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Oral/Spaces and Exchanges

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Oral/Spaces and Exchanges
Message de cassou2707 posté le 30-04-2019 à 18:03:06 (S | E | F)
des personnes pourraient-elles me corriger mon texte s'il vous plaît ? C'est pour mon oral en anglais pour le Bac. S'il vous parait un peu court, c'est normal, n'étant pas à l'aise en anglais, je parle très doucement lentement.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I’m going to talk the Spaces and Exchanges. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. There are different kinds of exchanges commercial exchanges, cultural, migratory flows. We will be interested in this last point:
What is the consequence for refugees wanting to reach the American dream?
Many Mexicans are attracted to the USA for the American Dream. Yet, these people are poorly integrated.

Barack Obama wanted to improve immigration policy to make it more effective especially for undocumented young people who have been in the US for several years. He put in place the Dream Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) it plans to grant a permanent resident card to some persons illegally entered as minors in the United States. This would avoid sending back to a country. But she is refused in 2010 (two thousand ten).
The border acts like a magnet for Mexican immigrants who dream of a better life in the USA. Contrary to Mexico which is struck by unemployment and poverty. But we studied an image showing the wall separating the United States from Mexico, a brick was removed and she invited a Mexican to come on the other side. This arm was that of Uncle Sam. He is a iconic figure in USA, used for propaganda poster. Uncle Sam inviting a Mexican in USA event if the wall is separating them.

The United States wants to welcome migrants for labor however, these refugees face racist acts by the locals. We listened to an audio about racism today. Today, many people think that racism no longer exists since the end of the 1960s civil war. Yet, many immigrants encounter the problem of racism. According to the point of view of this video, African-Americans should not enjoy the same rights because that these refugees are there to take their work and do not always speak their language.
While the cartoonist unknown is painting out that the jobs immigrants "take" are those most Americans would be unwilling to do underpaid, backbreaking and unrewarding : gardener, diver, butcher ...

In conclusion, on one hand immigration possesses many advantages to escape from his country of origin and to be able to survive. It offered many things as the freedom, work and success. Nevertheless, the American dream turned in a nightmare because of racism on the one hand.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2019 22:38

Réponse : Oral/Spaces and Exchanges de gerold, postée le 01-05-2019 à 13:02:01 (S | E)
Bonjour cassou2707

Quelques remarques pour vous aider :

I’m going to talk xx il manque une préposition et "talk" est un peu familier, cherchez un autre verbe the enlevez l'article Spaces and Exchanges. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. There are different kinds of exchanges commercial exchanges, cultural, migratory flows. We will be interested in this last point:
What is the consequence pluriel préférable for refugees wanting to reach the American dream?
Many Mexicans are attracted to the USA for the American Dream. Yet, these people are poorly integrated.

Barack Obama wanted to improve immigration policy to make it more effective especially for undocumented young people who have been in the US for several years. He put in place the Dream Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) it remplacez it par un pronom relatif plans to grant a permanent resident card to some persons illegally entered as minors in the United States. This would avoid sending back to a leur pays country. But she is qui est "she"? et verbe au prétérit refused in 2010 (two thousand ten).
The border acts like a magnet for Mexican immigrants who dream of a better life in the USA, reliez les deux phrases avec "alors que" en mosifiant la suite Contrary to Mexico which is struck by unemployment and poverty. But we studied peut-on étudier une image? an image showing the wall separating the United States from Mexico, a brick was removed and she qui est "she"? reformulez, ce n'est pas clair invited a Mexican to come on the other side. This arm was that of Uncle Sam. He is a iconic figure in article USA, used for propaganda poster pluriel. Uncle Sam il manque un mot inviting a Mexican in xx USA event mal écrit if the wall is separating le présent simple irait mieux them.

The United States wants to welcome migrants for labor, however, these refugees face racist acts by the locals. We listened to an audio about racism today. Today, many people think that racism no longer exists since the end of the 1960s civil war. la guerre civile (Guerre de Secession) ne date pas des années 1960 Yet, many immigrants encounter the problem of racism. According to the point of view of "exprimé dans" this video, African-Americans should not enjoy the same rights because that ne traduisez pas littéralement "parce que" these refugees are there to take their work and do not always speak their language. il y a là une confusion, les "African-Americans" ne sont pas des réfugiés, ils sont en général nés aux USA et parlent anglais
While the cartoonist unknown ordre des mots is painting out that the jobs immigrants "take" are those most Americans would be unwilling to do underpaid, backbreaking and unrewarding : gardener, diver, butcher ...

In conclusion, on one hand immigration possesses on ne "possède" pas des avantages à mon avis many advantages to escape from his or her country of origin and to be able to survive. It offered pourquoi le prétérit? many things as the l'article est-il justifié, les noms qui suivent ont un sens général? freedom, work and success. Nevertheless, the American dream turned in autre préposition a nightmare because of racism on the one d'une part, d'autre part hand.

Réponse : Oral/Spaces and Exchanges de cassou2707, postée le 01-05-2019 à 14:05:11 (S | E)
merci beaucoup !


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