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Oral/Places and Forms of Power

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Oral/Places and Forms of Power
Message de cassou2707 posté le 30-04-2019 à 19:58:00 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Pour la seconde et dernière fois j'aurais mon texte pour l'oral d'anglais pour le Bac à faire corriger s'il vous plait.
Merci beaucoup pour les aux personnes qui vont m'aider à me faire voir mes fautes.

I am going to talk about the notion Place and Forms of Power. The notion of power generally implies a basic division between those who have and exercise it and those who have little of it none. Its members accept laws and symbolics places. The counter-power can change the balance of power and make people's voice hears and taken into account
In what ways women managed to gradually take of power?
For a very long time women were considered inferior to men. However, they defended themselves and wanted to show that a woman could be at the same level as a man.

I chose music of The Beatles, She’s Leaving Home : The lyrics tell the story of a girl who is running away from home. She leaves a note for her parents to explain this decision. When they find it, they are shoked and don't understand what made her leave them. They feel they have alway done everything they could and sacrificed their lives for her and bought her everything she needed. The fact that there are two separate narrative voices in the song underlines the division between the two generations.

Infact, women began to revolt, especially during the world wars thanks to propaganda posters. In the first poster, during the World War One, the men is present. Women were asked to join the Land Army and take part in the war effort to feed the nation.
The second poster evolved in the second world war, Rosie The Riveter, an iconic figure invites every American woman to work in ammunition factories. Bold stance, determind look, woman as strong as men. His slogan is “We can do it” and men is absent. It was a pivotal moment in the history of women in the warplace. It shows that women capable working in factories and using heavy machines.
Norman Rockwell’s painted Rosie the Riveter for the cover of the Saturday Evening Post on Memorial Day, May 29, 1943. Rockwell’s illustration features a brawny woman taking her lunch break with a rivet gun on her lap, beneath her a copy of Hitler’s manifesto, Mein Kampf and a lunch pail labled “Rosie”.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you about a feminist actress, Emma Watson. She encourages men to engage against the inequalities suffered by women
She is a feminist figure of the 21st century and she said "the belief that men and women should enjoy the same rights and opportunities". However, we can see still inequalities between men and women despite a rise to power of women.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2019 22:41

Réponse : Oral/Places and Forms of Power de cassou2707, postée le 01-05-2019 à 14:53:01 (S | E)

Réponse : Oral/Places and Forms of Power de gerondif, postée le 01-05-2019 à 15:39:09 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
I am going to talk about the notion Place and Forms of Power. The notion of power generally implies a basic division between those who have and exercise it and those who have little or none of it. Its members accept laws and symbolics(mauvais adjectif, les adj ne prennent pas le pluriel) places. The counter-power can change the balance of power and make people's voice hears(participe passé) and taken into account.
In what ways women managed (forme interrogative en style direct)to gradually take of(à ôter) power?
For a very long time women were considered inferior to men. However, they defended themselves and wanted to show that a woman could be at the same level as a man.

I chose music of(by) The Beatles, She’s Leaving Home : The lyrics tell the story of a girl who is running away from home. She leaves a note for her parents to explain this decision. When they find it, they are shocked and don't understand what made her leave them. They feel they have always done everything they could and sacrificed their lives for her and bought her everything she needed. The fact that there are two separate narrative voices in the song underlines the division between the two generations.(sauf que là, c'est plus la relation parents enfants que l'inégalité des femmes par rapport aux hommes. Après tout, ça aurait pu être un garçon qui quitte le nid)

In fact, women began to revolt, especially during the world wars thanks to propaganda posters. In the first poster, during the first World War One,(soit on dit during world war one, soit during the first world wzar) the men is(the est en trop et men est pluriel pour un verbe au singulier! à éviter !) present. Women were asked to join the Land Army and take part in the war effort to feed the nation.
The second poster evolved in the second world war : Rosie The Riveter, an iconic figure invites every American woman to work in ammunition factories. Bold stance, determined look, woman as strong as men (bizarre, cette suite de mots sans construction ou verbe). His( his = propriétaire masculin ! Her pour une femme, its pour un objet)) slogan is “We can do it” and men is absent. It was a pivotal moment in the history of women in the warplace. It shows that women were capable working in factories and using heavy machines.
Norman Rockwell’s(impossible de mettre un présent perfect en has si 's était cela, avec une date) painted Rosie the Riveter for the cover of the Saturday Evening Post on Memorial Day, May 29, 1943. Rockwell’s illustration features a brawny woman taking her lunch break with a rivet gun on her lap, beneath her a copy of Hitler’s manifesto, Mein Kampf and a lunch pail labled(labelled) “Rosie”.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you about a feminist actress, Emma Watson. She encourages men to engage against the inequalities suffered by women
She is a feminist figure of the 21st century and she said(she expressed, on ne dit pas une croyance) "the belief that men and women should enjoy the same rights and opportunities". However, we can see still(inversez) inequalities between men and women despite a rise to power of women.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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