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Avis/Espaces et échanges
Message de leahlor posté le 01-05-2019 à 15:35:39 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous.
Je me doute que ce genre de demande abondent en ce moment, mais j’aimerais également un avis sur une de mes synthèses d’anglais concernant la notion « espaces et échanges ». J’aimerais savoir si c’est cela que les professeurs attendent de nous, et j’aimerais que vous me fassiez part de mes plus grosses erreurs (sans pour autant tout corriger évidemment).
Merci beaucoup d'avance.

Introduction : Global City, is a city which is a primary node in the global economic network. The concept comes from geography and urban studies, and the idea that globalization is created, facilitated, and enacted in strategic geographic locales according to a hierarchy of importance to the operation of the global system of finance and trade. Today, the global cities are bigger than ever and they grow every day : New York, Shanghai, London, Paris, Singapore for examples, but in 2019 everybody know that the planet isn't going well because of us, a result of the pollution which has taken the global city. These two fact reveal a real questions : what are the issues of global cities development ? We will see in a first part that global cities are a chance for their inhabitants and in a second part we will see that global cities generates a lot of problems.

I - Global cities : a chance for their inhabitants
The first global city as we've seen in class is London which numbers of inhabitants was already ! Global cities are really dynamic and it's the place to find a job especially if you are young and graduated. Even if you are a foreigner global cities will have opportunities for you, in Singapore foreigners represents a fifth of its 4.5 millions residents and in general Global cities are really multicultural as we saw in class, diversity is the motto of global cities, these are a magnets for nationals and foreigners and you can hear a lot of languages by walking into the streets of a global cities. This is in part due to their world class universities like the university of Oxford and Cambridge near London who were respectively the first and the second universities in the times higher educations classement. In the century of Globalisation, global cities are internationals marketplaces and leaders in the world economy, the stock exchange of Shanghai, New York or London are one of the biggest stock exchange where billions travels every day. The development of global cities across the world face the same problems as we will see.

II - global cities problems
In class we listened a recording and saw a document which describes the fog in London, this fog caused by factories was so thick and poisonous that people often fall into the Thames because they couldn't see where they walked and many people had gone to the hospital because the fog caused them an pulmonary infection. Today in global cities the fog is less thicker but still poisonous and in the world 1 death out of 10 is caused by air pollution, due notably to traffic. There is so much peoples in global cities that everything is victim of congestion : the road are full so commuting is difficult, houses are full and cost a lot of money so middle class people are forced to live in outer boroughs as we saw in class, the populations who live in the outer boroughs of London has doubled in between 1900 and 2000. In developing countries like India or China, poor peoples who can't afford an outer boroughs house must lived in some slums in the heart of the city like in Mumbai.

Conclusion : we've seen the main issues of global cities development, the all planet is at the edge of making a choice : continue to live like that and destroy the planet or thinking about a new way to develop world economy by reducing the carbon footprint or traffic, The growth of global cities has brought a wealth of cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity, helping to enrich everyday life and open new possibilities of exchange but Global cities must find a way to create a sustainable clean environment in a near future to continue their growth.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2019 17:32

Réponse : Avis/Espaces et échanges de leahlor, postée le 07-05-2019 à 13:33:59 (S | E)
S’il vous plait ?

Réponse : Avis/Espaces et échanges de lucile83, postée le 07-05-2019 à 23:17:42 (S | E)

Réponse : Avis/Espaces et échanges de laure95, postée le 08-05-2019 à 11:21:01 (S | E)
Introduction :
- locales: ?
- Today, the (pas de the)global cities are bigger than ever and they grow (présent perfect) every day
- for examples: singulier.
- everybody know: faute de conjugaison.
- a result of the pollution which has taken (chercher un verbe plus précis)the global city.
- These two fact (pluriel)reveal a real questions ( a+ singulier)
- global cities générâtes (faute de conjugaison) a lot of problems.

Dans l'introduction, vous devez définir les termes de la notion.
Votre thème est trop développé. Il doit être juste présenté brièvement.

I - Global cities : a chance for their inhabitants
The first global city as (enelver as)we've seen in class
- London which (pas le bon relatif)numbers (singulier)of inhabitants was already !
- foreigners represents (faute de conjugaison) a fifth of its 4.5 millions résidents
- (article)diversity is the motto of global cities,
- a magnets: a + singulier.
- a global cities.
- in the times higher educations classement: ?
- In the century of Globalisation: mal dit.
- global cities are internationals (singulier)marketplaces
-the stock exchange (pluriel) of Shanghai, New York or London are one of the biggest stock exchange (pluriel)
- where billions (of what?)travels (faute de conjugaison)every day.
- The development of global cities across the world face faute de conjugaison)the same problems as we will see.

II - global cities problems
In class we listened (prépostion)a recording
- that people often fall (passé) into the Thames
- many people had gone (prétérit)to the hospital
- There is so much peoples: there is + singulier, people est déjà un mot au pluriel.
- the road (pluriel)are full
- houses are full
- the populations who live in the outer boroughs of London has (faute de conjugaison)doubled
- poor peoples
- who can't afford an outer boroughs house must lived: must + infinitif.

Conclusion :
- the all planet: the whole planet.

Réponse : Avis/Espaces et échanges de leahlor, postée le 08-05-2019 à 12:09:04 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de m’avoir aidé à améliorer ma synthèse! Je ferais bon usage de vos remarques, bonne journée!

Réponse : Avis/Espaces et échanges de gerold, postée le 08-05-2019 à 17:55:07 (S | E)

Laure, je ne connaissais pas non plus le mot "locale" mais, d'après l'Oxford Dictionary, cela signifie "A place where something happens or is set, or that has particular events associated with it." Je suppose qu'ici cela signifie seulement "lieu".

The concept comes from geography and urban studies, and the idea that globalization is created, facilitated, and enacted in strategic geographic locales according to a hierarchy of importance to the operation of the global system of finance and trade.

Leahlor, vous avez pris cette phrase à la limite du compréhensible dans un article de Wikipedia. C'est un risque, que ferez-vous si l'examinateur, qui ne sera sans doute pas un expert en "Global Cities", vous demande ce que vous voulez dire ? Essayez de trouver une définition plus simple.


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