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Notion/Spaces and exchanges

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Notion/Spaces and exchanges
Message de laulauu49 posté le 28-04-2019 à 19:41:52 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger ma notion d'anglais s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all I would give a definition of this notion. The notion is about differents movements in territorries, there is the one who are economics, culturals, migratories etc... Today we can say that exchanges are multiplying with globalization. Emigration can be the ideal subject for this notion. We will wonder why people emigrate and what are the difficulties encountred? I'll speek about the frontier between Mexico and The United States of America. Because this is a line between two spaces who permit so much exchanges.

Mexican people emigrate to the USA to find a better life. They want to live the Americain Dream. In one of the documents that I could study during the year, the person who made his american dream real, is saying to us that with work and determination we can make our american dream real. That person became a great doctor, one of the best of his country. He could integrate a big university like Harvard.
There is cities in the USA which are welcoming a lot of latino people like San Francisco and Los angeles. But I know there is a city in the USA, “Alexandria”, with a welcome politic for latino people. That politic is really appreciate by the people. Every children whatever his nationality can access to american university.
The frontier between Mexico and the United states of American is very big. There is differents point of passing. Like the Arizona desert or the big river. There is different hazards, some are naturals others are humans. In the naturals hazards there is the temperature, for pass the frontier at the Arizona desert you have to got water and good physical condicions.There is dangerous animals too. For the humans hazards, there are people : “the coyotes”, they are distributing lozenges in the desert which are dehydrate people's bodies. The subject est actual, because Trump want to build a wall between Mexico and the USA. With that wish, Trump will stop so much exchanges between Mexico and the USA. There is exchanges linguistics, with the expansion of the Spanglish. There is the exchanges with emigration, that's my subject. Then there is certainly economic flows with globalization.

For conclusion people emigrate to find a better life, they want to make their American Dream real. But for this, they have to pass the dangerous frontier and this is not something easy.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2019 20:55

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de gerondif, postée le 29-04-2019 à 14:52:22 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all I would (like to)give a definition of this notion. The notion is about differents(adjectif invariable) movements in territorries, there is the one who are economics, culturals, migratories (les adjectifs ne prennent pas le pluriel) etc... Today we can say that exchanges are multiplying with globalization. Emigration can be the ideal subject for this notion. We will wonder why people emigrate and what the difficulties encountered are? I'll speek about the frontier between Mexico and The United States of America. Because this is a line between two spaces who permit so much(so much + nom singulier, so many + nom pluriel) exchanges.

Mexican people emigrate to the USA to find a better life. They want to live the Americain Dream. In one of the documents that I could study during the year, the person who made his American dream real, is saying to us that with work and determination we can make our American dream real. That person became a great doctor, one of the best of his(superlatif + in. Ce n'est pas à proprement parler son pays puisqu'il a émigré) country. He could integrate a big university like Harvard.
There is(pluriel) cities in the USA which are welcoming a lot of latino people like San Francisco and Los angeles. But I know there is a city in the USA, “Alexandria”, with a welcome politic for latino people. That politic is really appreciate(participe passé) by the people. Every children(every, chaque + singulier) whatever his nationality can have access to an American university.
Bien maladroit, le paragraphe qui suit !!
The frontier between Mexico and the United states of American is very big. There is differents point of passing. Like the Arizona desert or the big river. There is different hazards, some are naturals others are humans. In the naturals hazards there is the temperature, for (mauvais "pour") pass (cross) the frontier at the Arizona desert you have to got water and good physical condicions.There is dangerous animals too. For the humans hazards, there are people : “the coyotes”, they are distributing lozenges in the desert which are dehydrate people's bodies. The subject est actual, because Trump want(le s!!) to build a wall between Mexico and the USA. With that wish, Trump will stop so much exchanges between Mexico and the USA. There is exchanges linguistics(inversez), with the expansion of the Spanglish. There is the exchanges with emigration, that's my subject. Then there is certainly economic flows with globalization.(beaucoup de there is/are,il y a ici !)

