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Present continuous/duration

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Present continuous/duration
Message from mohammad51 posted on 01-05-2019 at 00:47:12 (D | E | F)
is it correct to use the present continuous with for?
Example :
I am travelling for three weeks.
Thank you in advance.

Edited by lucile83 on 01-05-2019 08:25

Re: Present continuous/duration from gerondif, posted on 01-05-2019 at 10:41:11 (D | E)
"I will be travelling for three weeks" would be used if you haven't started yet, or have just started.
"I am travelling, I have been travelling for three weeks" would be used if you started travelling three weeks ago and are still travelling.
I am on the road for three weeks, ok I am travelling for three weeks ok even if it sounds odd, you describe something that has been planned but without attaching too much importance to it, you just mention it on the phone...

Re: Present continuous/duration from mohammad51, posted on 01-05-2019 at 12:44:45 (D | E)
Thank you very much dear teacher gerondif
I am always indebted to you and gratified.
also, I think it is odd to use duration with the present continuous. In addition to the present perfect \ continuous, I noticed with past simple also it is used. The last example you mentioned is helpful.

I am on the road for three weeks, ok I am travelling for three weeks ok even if it sounds odd, you describe something that has been planned but without attaching too much importaznce to it, you just mention it on the phone...

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Forum > English only


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