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Aide/Mythes et héros 

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/Mythes et héros 
Message de leahlor posté le 01-05-2019 à 15:39:21 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous.
Je me doute que ce genre de demandes abondent en ce moment, mais j’aimerais également un avis sur une de mes synthèses d’anglais concernant la notion « Mythes et héros ». J’aimerais savoir si c’est cela que les professeurs attendent de nous, et j’aimerais que vous me fassiez part de mes plus grosses erreurs (sans pour autant tout corriger évidemment).
Merci beaucoup d'avance.

Intro : In 2019, many peoples tried and are trying to be in the US to start a new life, these movements are driven by the myth of the American Dream. This concept is really simple, the united states are a country where everywhere has got his chances to be wealthy and to have a good life condition if you work hard enough. Like I said many peoples want to go in America for that and many families are still in America for that, but a rumour say that the American dream is now a myth. We will see if the American dream is a myth or a reality ? In a first we will see that the American dream is still a reality and in a second part we will see that the American dream is a myth.

I - American dream reality
The origins of the American dream are coming from the pilgrims who crossed the Atlantics to escape European's persecutions, America is a new land so everything needs to be construct. The paintings "first thanksgiving" show us the pilgrim's hope because when they were in needs, Natives helped them to survive by teaching them how to produce wheat or to hunt. Everything was going smooth between the pilgrims and the natives. Many centuries after that episodes everyone still have faith in this land. Just before the 20th century many Irish fled their country because there was hunger and search a land where they could start a new life, free of their past and this land is America. We've seen in class a song of Bruce Springsteen called "American land" where he talks of this land and all this opportunities to have a better life like his family did when they fled Italy and Irish. Many immigrants have find a work in America like Matka's husband who work in a factory to build a new life for his family in the 30's. At the dawn of the 21th the immigrants came from Asia like Chinese immigrants or Indian immigrants, in class we've seen one special man : Fareed Zakaria, he grew up in India and came to the US for his studies, he had been accepted to Yale and Harvard University, the best universities in the world and now he works the time magazine and he has his self emission on CNN "Fareed Zakaria GPS". As we speak, America seems to be a paradise for immigrants but it's time to see the truth

II - American Dream truth
First, as we seen in class the immigrants before their entry in New York, must pass Ellis island's control. Ellis Island is a island on the Hudson River near the harbour, the government had transformed the island in a big border control, immigrants must have moneys, papers and they need to be in a good condition, if they had a disease or no money they were rejected, moreover immigrants must not have troubles with the police of their country. Even before these troubles, the travel was harassing like the letter of Sarah O'Connor said, immigrants travels on a crowded boat, many of persons didn't have a bed to sleep or roof to sheltered themselves. Today Ellis Island is a museum but the situation is the same for immigrants who come from south America, the journey is long, dangerous and when they finally arrive at the US border with Mexico the control are stricter then ever ! Moreover it's relatively easy to find a work in the US but the musical comedy west side story tell us that immigrants have lower wages than American and they have the worst work like assembly line work, some immigrants works harder and harder every day but they won't succeed as the first immigrants who came. The opposition between the peoples who doesn't want any more immigrants in the US and peoples who encourage them to come has reached his climax with the
election of Donald Trump who openly hate migrants especially hispanic ones and tell at the populations that immigrants are criminals : rapist and drug dealers. His famous project is to build a wall between Mexico and the US so immigrants can't cross the borders illegally.

Conclusion : as we've seen, immigrants still have faith in America but this is not anymore the land of opportunities where everyone can be a self made man, as for gun control Americans must do capital choices who will affect perhaps everyone in the world, these choices can be like restoring the American Dream or close the border to anyone and bury the dream of the founding fathers who wanted to create a land where peoples could start from rags to riches.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2019 17:30

Réponse : Aide/Mythes et héros  de leahlor, postée le 07-05-2019 à 13:33:13 (S | E)
S’il vous plait ?

Réponse : Aide/Mythes et héros  de vaiana, postée le 07-05-2019 à 19:32:16 (S | E)
Hello... here's the beginning

In 2019, Many peoples (spelling) HAVE tried and are trying to be in GO TO the US to start a new life; these movements are driven by the myth of the American Dream. This concept is really simple /straightforward, the united states are a country where everywhere haVE got his chances to be wealthy and to have a good life condition if THEY work hard enough. Like I said many peoples want to go in (wrong preposition) America for that and many families are still in America for that, but a rumour say (conjugation) that the American dream is now a myth. We will see if the American dream is EITHER a myth or a reality ? (that's not a question) In a first PART we will see that the American dream is still a reality and in a second ONE we will see that the American dream is a myth.

I - the American dream as a reality
The origins of the American dream are coming from (conjugation) the pilgrims who crossed the Atlantics (spelling) to escape European's persecutions, America is a new land so everything needs to be constructed... or built. The paintings "first thanksgiving" show us the pilgrim's hope because when they were in needs, Natives helped them to survive by teaching them how to produce wheat or to hunt. Everything was going smoothLY between the pilgrims and the natives. Many centuries after that episodes everyone still have faith in this land. Just before the 20th century, many Irish fled their country because there was hunger and search a land where they could start a new life, free of their past and this land TURNED OUT TO BE America. We've seen in class a song of (wrong preposition) Bruce Springsteen called "American land" where he talks ABOUT this land and all thESE opportunities to have a better life like his family did when they fled Italy and Irish. Many immigrants have find a work in America like Matka's husband who work in a factory to build a new life for his family in the 30's. At the dawn of the 21th CENTURY the immigrants came from Asia like Chinese immigrants or Indian ONES.

Réponse : Aide/Mythes et héros  de leahlor, postée le 07-05-2019 à 20:08:42 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup d’avoir pris ce temps pour moi! Je vais corriger


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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