For conclusion(ne se dit guère) people emigrate to find a better life, they want to make their American Dream real. But for this, they have to pass the dangerous frontier and this is not something easy. (vous vous répétez plus que vous ne concluez)

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de laulauu49, postée le 01-05-2019 à 16:23:06 (S | E)
voici ma correction :
I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. The notion is about different movements in territorries, there are ones which are economic, cultural, migratory etc... Today we can say that exchanges are multiplying with globalization. Emigration can be the ideal subject for this notion. We will wonder why people emigrate and what are the difficulties encountered are? I'll speak about the frontier between Mexico and The United States of America. Because this is a line between two spaces which permit so many exchanges.

Mexican people emigrate to the USA to find a better life. They want to live the American Dream. In one of the documents that I could study during the year, the person who made his american dream real, is saying to us that with work and determination we can make our american dream real. That person became a great doctor, one of the best of the country. He could integrate a big university like Harvard.
There are cities in the USA which are welcoming a lot of latino people like San Francisco and Los angeles. But I know there is a city in the USA, “Alexandria”, with a welcome policy for latino people. That policy is really appreciated by the people. Every child whatever his nationality can have access to an American university.
The frontier between Mexico and the United states of America is very big. There are different points of passing. Like the Arizona desert or the big river. There are different hazards, some are natural others are humain. In the natural hazards there is the temperature, to cross the frontier at the Arizona desert you have to get water and good physical conditions.There are dangerous animals too. For the humain hazards, there are people : “the coyotes”, they are distributing lozenges in the desert which are dehydrate people's bodies. The subject is actual, because Trump wants to build a wall between Mexico and the USA. With that wish, Trump will stop so many exchanges between Mexico and the USA. There are linguistic exchanges, with the expansion of Spanglish. There are the exchanges with emigration, that's my subject. Then there are certainly economic flows with globalization.

For conclusion people emigrate to find a better life, they want to make their American Dream real. But for this, they have to cross the dangerous frontier and this is not something easy.

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de gerondif, postée le 01-05-2019 à 23:15:58 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. The notion is about different movements in territorries, there are ones which are economic (il suffit der dire : some are economic, others are...), cultural, migratory etc... Today we can say that exchanges are multiplying with globalization. Emigration can be the ideal subject for this notion. We will wonder why people emigrate and what are(à ôter) the difficulties encountered are?(pas de ? en style indirect derrière une principale affirmative) I'll speak about the frontier between Mexico and The United States of America.(enlevez ce point) Because this is a line between two spaces which permit(le s du présent)(allow est plus courant) so many exchanges.

Mexican people emigrate to the USA to find a better life. They want to live the American Dream. In one of the documents that I could study during the year, the person who made his American dream real, is saying to us that with work and determination we can make our American dream real. That person became a great doctor, one of the best of in the country. He could integrate a big university like Harvard.
There are cities in the USA which are welcoming(un present simple irat bien) a lot of latino people like San Francisco and Los angeles. But I know there is a city in the USA, “Alexandria”, with a welcome policy for latino people. That policy is really appreciated by the people(the population /people at large/ sinon le the parait bizarre). Every child whatever his nationality can have access to an American university.
The frontier between Mexico and the United states of America is very big. There are different points of passing.(enlevez ce point) Like the Arizona desert or the big river. There are different hazards, some are natural others are humain(un i en trop). Inamong the natural hazards there is the temperature, to cross the frontier at the Arizona desert you have to get water and be in good physical conditions(singulier).There are dangerous animals too. For the humain hazards, there are people : “the coyotes”, they are distributing lozenges in the desert which are(à ôter) dehydrate people's bodies. The subject is actual, because Trump wants to build a wall between Mexico and the USA. With that wish(avec ce souhait ou avec ce mur ?), Trump will stop so many exchanges between Mexico and the USA. There are linguistic exchanges, with the expansion of Spanglish. There are the exchanges with emigration, that's my subject. Then there are certainly economic flows with globalization.

For conclusion(ne se dit guère) people emigrate to find a better life, they want to make their American Dream real. But for this, they have to cross the dangerous frontier and this is not something easy.(votre conclusion n'amène rien de plus, vous résumez ce que vous avez déja dit.


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