditions are horrible. But the United States and Cuba are moving towards a new time from two thousand five since Barack Obama and Raul Castro met, there is a restoration of diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2019 15:48

Réponse : Notion/Espaces et échanges de gerondif, postée le 29-04-2019 à 14:29:33 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
I'm going to talk about the notion of “spaces and exchanges”.First I will give a definition of spaces and a definition of exchanges. For me, an exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. These exchanges can take several forms: economic, cultural, information, movement of people.
So we may request is it a good idea to leave Cuba for the United States?
In a first part we will see the context of for the tensions between Cuba and the United States then we will see the different immigration currents and in the end we will see the reasons that make emigrate populations.

First, the relations between Cuba and the United States are very difficult because economic and human exchanges are limited. We have seen a document that shows the difficulties of (in) traveling from Cuba to the United States, it is called "at the Miami airport". He is a Cuban who wants to travel but it is not possible since the United States prohibits nationals, or entities under the jurisdiction of the United States, from making all kinds of financial transactions with the Cuban Government while the Cuban wants to return to Miami without any other intention.

Then, to leave Cuba, people are forced to cross the border illegally. Then we have seen a trailer for a movie called "ninety miles". This film shows the emigration of some Cubans to the United States. In this trailer we have seen that the conditions of displacement are very difficult since it is a raft, a miserable ship built with handles and tires. It also has no motor(engine), so they have to ramar(espagnol ??) for a long time and use a map to orient themselves, but in reality it is a simple drawing, without precisions and they can be get lost. The presence of sharks, bad weather such as storms or tempos (je ne connais pas ce terme), fatigue and armed traffickers are the difficulties that the characters know/meet during the journey.

To finish, the Cubans would (like to) flee the country because they live in poverty. We have seen a document called "emigrate in the third age" and it shows why Cubans want to escape from poverty. This document shows there are many difficulties from day to day because they have twenty Cuban convertible pesos (sens ?)and lack of resources and opportunities. It is also difficult to feed because in Cuba there are shortages problems to get food.

To conclude,the relations between Cuba and the United States are bad and the Cubans want a better life because there is a strong crisis in Cuba as well. Then the Cubans are forced to remove the country illegally (to remove the country, ôter le pays impliquerait un séisme ou une bombe atomique... confusion avec to leave...)) to go to the United States but then the conditions are horrible. But the United States and Cuba are(present perfect avec depuis) moving towards a new time from two thousand five since Barack Obama and Raul Castro met, there is a restoration of diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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